
Husband, Father and Investor. Been in Crypto since 2017.
I blog about everything and everybody that is crypto; Twitter: @xrptwin

If you want to be a content provider, you have responsibilities. You cannot just write down what you want, especially when your name is at stake.

Crypto Eri, has a very good name in the market. No hype, no screaming, only facts and only truth. This is not easy work, it takes time and a lot of DYOR – Do Your Own Research.

I try, myself, to be a “good” researcher, but sometimes I get caught by the hype, by the “flashy article” with the greatest title, that pulls me in to tweet, retweet or share with my followers .....

I feel I have a responsibility also

I have been in this market already for a long time, so should be careful what to share and what NOT to share with the Crypto OG's , but specifically with the New people in this field. They can be hurt easily as they are still open for all the FUD, Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt that is written and the “scammy articles” that are shared.

But NONE of that when talking about Crypto Eri; she did not reach this point by sharing non-factual articles, she is known as a very factual YouTuber and definitely puts her in a special position: a position with a lot of followers that want to listen to her, when the notification message is shared that she has a new video out.

So the newest video of her, is it hype, is if fact, is it fluff ...... stupid question of course, reading the intro of this article ! ! !

Facts were checked three times and this is why Crypto Eri shared her video from the Financial Times:


Takes a lot of time, to issue these videos but she had to do it as the content, of the third video, was something she really wanted to publish.

This article with a lot of bold statements needed to be broken down as there are a lot of assumptions in the article and that is something you have to be very careful with. If you leave room for speculation, readers will form their own story, their own opinion and THAT is where FUD starts to live its own life;

Disinformation ! ! !

When money is involved, investments, digital assets, you better be sure you are writing truthfully as people WILL get hurt ! ! !

This video is incredible, as Crypto Eri is sharing what it takes to be a researcher, what it takes to debunk false information, what it takes to be a great researcher. Helping others “reading” the information correctly as her love for the industry, for the individual digital asset is so big, she does not want to see anybody get hurt .......

Okay, XRPTwin talking here: Did I have contact with Crypto Eri before I wrote this article:


Did Crypto Eri ask me to write a positive article about her:


It is 07:28 in the morning at this time, I woke up, opened my computer, saw the article and just started writing ! ! !

The content of the article I am not going to write TOO much about it, nor does Crypto Eri, but the video is 12 minutes and 13 seconds long and Crypto Eri really starts to talk about the article 6 ½ minutes in.... and throughout the video it becomes clear that the article has some false statement in it

First showing us the level of the article, the writer of the article, before she is actually telling us ABOUT the article ! ! !

Debunking an article about Brad Garlinghouse is probably the best ..... to do with the person himself, so that is what she is doing.

Sharing facts ! ! !

Brad Garlinghouse shares 4 tweets himself dealing with the article and Crypto Eri shares all 4 with us ....

Even a tweet about Brad's Twitter handle

..... you have to share truth vs. not truth ...

Crypto Eri shares that you have to stop the nonsense immediately otherwise it is going to lead their own life and I will share a story that was not debunked fast enough and I will mention here for the last time .....

A couple years ago a lot of people claimed that Mr. Kitao, CEO SBI, shared XRP would jump to 10 dollars in the blink of an eye ....... Well, he never did, it just kept simmering and was not debunked immediately, so people kept on talking about it, it started living its own life and well today, people still mention it, maybe as a joke, but still mentioning it ! ! ! And I know Crypto Eri has tried to debunk THAT story more than once ! ! !

This video shows a different side of Crypto Eri, the Researcher Eri, the Truth Eri. Definitely check this document out as it shows you what it takes to be a good researcher.

For now I say Sayonara but also:

**STAY SAFE ! ! !

[*Source Header***](https://thelivingtruthfellowship.org/what-is-truth/the-truth-the-whole-truth-and-nothing-but-the-truth/)

October 17 last year I was fortunate enough to write a blog together with Hodor. Hodor a legend among the XRPCommunity is very knowledgeable regarding the whole Ripple and XRP eco-system and an amazing blogger. He decided to change his direction, but I was very lucky bringing in a blog written together .... It was all about Corridors and if you would like to give it a read ..... it is right here


In the blog, ODL had just been launched and the three separate terms x-Current, x-Rapid and x-Via were all colliding in the three letter word: ODL – On Demand Liquidity. It became the 3 magic words of the end of 2019 / 2020 and has been written about in multiple social media sources !

In our blog we also mentioned H_M_X:


So, mentioned last year, I wanted to know a bit more about this account, the person behind the account, so let's find out MORE about this person ....

First of all, if you are into XRP and into ODL, you should, need to give H_M_X (PayID: pay$hmatejx.github.io) a follow:

Let's go into the world called On Demand Liquidity:


Can you please introduce yourself in a couple sentences ? ? ?


I prefer not to speak about myself online. Suffice it to say that I'm a scientist by training and by heart and me and my team (who I'm extremely proud of) work on topics that impact lives worldwide.

I am also one of those idiots who dipped his toes into BTC by following an online tech news article (I think it was featured on Slashdot, I'm not sure anymore).

I installed the client, took some BTC from faucet (if I recall correctly it was 5 BTC), only to delete everything the next day thinking to myself 'what a stupid idea'. I did not take the time to understand it. I thought it was about electronic money and it looked to me like a solution looking for a problem.

Only in 2017 did I read about crypto again and grasped the concepts of, distributed ledger, consensus, immutability and trust buried beneath the hype. I was floored and hooked ever since.


When did you start to get interested in Ripple / XRP ? ? ?


I got interested in XRP soon after I got interested in crypto in general. I don't remember exactly what got me interested. I think I’ve read a lot of forum discussions, found XRPChat that way, and I really liked the ideas (decentralised exchange, IOUs, speed, low fees).


I saw the same ideas also in Stellar (which is another one I follow), with a slightly different twist (e.g. rolling up multiple operations into a transactions – Ripple would benefit from that as well!).


What other coins have your interest, if any ? ? ?


I am interested in many. I don't hold all of them. Some, for example, I consider still too early in the game, I may get a bag once the initial hype is forgotten. I don’t have much time to investigate, so I read a lot of other peoples analyses as a filter, and I start from there.


What partnership with Ripple interests you the most ? ? ?


I don't have a particular interest in any specific partnership. I'm a 'big picture' kind of person. What matters to me is seeing the continued direction towards growth and evolution in all aspects, from partnerships to regulations.

That being said, the MoneyGram partnership stands out at the moment because I see it as a proving ground for the ODL component of XRP's value proposition (only one of many!).

In my opinion this proving phase was very successful, and now I am eagerly awaiting the next phase.



Let's first start with x-Current x-Rapid x-Via, when did you start looking at this


I was completely unfamiliar with the remittance and cross-border payment landscape before crypto. I needed to do a bit reading-up to fill my knowledge gap. Reading XRPChat, I learned about Ripple strategy and their commercial offerings.

Their approach to bootstrap XRP as “the ultimate bridge asset” through offering solutions that seamlessly cover other relevant aspects first, makes complete sense to me.

Source 1, Source 2, Source 3


ODL, changed the whole game .... probably it all started with Ripplenet 2.0, when all products were combined, when did you start following the corridors?


The idea that I can scan through the public ledger came to my mind in late 2018. My first attempts were directed at Stellar, not Ripple. I wanted to see what is happening with IBM World Wire. I made some coding to make a local database that I could query Stellar’s ledger.

Disappointed that I could not find any significant volume, I abandoned the task for a while. In April of 2019 I took it up again, but this time with Ripple, to see if I’m more successful there. My attempt was much easier due to the great work by @WietseWind

publishing the XRPL as a Google Big Query dataset.

Please pick the correct Wietse Wind ! ! !

I immediately found some interesting signals. I also correlated the signals with exchange buys and sells, so I was as certain as one can be that I’m looking at genuine x-Rapid (ODL as we call it now). When in June the Ripple + MGI announcement came, I had all the tooling and I was ready to monitor them closely.


Can you say something about the individual Corridors – Mexico / Philippines / Australia/ Thailand ?



The Mexico and Philippines corridors are still the most developed ones. They are also the oldest one (remember, Ripple was experimenting with Mexico already with Cualix in 2017/18).

Australia came up quickly afterwards. We see strong indication that Thailand is currently developing.


What about Brazil / Japan / Nigeria / Europe



Ripple also hinted at Brazil, but I did not see any conclusive signal yet.

There are also early signals of Korea developing. I think everyone is eagerly awaiting what happens with Japan. I, along many others, monitor all major Japanese exchanges (not only SBI VC).

On the other hand, I think Stellar has the upper hand in Nigeria and Brazil currently. I see increased trade and payment volume in these currencies on Stellar’s ledger corresponding with the associated announcements.


What has been the best of 2020 ..... so far?


Limiting the scope to Crypto, for me it was the apparently concerted release of announcements in mid-July concerning development of regulations.



What will be the best of 2020 ..... the remainder of it?


The best is yet to come.

I believe we will see further regulations and announcements that will solidify the proposal that:

Crypto and DLT is here to stay and not only a passing fad.


Regarding the virus has it affected the blockchain world positively or negatively


I think the virus acted as a catalyst, but I think the positive impact is often overstated. Globally speaking, there are other issues as a result of the virus that are more pressing and therefore more in focus.



We worked together before in a piece I did together with Hodor, about corridors, about ODL .... it was just launched .... Are you still in contact with Hodor?


No, unfortunately I did not stay in contact. I respected his wish to step out. I miss his work, he was a big inspiration for me.


Where is ODL going to take us this year and will ODL ever be a price mover for XRP?


I believe we will see ODL getting back and beyond the volume we saw in May.

At the same time, this will not yet impact the XRP price through the envisioned mechanisms both David Schwartz and Bob Way talked about. The volume needs to be at least a few % of the total XRP payment volume to have leverage. I don’t know the exact %, I did not do any modelling (too many unknowns for me at the moment).

I think there is high probability that ODL will be a price mover. But we will see price increases way before the ODL effect kicks in. This will mainly be driven by speculation, which will be in turn also be supported and justified by the increased ODL volume, in a kind of a virtuous cycle.



A couple weeks ago, the XRPCommunity noticed overall ODL went down dramatically. This was explained as a decrease in high value transactions; low value in high volume is “the new ODL” .... what do you think about that?



At the moment I am looking at the data. The dramatic decrease does not bother me at all. The way ODL was used up until now had nothing to do with the actual value proposition – sending and settling individual payments. I am monitoring the situation through charting in various data analytic tools, so any change of patterns is really easy to spot.


So, H_M_X, Would you like to give your opinion on the following picture; it appeared On Twitter 2 days ago ? ? ?


I was really excited to see these new patterns being explored. Sending multiple ~30 USD transactions is much closer to the actual ODL value proposition (totally remove pre-funding).


the volumes we are seeing today discussed:




and here


are still far below what the actual picture will look like as this gets scaled out. This is also evident by MGI and others still sending large amounts of batched payments, ostensively to reload their pre-funding accounts.


While you are at it, let's look at another picture and eh .... care to respond ? ? ?


What we ODL monitors routinely notice is that newer and newer destination tags get involved. Sometimes this indicates that the same ODL customers are expanding to other corridors (i.e. using their accounts on additional exchanges). Other times we have reason to believe that new (and as of yet unknown) customers have joined the party.


Anything to add?


Not really. Only that I hate the rampant tribalism in the crypto space.

There is no need for us vs. them

My motto is: may the best solutions win. And make no mistake, this will be a dynamic equilibrium. The winners of today may be the losers of tomorrow.


Thank you for your time and efforts filling this out. It is amazing how responsive you have been and definitely showing some more light in the darkness called ODL ! ! !

I appreciate your answers and would love to talk again when the corridors are lightning up more than what they do at the moment

For now:



My first post about becoming green has been a long time ago. I am quiet amazed I am still here ...... such a long period of green and I am still around ..... looking for red. No, I am not shorting the market, but I am looking for red ...... red tomatoes.

Once again, this is all where it started in May:

The plants in the breeding box

Getting bigger and bigger

The hanging bell peppers

Not only tomatoes in there, but the smaller ones, front left ...... bell pepper (green pepper), one I would love to grow as I am very fond it.

In my mind it has been longer, but probably the same as you guys .... it seems that the days are longer, but ......... it is already August. The June and July months have past in a heart beat but seems forever ..... Time does go pretty quick ... yesterday was a year that Jeffrey Epstein left this earth ...... I hear you thinking ..... ONE YEAR ALREADY ! ! !

How many days have I thought, it is over, it is dead, nothing will happen ....... green tomatoes, well, maybe I did something wrong, I should have given more water, less water, food nutrition.....

Another maybe wrong turn taken by me ..... holiday. If you go for holiday, you might want to ask a befriended neighbour, family member or green fingered person, to look after your little baby, but nothing of that, just go on holiday without even thinking about your precious green babies ! ! ! Hard, Cold (not in temperature) leaving the plants behind without a thought ! ! !

Coming back home, yes, some yellow leaves, brown leaves, dead leaves. It had been a really warm week, so screaming for water, well was one of the first things done coming home again. Well, we are two weeks in again and these are the newest pictures of my green project ...... hold on, TWO green projects where one needs to be a red project:

Well, a little longer and the market is going to be hopefully more RED :-0

Just a little update on what I actually have “hanging”:

If you want to read about the whole journey:

  1. Green like the market 2Day ! ! !

  2. Green Green Green

  3. G R E E N ! ! !

This interview has been long due, but well, it just did not happen .... yet. So I tweeted Bob and I don't like to sent out personal messages I receive back but I would like to share Bob's answer:

Wow, I felt good about that.

Well, that was a couple days/ weeks/ months/ years ago (you fill in the period) and I caught Bob on an airport last month, so it all turned out great.

Talking about a visionary person ... wow wow wow. Very busy, so lucky I caught him. Let's jump into the interview as Bob doesn't have a lot of time ...... eh wait .... Bob is done. Let's go for it, we can do the interview now in our own time, so:



Can you please introduce yourself ? ? ?

Bob Ras:

Bob Ras, Co-Creator of Sologenic DeFi ecosystem and Co-founder of CoinField.


Before heading Coinfield, you were CEO at Hardex for 10 years. How has this helped you in your current role ? ? ?


Bob Ras:

I’ve founded many companies from scratch ranging from Manufacturing to tech startups. I had a few successful exits.


What has been your biggest surprise/frustration moving from the manufacturing/marketing industry to the blockchain/tech side of business ? ? ?

Bob Ras:

Although the manufacturing industry is very different from tech, but if the goal is to disrupt the industry then they will become very similar at least in how to expand them.



When did you get plans for Coinfield ? ? ?

Bob Ras:

The idea popped up sometimes in 2017, but putting a team together to develop the platform from scratch was a bit time consuming, that was the reason we’ve missed the golden time of December 2017 and we were probably not as lucky as Binance. If i could go back to those days, I would’ve probably launched with a White label platform to have a faster Go-to-Market while we were developing our own platform.



Where is Coinfield heading ? ? ?

Bob Ras:

CoinField's ultimate goal is to create a modern financial platform for the new era.



Partnership with Ripple, how did this happen ? ? ?

Bob Ras:

We’ve been in touch with the Ripple labs since the beginning of 2018. I’ve always been an XRP supporter and as a matter of fact that’s how I got interested in blockchain. What Ripple is building is certainly a revolution in finance and cross border payments, but obviously just like any new technology it will take sometimes to be adopted globally.


Why did you choose the XRPL and were there any other considerations ? ? ?

Bob Ras:

Today, many Blockchain technologies exist, offering niches and uniqueness in many different aspects. When we created the technical requirements of this project, it became self-evident that the XRP Ledger is, in fact, the most scalable blockchain that offers the technologies and tools required to build the Sologenic ecosystem. After all, we think XRPL is built to cater to this exact system for the following reasons:

Censorship-Resistant Transaction Processing

Fast & Efficient Consensus Algorithm

Responsible Software Governance

Secure, Adaptable Cryptography

Modern Features for Smart Contracts

On-Ledger Decentralised Exchange


SoloGenic, can you share some more info about this project ? ? ?

Bob Ras:

Sologenic simply is merging traditional financial markets with crypto. The ultimate goal of Sologenic is to build a fully regulated DeFI ecosystem that can be adopted by financial institutions globally.



Will you be the first to market with a commercial product: “Tokenised Stocks” ? ? ?

Bob Ras:

There might be one or two other ecosystems which try to tokenise assets on the ERC20 network, but it is not as sophisticated as Sologenic. Sologenic offers a wide range of assets from top 30 stock exchanges. There will be some extremely valuable addition to the Sologenic ecosystem which we have not announced yet. Sologenic is going to revolutionise the traditional financial industry.



Is there a timeframe for launching Sologenic? Will it be a limited or full rollout and why? Has there been any resistance to tokenising stocks from the brokerage or investor community ? ? ?

Bob Ras:

Sologenic has many different components which some of them have already launched and some of them are already in development. We follow our roadmap closely and will launch each component within the timeframe specified.


Is it only tokenised stock or does it cover tokenised real estate ? ? ?

Bob Ras:

Well, we start with tokenising stocks, ETFs and Commodities and we will certainly expand to other assets. We just build the required infrastructure to tokenise the world.



Will you be able to buy stocks/tokens with Crypto from the get-go And what will the fees /charges be like? I can imagine such a new concept will be expensive to transact for the short mid term. Or will you offer something like a monthly subscription .... 1 fee, as many trades as a person likes ? ? ?

Bob Ras:

The idea is to make this as affordable as possible so it can be adopted by financial institutions as well as retail customers. It is too early to talk about the fees.


Will the tokenised stocks traded on the XRPL DEX be synthetic assets or actual tokenised versions of the stock (with ownership rights) ? ? ?

Bob Ras:

There will be the actual tokenised version of the stocks. The Stocks will be in the custody of a very well-known brokerage house in the UK under a Trust shell entity to safeguard the clients’ assets. Safeguarding clients’ assets is one of the major discussions with the regulator when it comes to obtaining a MiFID license.


Will those be different than the tokenised stocks traded on Coinfield’s licensed securities exchange ? ? ?

Bob Ras:

No securities will be traded on CoinField. Sologenic will have its own platform and DEX along with all the required licenses.


What's the hold up with coming to the United States; only regulations .... any timeframe ? ? ?

Bob Ras:

US! Sounds like our end goal. Unfortunately the US market is extremely complicated when it comes to offering financial services. The fact that we have to obtain a license in every state makes this very time consuming, but we are working on this! I hope we can serve our great American fellows in 2021-2022.



A Crypto exchange and tokenisation of assets platform seems like a huge endeavour, what new products are on the horizon ? ? ?

Bob Ras:

Many different products are in the pipeline. We’re actually launching a very existing project with one of the independent XRP ledger development companies. I think we may announce it in August.



You shared with us before Coinfield will open up offices abroad; is this still going to happen; and when can we hear the first offices open, has the Pandemic been a hold up ? ? ?

Bob Ras:

So far our HQ is located in Tallinn Estonia, but we’re working on some new offices directly and through our Franchisees. Perhaps Mexico very soon.



In the past “you have been seen with Curis Wang” publicly , both Coinfield and Bitrue are running validators , any chance of a collaboration or possible co-listing for BTR – Solo ? ? ?

Source 1

Source 2


Bob Ras:

Our team always looks to collaborate with other companies in Crypto space and we do not like to look at other teams as competitors. We’ve been collaborating with many other teams as you know.

Unfortunately it looks like Curis Wang looks at this in a different way and he probably feels we are a competitor than being a collaborator. Our team reached out to him to do a cross listing as the XRP community has demanded that many times, but he did not get back to our team and we’ve never followed up again!


Crypto news was full of it: Pay ID and CoinField joined Open Payments Coalition. Can you elaborate a little on this initiative ? ? ?


Bob Ras:

This was a 3-4 month collaboration between Ripple and CoinField.

I believe PayID is going to change the game.

We’re actually launching a very exciting project on PayID in collaboration with other XRPL developers very soon!

Well, I think some of the questions were tough, but I appreciate Bob being so transparent and willing to answer everything. I will watch Bob's Twitter account very closely because this month, maybe something is launched. We will see. Thank you Bob and good luck with all the different projects ..... good luck ! ! !

Source Header


and always:



Earlier this week I was asked by my brother in law if I wanted to join him visiting something he got for his birthday ..... Secretive but, after a little pushing,

“So Ferdi you wanna come with me ...... well, if , maybe ........ okay ! ! !”

I promised to join him.

So, last Friday, was the special day, in the morning we, Noah and myself, left the house at 07.00 and we had a little ride, only 35 minutes .... we went to the beach, but we did not see any sand .....


a lot of nice cars ! ! ! !

So when we went under the track and went through the tunnel:

Candy Land ! ! !

A lot of things would happen today. We were ready. Although I was only personal assistant, well that is what they call it, I was so ready to have a fun day, with a lot of exotic cars ! ! !

We had to join group D, that had 17 people .... Many things were discussed, I did not pay attention, all those cars ..... candy candy candy ! ! !

I heard many nice terms that were going to be part of the day: Drifting, Super Car Driving, Drag Racing, Carting, Ice Driving, Water Sliding, Race Car Driving ...... Noah was running and pointing:


It was fun to see ! ! !

So Noah's Uncle was going to start with Ice Riding .... checking what it is to drive on ice. The back wheels were attached to little cart wheels and were reenacting driving on ice ....

Well, let me tell you, that was really funny to see. As long as you are pushing the gas from time to time, you are okay ..... well that did not happen all of the time. Little clip of Uncle M's “driving on ice”


This was the slowest people were going to drive today, so they should enjoy it to the max ! ! !

Next challenge, driving with water. As this happens a lot in the Netherlands, we have a lot of rain, this always helps you. Steering the wrong way, according to your knowledge ..... and hand break, full stop.

Everybody was allowed to have three tries and .... nobody did it correct the first try. It is just not natural to pull the hand break to make a full stop. Well, the camera catches everything and this was uncle M's third try:


Well, that was the idea, so P A S S ! ! !

Full day of nice things ....

Next stop: Go Karting .....

Go-Karting is nice, because you really have to do really wild things to mess up, so 6 people started ..... 5 minutes little track, nice ..... most guys were tearing it apart ..... Second race, was fun too, really competitive and that is what you want. Third race, 6 more, but wait ..... 6+6 +6 = 18 – 17 people there so .......


I put on a helmet and the game was ON ....... like Donkey Kong ! ! !

My task: squeaking tires and sweat on my forehead after the five minutes. I was so ready for it, got in the last Go-Kart and here I come .... Green light and while pushing to the first turn, I already passed the first go-kart ..... Turn 2, took it short, squeaking tires, little break, already third position and now the race was on .... loved it .... I was in my element and there was no stopping ........ actually there was ..... one of the slower drivers went sideways and blocked the track, yellow flag. So we had stop at Start – Finish, so that as a winning move,

went into the box, got some new tires and fuel

..... eh no, that did not really happen ! ! ! So waiting for the green flag again and ...... off we went ! ! ! Had my flying move again in the first turn, and YES, I was leading the pack, this Lewis Hamilton was showing his back, not to be seen anymore. And that is where the story stops, because I DID finish first ! ! !

You guest right, that first person is ME ! !

Good to know that out of the 17 people in the group the 06 DUDES with the biggest ..... you know what, ran to the go-karts in the first heat, so the really competitive driving was in the first ...... whatever .... I finished first ! ! !

Drifting .... That is something you will not do yourself, so you had to sit besides a driver ... 2 cars driving next to each other racing the track. Exciting it is ..... If you don't know exactly what is .... well, watch the following video:


This shot may have not been too close but there are parts where they were REALLY close together ! ! !

That was a shot from on the track, this is before Uncle M. went in, looks pretty relaxed ...

well, was a little different when he got out. Full of adrenaline ! ! !

One person actually had to vomit during the race. Good Uncle M. went before .... that race car was ready for the day ! ! !

So lunch time, the person that had to pray to the porcelain God during drifting had no lunch ! ! !

After lunch more stuff. Not to make this post too long, let's have some images from the remainder of the race day: This coming Wednesday I will have some more pictures of the event. Will be Coil Subscriber Only though, so get your 5 dollar a month subscription in and you support the XRP Movement ! ! !

So we had drag racing and a lot of cool cars to drive in ! ! !

Drag Racing ...... and Noah wanted to be part of it. He asked me if he was allowed to do the flag waving ..... well, if you want it, you have to make it happen, so there he went ......


Uncle M. did a lot of cool stuff:

Driving a fast 911

Driving a fast Formula I car ( the red one in the back).

Oh yes, he drove the blue Lambo ! ! !

I tell you we had an amazing day.... do I mind I did not drive myself, maybe a little but seeing uncle M. who has a great relationship with Noah, as a little child playing with his toys, and Noah having a great time...... is for me already event success ! ! !

People were still coming to the beach. This is what I saw beside me outside on the other side:

and ..................This is what I saw on the other side:

A very satisfied little boy, sleeping, probably dreaming of nice cars and his uncle. This was a great day and Wednesday, you will yet some more pictures


Although I still need to write about what happened during the day, on Friday, August 08, I really want to share our evening.

We had not seen friends for a long time, due to misunderstanding it has been too long since we were together; besides Covid, which has not helped. All water under the bridge so yesterday we sat down again ! ! ! We were at their place like around 4 in the afternoon.

Our friends have a house on the water and when it is above 30 degrees (90 degrees Fahrenheit), it is a place to chill, jump in the water when you want, drive a boat for a bit to get some wind through your hair or just relax ....

We did not really have plans for the evening so we decided to go out for dinner. A restaurant beside the river, perfect. Cool breeze and just a lot of fun ...

We spoke and spoke and spoke and suddenly a girl came of who wanted to play with our friends' daughter, a little over 2 years. The girl is kind of the nanny of her when they are on the “water house” and we decided to go to the horses and “ little” horses in the barn behind the restaurant.

Was fun to look at the horses, they were friendly and Noah, being a animal lover (you have to with such a name), was just petting it all over the horse's head and they really got it going :–)

When we walked back to the restaurant, we heard a cow making a lot of noise and it was a little bit of a “cry for help”, not a cow making a MOOOOHH sound ... We walked in and well, it just happened ! ! !

What happened, ....... this happened ! ! !

It was amazing, this new life that just started

Mother cow was licking her “daughter/ son” and it was just amazing ... Our friend's daughter was just screaming COW COW COW, and Noah was just talking, I think it is a boy, I think it is a boy ! ! !


The nanny said they probably had to get the farmer and yes, she got “her”; she was happy we were there, but you see they look different at new life. She just went in, cleaned the head, opened the mouth, rather harsh, and tried to put it on her/ his 4 feet.

No romantic, how are you doing momma cow, you did well,


You are such an incredible cute/ handsome little cow ! ! !

wham bam ..... and back to reality.

Incredible we just witnessed it and it made our night.

What has happened earlier that day; I will tell you tomorrow .....

Stay Safe ! ! !

Every coin has their specific TA professional. Some people are following every move of Bitcoin, XRP, or Ethereum, well I am going to highlight a TA Gentleman for VET ! ! !


We started to talk a couple weeks ago as we follow each other on Twitter and we have a lot of followers in common .... with a clear tie to one crypto asset: Vechain .... I am XRP, but I don't hide I have been invested in Vechain. Even shared my first Vechain trade here on Coil ....

Trust in Vechain

So this Technical Analyst: Saleh Ahmed

If you are on Twitter and if you are into VET/ VeChain, you must have run into him as he is well respected in the VeFam ! ! !


In my mind too few Followers, but after this post ...... he hopefully got some more ..... as you need to follow him to stay up to date on Vechain TA ...... Let's ask the good man some question .....

Hey Saleh:


Who are YOU ? ? ?


Well my name is Saleh, I live in England, and I work at a healthcare software development company.



How did You get involved in Crypto when, how , why ? ? ?


I've known about Crypto since 2014, but didn't have the financial capacity or knowledge to really enter the market – plus, I was in an apprenticeship, so that took all my focus.



We know each other from Vechain / VET, when did you get specifically into VET and why ? ? ?


I began researching into Crypto towards the end of 2016, and really began to see the potential going forward – especially because my entire career has been in the tech industry. I could see the dire need for change. VeChain caught my attention when I read an article that explained how VeChain can be used to reduce a lot of counterfeit, fraudulent activities in several industry, and when I learnt about supply chain tracking – that just grew my interest even more.



You are into TA, did this start with Crypto or have you done this with Stock also, please elaborate ? ? ?


It began with stock trading, I did it for 5 months on a demo account – starting with an equity of £1000 and turned over a profit over £83.4k in 2 months. That's when I opened a real account and began trading properly.



TA for Stock understandable, TA for Crypto ....... does that work, there are a lot of people that claim it cannot be done ? ? ?


It works, until Crypto goes parabolic – at that point, not much TA can be done accurately, purely because of the euphoria within the market, and the aspect of FOMO.



Following Fractals / looking at history, do you believe in this ? ? ?


Historical price movements, although they shouldn't really matter, the market cares – if the entire market cares, so should we. Similar to trend lines, do they already exist? No. Do they exist because the market decides, okay, here we sell, or here we buy? Yes.


Okay, back to VET What has been really surprising you, about Vechain related found details this year?




The best has to be the Walmart China partnership, that really put us on the radar of global economic powerhouses.


Can you say something about the project ON the Vechain Network, EHrT, OCE, PLA, SHA ? ? ?


Honestly, I don't know enough to make a comment on either of those.


Basically watch them I would say. OCE (OceanEX), exchange, mightiy interesting and EHrT (Eight Hours, pay attention, also because it will make a difference .... The Playtable will be Christmas Present 2020)



What about VeThor Token, can you say something about that? Should I sell that for VET ? ? ?


For now, I'm holding my VTHO – I've generated a more than decent amount of VTHO now that when the VTHO burn rate begins to make a difference in supply, I can make a rather great profit from it. I buy VET, I wouldn't convert my VTHO to VET.


The coolest thing that happened this year ? ? ?


I became a homeowner.


The coolest thing that CAN happen this year ? ? ?


VeChain gets to 0.50 and I pay off my mortgage within 6 months of taking it out.


What do you actually expect from 2020 ? ? ?


Between 0.10 and 0.50 would be more than great this year.



What can we expect from you in 2020 ? ? ?


Uhhh, I'll just carry on being me


In your opinion, does Corona help Crypto or slowdown ? ? ?


Corona helps, because the need and power of technology, speed and efficiency is showing now – and VeChain specific, trust in the sourcing of everything has never been more important.


A quick round of short questions / short answers

Oh, hold on this is ONLY for the Coil Subscriber, so if you want to learn more about VET, more about Saleh .... click here and become a Coil subscriber.

Saleh, thank you for this interview, hopefully people will start following you and see VET rise with you, thank you ! ! !

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The last couple weeks/ months I see video's, tweets, challenges that triggered me to find out more about this person.... She has been part of the XRPCommunity for ....??.... years and there is so much more behind the pictures, Cinnamon, Coil and the little bio on twitter:

I have had contact with The Mind, Untangled ..... Sandra for a long time and she took the time to answer. She wanted it to be perfect, and that takes time ! ! ! Let me share with you, she put everything in this interview ..... you, COIL reader will be amazed ! ! !

Well let's dive in, this is going to be a GOOD interview .... actually receiving all the answers from Sandra, I am amazed by her, what a story. Please join me in this little adventure:


Who are YOU ? ? ?


I am Sandra, also known as Sandy to my family and close friends. Growing up, I was always “Sandy” but when I moved out on my own to conquer the world, I kind of went to Sandra, because every time I would pronounce my name, “Sandy” people would question if it was “Andy” or ask me, “who?” …. I couldn’t pronounce my “s” right, and still can’t with some words, but I don’t take it so personally anymore.

I am in my 40th year and I share that with a twin sister, but I guess I’m also the “middle” child since I am 17 minutes older! Are we identical? Not if you look at us, but the whole way the egg thing was, it showed that we are! We have always been super close, we share a bond with each other that I can’t even describe. No, we can’t read each other’s minds, but it’s weird that sometimes it was almost like we felt that kind of connection. There have been a few times where she knew I was upset, and it just freaked me out! How the heck did she know? Too weird!!!

XRPTwin: Well I guess something in common, the Twin thing :–) , 2 minutes difference though, I am the middle one also, and that connection, it definitely is there ! ! !

I also have an older brother, and we are also very close. Him and his wife live in Nunavet, where they manage a business there! They come home for five weeks in the summer and that’s when we get to spend time with each other and catch up (even though we have quick chats every day!). We share a common ground – we both have Usher Syndrome, which to put in simple terms, is a combination of hearing loss and vision loss.

Since you ask about my vision in another question, I will get more into detail there.

My family is a “tight” family. We have always been incredibly supportive of each other. I seriously don’t know what I would have done if I didn’t have their love and support. We come from an Italian background (both my parents were born in Sicily, moved to Canada when they were really young)...I can’t speak the language, nor do I really understand it, but I picked up on the words that I needed to learn. If you know me, then you know that I love everything about being Italian – the food, the music, the language, and the country.

BUT, I do love that I am Canadian, growing up in Ontario, and especially during these times, I consider myself fortunate to be in Canada.


Let’s get to the now – I am a stay-at-home mom to three teenage girls, now ages 13, 14, and 16. I was married for seven years, and had my three girls. It was a bit of an ugly court process, and after a three day trial, I gained sole custody, so they are with me all of the time except every other weekend, and you know, the regular kind of schedule for holidays.

I remarried two years ago to Mark, and am also a stepmother to his children – ages 13, 15, 23, and 26. Mark’s two younger ones are with us 50 percent of the time – shared custody, and the two older boys are out on their own, but we see them a few times throughout the year!

XRPTwin: wow, busy times at the Sandra & Mark residence ! ! !

Mark and I met through our children – through school, four years ago now. It’s funny how life works, just when you least expect things to happen, they do. Three of our children are on the spectrum and one with Tourette’s. OCD and anxiety also run in our family, but, those are just labels, right? We are who we are, and we try to make the best of each day given to us!

I remember when I first met Mark, one of the things he said to me was that he was easy. We both found it easy being with each other and connected. We both understood what it was like raising children with challenges. We have both been through enough bullshit in our past and it was nice to finally meet someone who we could connect with. Now don’t get me wrong, nothing in life ever really comes easy, and we do have our moments, just like everyone does. But, we respect each other, we do things together, and we take it day by day.

These past four years that Mark and I have been together, we have been fortunate to travel and see the world. Some times have been with the children, but also some without. That’s one thing we have enjoyed, and it brings us joy to be able to experience different countries and their culture.



Over-simplifying or Over-complicating ? ? ?


Hmmmm…In whose eyes? Lol…where’s Mark? I should ask him! No, but in all honesty, maybe I’m “over-analysing”. Generally, I am easy-going, and damn, I don’t like drama, as no one does. I try to keep things as simple as I can, but truth be told – my mind gets tangled pretty easily with thoughts that I just sometimes can’t control, and really makes me over-analyse. I have to put myself in check and remind myself that “over-analysis leads to paralysis”.



You are big with TikTok, how did that start, what to like about it ? ? ?


I started doing TikTok pretty much when the pandemic started. I found that my anxiety was creeping in too much again, and I needed to do something “fun” to ease my mind in a different way.

Homeschooling five children is not an easy chore, especially when working with children with special needs. Some of my TikToks include my children, and it brings happiness. It is a “break” from the real world. It is acting, it is fun. I couldn’t put words down on paper, my writing on Coil decreased SIGNIFICANTLY, and my social media has been affected.

But I know that there are people I don’t even know who look to my pages for reassurance, and so I try to keep up with it as much as I can. I try to keep up with my friends that I have met through Coil as much as I can too, and even though I don’t comment on tweets because I’ve missed it, I do read the articles I am interested in.


I am one of those people who like to try different things – And I guess I change my mind a lot. I’m guilty, but that’s who I’ve always been and that’s who I am. I like to be spontaneous. And yes, that has affected past relationships, but I try to do things in life that make sense. To me. And my family. With the TikTok – it brings my family together for some laughs, you know? Especially through these times. It’s tough on the kids not being able to socialise and do the things they have been used to. It’s tough mentally, emotionally, and physically. And it’s tough as parents, so what do we do??! We try to bring laughter and joy into our lives. As a writer and influencer, I haven’t had much time to sit at my computer and think about what I want to write, so I make videos that allow me to laugh at myself, as well as those around me. I am happy to have been able to bring laughs to my family and friends through these times. It makes me happy, you know?


So your eyes are a bit of a problem. Can you share with us exactly what is wrong with them and what impact this has on your life ? ? ?


My eyes. Ah, my eyes. I mentioned that I have what you call, “Usher Syndrome”. A combination of Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) and hearing loss. So, RP is defined as gradual loss of vision leading to blindness. My peripheral vision is closing in and I have night blindness. I wear hearing aids but, my hearing hasn’t gotten worse, just the high pitched sounds a bit. When I don’t have my hearing aids on, the sounds are muffled, but I read lips so that has been a blessing.

Although with these masks now, it makes it tougher.


I have SO not thought about that. Reading lips in time of Covid-19 ..... yeah, that kinda defeats the purpose ! ! !

Experiencing vision loss hasn’t been easy, hence a major reason as to why I get anxious so easily. The hearing loss, okay – that’s been since I was five years old, so I know no different. But when I notice my vision closing in, I get scared. It’s natural to get scared, but if you want to be in my mind for just a second:

imagine if you’re in the kitchen sweeping the floor. You think you’re done, then you step in a pile that you missed because you didn’t see it.


if you open a cupboard to get something, but didn’t realise the fridge was open, and WHAM, you bonk your head right into it. Not fun, right?


when someone is trying to shake your hand or pass you something, you don’t see it and you feel like an ass because they’re there holding their hand out, and you’re just carrying on the conversation.

Well Sandra, the good thing about that ..... you are save and sound regarding Covid-19; no hand shaking, ultimate way of NOT touching ! ! !

Out in public, you trip over the curb, and people look at you funny and you get all embarrassed. Or you accidentally bump into the person you didn’t see standing RIGHT beside you. Or see the person wave to you (no, I’m not ignorant, I just didn’t see you!).

There are so many different ways that my vision loss has impacted my life. And it’s all a learning curve. I try to make jokes out of it – oh the damn wall, when did it get there? I put the blame on the object so as to forget the inner pain and fear I feel – the frustrations.

Losing my license hit me hard. I had to stop working because of transportation, relocating, and my mental health. I was a single mom of my girls when I lost my license, working as a paralegal in a prestigious law firm, and just like that – I couldn’t do it anymore. My life turned in an instant and I started going downhill fast.

Today now, I still have my “depressive” moments, I get all quiet and keep to myself for a bit, but then I talk about it and let out a good cry. I do things that can make me laugh. I write, sing, dance. Deep breaths. Sure, I don’t like going out unless I absolutely have to, it makes me nervous.

Home is my safe place.

I try not to think about it too much because I want my kids to enjoy life. I want them to be able to say, “If mom can do it, then I can”. I want them to know that shit happens in life, and sometimes, there’s just not a goddamn thing we can do about it.

So, I keep pushing forward.

I have to keep things where they are supposed to be/where they are left, or I’m spending too much time looking for it. And, I have had to and have, accepted that some things, I just can’t do anymore because it’s too hard. I understand sometimes my friends and family can’t understand why I don’t want to socialise sometimes, but I just don’t have the energy sometimes or the mentality. You know what I mean? I always say, “one day at a time. Baby steps.” That’s something I really do.


A typical day can you walk us through? ? ?


A typical day with five kids or three? Lol

A typical day is usually waking up, and as bad as it sounds, I HAVE to have my coffee and cigarette first thing.


I still wake up most mornings with my mind racing, heart pounding. It’s an uncomfortable feeling, but I get myself out of bed, and I get the day going.

Breakfast for the kids, whoever is awake. Since the pandemic, it’s been a bit out of sorts – the girls wake up at odd hours because they are awake playing games or chatting with friends at night, so that’s been tough, but

it seems like it’s the norm nowadays.

I mean, it’s not their fault the world did a flip! Lunch, videos in between, dinner. We watch tv at night, if we are not spending time at the trailer, where we will have a BBQ and play cards with my parents. The kids enjoy the swimming, fishing, and being outdoors. Biking, walks. I really don’t know how to describe a typical day here because it’s different every day! I just go with the flow. Mark has opened his store again (video store/bedding/meats and cheese), so I will bring him lunch and take smoke breaks with him as we chat about the day. Then, back with the kids. Showers. Laundry. Dishes. Cooking. It really is hard to describe.


One thing we do NOT know about you ? ? ?


Something you don’t know about me? There are lots of things lol. I haven’t shared my whole personal life through my blogging or speaking, but I will share this -

I like playing Black Jack

Mark and I both do, so we look at it as a date night for us when we don’t have the kids. We figure why spend the money on a movie or dinner when we can enjoy a night of cards for the same amount, and maybe even leave with extra?! It’s an interacting game – we sit at the same table and I’m one of those people who gets way too excited when I win on a hand so unexpected! I’ve done the double down when I shouldn’t have, yes, but it worked out for me AND the table, so it was all good! There was one time on a cruise we went on and the people all knew I was going to double down lol – it was fun! We’ve met couples and have had our share of fun! One time on a cruise, we entered a black jack tournament. I ended up winning and got a seat (worth $500 USD) to sit in the big black jack tournament on a seven day cruise!! The grand prize was $100K, but the timing was off. It was for September and I couldn’t go because of the responsibilities I have at home.

It’s okay though – everything happens for a reason

so maybe it wasn’t my time to go!! But we’ve made great friends playing cards, and it’s been really great!!


Last time you laughed SOOOO hard .... ? ? ?


Hahaha, the last time I laughed SOOOO hard is easy to remember.

With my mom, last week.

So I mentioned how we go there to play cards, right? We sit at the table, and sometimes, take breaks then get back to playing. If you know me, then you know that I’ve been the same weight throughout my years, and well, let’s just say, since this whole pandemic, I’ve gained a few pounds and some. I know it, my family knows it. Fine. Lol. So, this one particular time, I went to sit at the table, and my damn stomach hit it when I was going to sit down! This NEVER happened to me before…EVER, except for when I was pregnant. Makes sense. “Ma, do you see this? I’m telling you, I’ve gained weight. Watch, look at my stomach when I sit down.” So I showed her – up and down, up and down. My stomach kept hitting the table!! LOL

My mom just starts laughing, and so I start laughing!

OMG, and we both laughed harder, with tears coming out of our eyes. It was priceless, that moment!! It felt SO great to laugh out loud, and we couldn’t stop!!!! I love how it was with mom. My mom is so awesome!!


Last time you cried SOOOO hard .... ? ? ?


And so it comes to the last time when I cried SOOOO hard. Honestly, it was around Father’s Day, when I shared my TikTok video when I’m with my dad – “Stand By Me” is the song. I will say right now here too, my dad is so awesome!! It made me sad to watch the video I made, because it’s such a beautiful song, and I have such a close relationship with both my parents.

I worry about them and their health. I said to my mom that day, with tears streaming down my cheeks (okay, sobbing), “you both better not go anywhere anytime soon.” I just can’t think of that because they mean the world to me. I’m lucky they live close and I can spend time with them. Family is everything to me


Okay Okay ... we need to ask some crypto questions ! ! !



How did You get involved in crypto when, how , why ? ? ?


CRYPTO questions! I was first into Bitcoin, when Mark’s older son mentioned it to him, back in 2017. Mark and I both got into Bitcoin when it was the big hype. Then I started looking into more crypto and did some day trading but even that only lasted a few months – never enough hours in a day. But Mark was more interested in XRP and had mentioned that I should do my blogging on Coil. I never did look into it (because I already have my website theminduntangled.com, and didn’t think I needed to);


then he noticed Ken’s Tweet about Coil and the community group, which I decided to join, and the rest is history! I do all of my blogging on the Coil Platform now and have posted more and more of my videos on Cinnamon. Even though I am not a part of the community anymore, I have kept in contact with a few people who I call my friends.


What are your favourite 3 Crypto and why is that ? ? ?


I really don’t have three favourite crypto. Just Bitcoin and XRP. My mind is already tangled enough with everything else lol, I can’t keep up with all of the numbers! I am not a math person, and even when I was doing day trading, I always made sure with Mark I was doing the calculations right.


Have you been invested in Stock, Options, Trackers, Forwards, Futures, Wine, Cars or any other form of investment before Crypto and what is so hard / easy about it ? ? ?


Nope. Never. I thought about Futures, but then Crypto came along!


Motivation and Inspiration are key in your life. In time are those hard to find with everything that goes on in the world ? ? ?


You know what? Motivation and Inspiration are key in my life because I need it. I want it. It gives me positive feelings and helps me keep myself on track, and it’s something we ALL need in this world.

It’s been hard because

What do people want to hear about these days?

What are people thinking?

What are people doing?

The thing is, even with COVID, our lives don’t stop. Our thoughts don’t stop. Sure, it’s harder being able to do things, but if we turn that into something positive, then we can look at it that we get to spend quality time with our children, our families, the people we care about.

Everything that is going on in the world should be an eye opener, not an eye closer, if that makes sense? We can’t stop our lives because truth is, we still have to LIVE.


What can we expect of Sandra in the remainder of 2020 ? ? ?


Hmmm...I feel like I need to do another shift. I know, right? I’ve had some plans cooking on the back burner for quite some time now, and I hope to have that coming in the near future. But for now, I need to be here for my kids. I need to focus on them. As I mentioned earlier,

I am trying to stay current with the Coil Community, my writing, my videos.

Sometimes it gets overwhelming, so I slow down, but honestly. I can’t really say what’s going to happen. I live for each day and with the way 2020 has been so far, who knows what we can expect…?


What is a busy day for you ? ? ?


A busy day is every day.

Haha When you add in grocery shopping and laundry and cleaning, it’s busy. Even though the children are older, there’s still lots to do and get done.


The coolest thing that happened this year ? ? ?


The coolest thing that happened this year would have to be that I just got back from planning a last-minute fishing trip with Mark, the girls, and my parents.

THAT, was amazing!!!

We went to the Spanish River (northern Ontario west of Sudbury) and stayed at Vance’s Resort! A cottage all to ourselves, and no worries about having to wear our masks because there really was no one around. The people that were there stayed at their cottages, and their boats, and it was really just a great time! The weather was perfect, the boating and fishing was SO fun (although we only caught two that we were able to fry). But, I loved that I woke up every morning to sit on the deck and watch the still water, the birds chirping away. It was so quiet and peaceful. I didn’t have to think about anything out there, and I really wanted to stay longer, but we do have to come back to reality. I’m just glad we were able to get away for the few days!



What do you expect from 2020 ? ? ?


I don’t really expect much from 2020. I’m curious to see what happens in September with school, that’s for sure. I just don’t know how things will turn out.


Does Corona help Crypto or slowdown ? ? ?


Well, it hasn’t really changed the price of XRP, so I don’t think it has made much of an impact. I’m really honestly not one to have the knowledge to answer that. SORRY!!


WOW, I definitely liked that. Very extensive but a way to get a person better. Incredible what a person can go through but still be so positive in live. I have a lot of of respect for Sandra how she stands in life. I wish her, Mark and the 18 children only but the best, but I don't worry about that ! ! ! They are so good with each other, they can overcome everything, Thank you Sandra, amazing ! ! !

So if you are a Coil Subscriber, this interview is NOT over. Some more questions, deep questions, so if you would like to continue reading about Sandra, click here ! ! !