
Husband, Father and Investor. Been in Crypto since 2017.
I blog about everything and everybody that is crypto; Twitter: @xrptwin

New plans, new goals. We will start a little smaller, to finish big.... once more ! ! !

So we actually started really small. We started with 4 little puzzles:

Two puzzles were already made, so no work in progress pictures, just the finishing product: the monkey and the lion were done:


So, to make it a little more difficult, Noah and myself decided to put the two puzzles together. Together, we have built puzzles of 1000 little pieces, so putting 2 times a hundred pieces together, that should not be a tough one:

All mashed together:

So starting with the green behind the elephant:

and the whiskers of the Cheetah:

Creating the green around the Cheetah:

All working the Cheetah now ! ! !

Elephant time ! ! ! First the sides, not too many, only building up here

More trunk and more grass, only the elephants themselves

So, all 4 are done. Putting these together gives the following overview:

All nice, but now it is time to bring out the big guns:

This one is a little bit bigger; we have started it before, but never finished it. That is our new task. Noah looked at it and said:

dad, we are going to do it ! ! !

...... Well, I am not really sure about it, but yes, let's start it again:

So, the first steps we are taking:

The Zebra

The Side

The Ark

It is going to be a long project, a lot of animals, but the green is going to be the killing part. In the end, I will do most of it, but it is just fun to spend time together. I will keep you guys up to date when progress has been made ! ! !

Would love to make the same header but than with Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces ! ! !

Your coin is not worth it .... your project is a scam ... it is a scam .... you could also just give your money away if you invest in “that” ! ! !

A couple “recognisable” sentences, words for most of you ..... that still baffle me every day .... This has nothing to do with respect.

If I read sentences like these I always think

“do NOT invest with emotions”

That is all there is to it; emotions take the overhand

Emotions are a reaction of insecurity, maybe missing out .... So, let's talk about Bitcoin. Bitcoin made more people unhappy than happy. Too many people know they MISSED the Bitcoin train and don't want to miss the second train. Whether that is Bitcoin, Ethereum, Link, XRP, KAVA, VET, XLM SPARK, etc. many people don't take the chance to miss out, the ultimate 4 letters

F ear

O f

M issing

O ut

What I believe is that you need to take a step back and re-asses. I believe the following steps need to be taken in order for you to sit on the couch and watch some re-runs of 24 very .......... relaxed ! ! !

In my opinion, you need to do the following:

First of all, the most important rule:

****Never invest money that you can't afford to lose ! ! !

WRONG ! ! !

I know this sentence is shared broadly ........ , whether you talk with your investment broker, financial advisor, YouTuber, or read sources like Twitter, Patreon, Telegram, or ANY “financial information sharing” source for that matter.

The correct sentence is:

****Never invest money that you need within a time span of at least 5 years ! ! !
****If you invest in a top coin, I am pretty sure you are fine, they will do well, especially when they have utility .... enhance supply chain management, making international transaction cheaper faster and safer, store of value or just making “something” cheaper, faster, divisible or transferable, period ! Utility will be the common factor with the coins that are doing well this time.

Just FOMO is not going to do the trick, people are doing their homework also ! ! !

With this most important sentence that you should not put money into an investment with the knowledge it could be locked in for a while (before it gets into the green), there are a couple other things that are important also:

Look at market trends, historical numbers to familiarise yourself with what could happen. If you just got into investing in crypto, you missed out on a third year with a down trend. Yes, you are lucky but that should also tell you something. Who says you bought at the bottom ? ! ? So important to know what is considered normal, so:

****Familiarise yourself with market trends.
Familiarising is a dangerous one though. This could lead to a couple things. You believe what you read and you read what you believe. Twitter, YouTube, Telegram, Patreon, Discord, Chat Rooms, all places where fellow Crypto Investors talk with each other and share the same thoughts. That may give you:

*Tunnel Vision*, only one coin/ token/ digital asset is the best and none other are going to give you those returns that you are thinking of. This happens when you familiarise yourself with one coin and one coin only. THAT might be the next big thing, but there are other gems out there ! ! !

*Herd Mentality*, a lot of people have a particular vision, so they should be right ........ wrong, always do your own research and

use the media as a tool, not as a financial advisor.

Moving away from Tunnel Vision is diversifying your portfolio, whether that is more than one crypto asset, or throw some stock, precious metals, options, futures, forwards, “bricks” or other investment vehicle in the mix. Don't bet on one horse and don't be discouraged if you don't have a horse running in a “mooning” asset (class).

This market is hard .... But if you thought it is hard at the moment, wait till it gets better. When the market is bearish, it actually is pretty easy ..... you hold, dollar cost average and or build in stop losses. Other than that ...... well, decide not to invest. Pretty easy, so to speak, especially when you don't let your emotions rule your investments.

When the market gets green, that is when the issues start: when should I sell, what is enough, is it ever enough? Do think about that and have an exit strategy.

Be kind to one another, respect each other and treat each other exactly the same way, how you want to be treated ! ! !



August 20th, I had to bring my car to the shop because the roof did not want to close any more ..... and living in a country where it rains all the time ..... not a good thing ! ! !

So I called a friend of mine because he has like “a buddy” everywhere. And yes, he had “a buddy“ everywhere, so in the morning I went to this car shop and told them about my car, the roof. They were in the know, so started to work on it .... For this story, let’s call this “buddy” Tom!!

Upfront, I was given two possible solutions

  1. The cheap one, probably NOT my issue ! ! !
  2. The expensive one, opening up the whole roof and finding the electric malfunction; my name written ALL OVER this one ! ! !

I was walking around the shop and boy there were some interesting cars. I told them about Coil and that I was writing blogs about Crypto and something about Wordless Wednesday. Well, expect some nice cars this coming Wednesday, you will be surprised ! ! !

Crypto, Tom said ..... had an interesting experience with that ...... I thought a lot is illegal ..... but,


In 2017 my girlfriend and I cut the knot ..... no we were not going to get married, no, we still don't share toothbrushes and no, the toilet paper still goes over and not under ! ! !

We were going to buy a house. So we looked at our financial status and noticed we were a little short on cash bringing into a possible deal.

As there are multiple financial construction, we went to my uncle and discussed the whole situation with him. Mentioning to him they were like 20.000 dollars short, he told us he would help out with our situation.


He knew his uncle was doing funky stuff with that fake Monopoly money, Tom never looked into it himself, he would give it a try, talking to him.

It was 2017, hindsight I can say, well, it worked out, but people doing the same thing in 2018 / 2019 probably would not have had a good relationship with “their uncle” anymore!!!


You have to know, Toms uncle was not into Monopoly money, but crypto currency, especially Bitcoin!!!

Well, He was using it for the right reason, this IoV object went up in price in 2017 and he had some good news for Tom and his girlfriend. He gave them back 87.000 dollars. Now that is a nice uncle.

Whether he really made the profit with Bitcoin going up or if it was earlier profits he gave to us, Tom did not know the answer to that question, but fact was: there was a fat stack of cash sitting in their back account.


For the sake of the story, it is the latter one, he made it with a rising Bitcoin price.

“His uncle went to a crypto exchange, exchanged the dollars, waited half a day for the bitcoin and while heavily smoking and drinking whisky, he checked the charts and moved the line up, Up UP with his eyes” ! ! !

Tom and his girlfriend got the house, did not do any crazy with it, got the same mortgage while having some extra cash in the bank.

Did this change his view on Crypto / Bitcoin; well yes, a little, but does he trade / hold or invest in the Monopoly money ? ! ? not a dime !!! Life is already stressful enough and Tom does not want to be a John:


They are still happy with their house, where they still live !!!

Stay Safe ! ! !

Source Header

With all the new things happening in this industry, we sometimes forget some things. Forgetting may be a big word, but because of all the things that are happening, some things stay in the closet for a while and collect some dust .... Well, here we go with MG Social Network.

On Twitter you can find him here:



Hi, can you introduce yourself in a couple sentences ? ? ?


Hi, my name is Mathew. Some people know me by the username MateoXRP. About 3 months ago I launched a web monetised social network called http://MG.Social.



Is this a one man show or is there a whole team behind the

account ? ? ?


Although I have been the principal individual directing and funding the project so far, there have been a number of people who have helped us get to the point we are at now. We have had several developers help us add features and address some pain points with the site.

Robert Soriano, who created the great Paytrackr browser extension, has been particularly helpful implementing some key features for us. We had a graphic designer create new logos for the site. As we have tried to improve MG.Social and make it more user friendly, support and feedback from our users has been incredibly helpful.

A social network is really nothing without a user base posting content and providing feedback on how the site can be improved. Everyone involved in the Coil community that has joined MG.Social has been incredibly helpful in getting us to where we are now.


When did the idea start to create MG.Social and why, there is Twitter, Instagram, Facebook .... do we need another

Social Media ? ? ?



Yes, I agree that there are already too many social networks to try to keep up with! I think what we need is social media based around a new business model.

If you think about the traditional social network business model, the end user is not the customer of the social network operator, but the product being sold to advertisers, who are the true customer of the operator. This is what people are talking about when they refer to 'surveillance capitalism.'

What excited me about MG.Social was the idea of creating a social network based around web monetisation as a business model.

Adam (AussieNinja, creator of gFam.live) recently made a great posting on MG.Social where he noted that Instagram made $20 billion in ad revenue in 2019, all of content they did not produce themselves. We don't think this is an equitable situation for creators!

The idea with MG.Social is that content creators are able to instantly web monetise the postings they make on the site and accept XRP tips for the content they add. We feel like this levels the playing field between social network operator and content creator/consumer.

Since our monetisation model is based around the new web monetisation standard, payments are completely transparent. Someone using MG.Social can run an app, like the Paytrackr extension, to view the payment pointers they are streaming web monetisation payments too in real time while browsing the site. The Xumm tipping system allows MG.Social users to easily tip each other for their postings with XRP, with no additional charge from MG.Social.

Compare that to something like YouTube who takes a 30% fee for super chats. Since a web monetisation subscription like Coil is required to access the site you can be sure your content is always being monetised when viewed by another user and that you are interacting will a real live human, not a bot or troll account.


Can you give us some statistics of the site, the growth, viewers, users etc.... ? ? ?



Sure! We have had 72 users signed up for the site so far. We have had a little over 200 XRP in web monetisation payments generated to our payment pointers since the site launched. We have had 24.8 XRP sent to our Xumm address since our Xumm tipping went into place recently. We have been using our current web analytics provider for under a month now so when we have over a month of data I will start to release more of our web analytics.


What has been the most fun to see adopted by users or what you did not think about upfront, bake some nice answer :–) ? ? ?


The really fun part for me has been seeing content creators that I enjoy using MG.Social and providing positive feedback. One thing I did not think about upfront was how hard it would be to try to launch a social network, how much work it would be and how time consuming it is.


I bet but well, if it succeeds ....


Are Users telling you what “they” would like to see “changed” or “improved” ? ? ?



People have not been shy about providing feedback and we have tried to make improvements to the site to make it easier to use.

For example an early version of MG.Social required users to have either the Coil extension installed on their browser or to be using a Coil enabled browser like Puma Browser. Many users complained about this! Now we have implemented Coil logins with server-side monetisation so these are no longer requirements to use the site.


How many hours a day/week are you busy with the site ? ? ?


It really depends. I have a full time day job and a family at home to spend time with, so I work on the site when I am able. Early on when the site first launched I was trying to work out a lot of the issues and I was spending many hours a day on it. Now that we have most of the issues resolved and most of the features we wanted in place, I do not need to spend nearly as much time working on it now. I still probably do spend at least an hour or two a day either using the site or working on it though!


Coolest thing that happened this year ? ? ?


The coolest thing for me this year has been being having the opportunity to launch this site while continuing to work a full time job and still have time to spend with the family.



How many new releases do you guys have, and when is the new one planned ? ? ?


We have been releasing updates and new features pretty consistently since the site launched 3 months ago. Now that we have reached a fairly stable point we will work to set a more predictable release schedule going forward.



What is the ultimate plan ? ? ?


My ultimate vision for MG.Social is to create a platform where any creator can easily, instantly monetise their content in whatever format it exists and in whatever location it resides. We want to be the most content creator friendly social network in existence.


Covid-19, has it messed up a particular roadmap MG.Social has/ had ? ? ?


We have been incredibly fortunate that Covid-19 has not interrupted our plans launching MG.Social. We don't anticipate Covid-19 will impact our plans moving forward, but we acknowledge this is a fluid situation and unforeseen events outside our control could occur.



MG.Social is going to be successful if ..... ? ? ?


Really for this site to work and be successful we need the amount that our web monetisation generates to be enough to cover our operating expenses and the continued development of the site. This will prove the model to be sustainable. If we can generate enough revenue for the site to be sustainable I will consider that successful. Once the site has been proven to be sustainable the next goal will be to continue to grow the site while maintaining profitability.


What do you think about XRP ? ? ?



Personally I'm very bullish on XRP (not financial advice). Obviously for MG.Social I use Coil as our monetisation provider and Xumm as our tipping provider. Still, I take the viewpoint that there will be many winners and losers in the digital asset space. I am not a maximalist on any one particular coin. For me I look at what provides the best solution to a given problem.

I feel like Coil solves a specific problem for us, allowing us too easily monetise our site and our users too easily monetise their postings. Xumm solves a specific problem for us; allowing users too easily accept tips for their postings. If another product using a different digital asset solved those particular problems in a superior fashion I would be open to looking at them.


How up to date about Ripple/ XRP do you need to be for your

site ? ? ?


Although many of the users on our site are incredibly savvy about digital assets and everything going on in the digital asset space, being an expert on Ripple or XRP is not required to use MG.Social.

All you need is an active Coil subscription and you can sign up at MG.Social


Is 2020 going to see a bull run ? ? ?



I don't have any special insight on market movements but I really do hope so!


This question is to say ANYTHING you would like to add to the interview: .... ? ? ?


Honestly Ferdi, I really would just like to thank you so much for giving me this interview! I really enjoy your content and I'm honoured for the opportunity to discuss my project with you.


Well ...... yeah I did say anything ..... too kind of you, thank you

Interesting Project and I am really wondering where it stands like in half a year .......... hey, that may be a good thing, asking MateoXRP back in 6 months on how the site is going. So, let's actually just say, re-visiting in January 2021 ..... with an update about this project .... if Mateo is up for it ..... ? ! ?

For now


First of all, I really like the header/ twitter pic. It is very specific, if you scroll your timeline and one of these is showing up .... it looks very nice ! ! !

Doesn't need an introduction, as Toni, Thinking Crypto is well established, well known and a smart crypto influencer in the world of YouTube / Twitter and Podcasts. This interview has been on my to do list for a long LONG time, well finally it reaches, hopefully your Twitter timeline ! ! !


Just some numbers:

Twitter: 14.5K

YouTube: 43.2K

Patreon: hmmmm.....

Got a little message, so the answer is going to be:


If you go to YouTube, Toni's Channel, you will be amazed who he has interviewed ... Just a couple names: CZ, Max Keiser, the Winklevoss Twins, Andreas Antonopoulos and the list goes on ....

Interesting guests but also an interesting interviewer. Let's interview the interviewer .....


Can you please introduce yourself in a couple sentences?


Hi, I'm Tony and I'm very passionate about Crypto and Blockchain. I currently live in Hoboken NJ and enjoy trying new restaurants and playing my guitar.


When did you start to get interested in Blockchain / Crypto Currency


In 2016 when a friend told me about it


What coins have your interest?


I'm invested in a variety of projects but main ones are Bitcoin, XRP, Ethereum, BAT


Can you say something about Bitcoin, XRP and Ethereum


I believe all 3 have different use cases and each will be successful


So, you are a YouTuber, when did your love for Video start?


Since 2011 when I tried to build other YouTube channels but didn't get very far


Well, moving away from Crypto for a moment , one of your first videos: Venice, you went there for honeymoon, congrats, amazing place; I proposed in Venice to my girlfriend, my wife now, amazing place is it not?


It is my favourite place in the world, I would love to own a vacation house and boat there.


YES YES I went on my knee in the gondola ! ! !



Well, you went into Crypto with your YouTube Channel, can you describe your channel a little bit?


On my channel I try to focus on facts and news rather than hype. I try to maintain a level of professionalism and interview a lot of folks in the industry


Talking about interviews ..... Some names in there are amazing: Max, Keiser, the Winklevoss twins, CZ and the list just goes on, without belittling the ones you are not mentioning, what have been the biggest interviews for you, without calling it a top 3 or best 5?


Winklevoss Twins, CZ, Max Keiser, Dan Morehead


What has been the best of 2020 ..... so far?


I would say the interview with Dan Morehead, he created the first Crypto investing fund.



What will be the best of 2020 ..... the remainder of it?


Not sure, depends who I get to talk to, will try to get all the well known folks.


Well made a little list:

Source 1

Source 2

Source 3

Source 4

Source 5


Regarding the virus has it affected the blockchain world positively or negatively


I think it affected blockchain positively as it emphasised the need for a more things to be digitised and blockchain to achieve more trust and transparency



Where is ODL going to take us this year and will ODL ever be a price mover for XRP?


Hard to tell, because I've been on record that US regulatory clarity is needed for US banks to use ODL, once this happens expect high volumes, more utility and higher prices



A couple weeks ago, the XRPCommunity noticed overall ODL went down dramatically. This was explained as a decrease in high value transactions; low value in high volume is “the new ODL” .... what do you think about that?


I think Ripple is still in the building phase, they are trying new things, working with different companies, so this does not bother me as I see progress being made.


What is the interview you are longing for


I would love to interview Paul Tudor Jones to talk about his recent investment in Bitcoin


Paul Tudor Jones:

an American hedge fund manager, conservationist and philanthropist. In 1980, he founded his hedge fund, Tudor Investment Corporation, an asset management firm headquartered in Connecticut. He also founded the Robin Hood Foundation, which focuses on poverty reduction. (Source)


Can you walk us through a normal day for you ... well, whatever is consider a normal day?


I have a day job at a Digital Marketing Agency, so working throughout the day and I do my YouTube stuff after work. Spend time with my wife and daughter, workout, play some video games.


What coin is going to surprise us in 2020?


Maybe XRP – depends if we get more US regulatory clarity



Biggest winners short term / long term?


short term – Chainlink and Tezos. Long Term – Bitcoin, XRP, Ethereum



In 2021, I am going to be a happy YouTuber, when ....?


When my channel crosses over 100,000 subscribers!


Well, there you have it, an interview with Tony, Thinking Crypto.....

Happy it finally took place, I was able to share with you and hope that I can interview him when the 100K YouTube subscribers total happens.... I think that it should be doable, when Crypto goes mainstream. Thank you Tony for your time, I know you are a very busy man and feel honoured you put me in your agenda.

Mickey B. Fresh ... If you consider yourself XRPCommunity, you should know this person. I have been “talking” with “Mickey B. Fresh” for a long time, but never really talked with him about an interview ..... just knowledge and let me tell you .... there is loads of knowledge within this person. This blog is NOT an interview, but just a collection of several talks we have had.

I don't want to JUST write *“a blog”*, as Mickey deserves a proper powerful blog.

Well, let's first start with a picture; with this one, it only gets better !


We have found each other through Ripple, specifically in the Bradley Kimes YouTube streams – Investment Perspectives. Very knowledgeable videos and you can say / think about these two what you want, these two characters do have some knowledge dealing with Ripple, XRP and Ripplenet ! ! !

Many days we have spoken about the company Ripple and Mickey is clear about the company:

“I’m not saying Ripple plans to go against Central Banks or governments, but I think it has been pure genius, the way they have built the company and developed the XRPL and RippleNet”.

Even the way Ripple Labs has created a narrative of – banking the unbanked - to create financial inclusion.

If you are a famous person – a famous singer, athlete or business, you have to set an example for the rest of the world as you will be viewed through a microscope, every single detail, all the news out there is going to be measured closely.

As Mickey shared, it seems like Ripple has been setup like they have been given a guideline book by WEF, World Bank, G20, & IMF on how to market themselves as the next generation of socially responsible companies. This sentence is not enough, it needs to be specified:

WEF = The World Economic Forum = the International Organisation for Public-Private Cooperation. It engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. (Source)

World Bank \= an international financial institution that provides loans and grants to the governments of poorer countries for the purpose of pursuing capital projects. ... The World Bank is a component of the World Bank Group. The World Bank's most recent stated goal is the reduction of poverty. (Source)

G20 = an international forum for the governments and central bank governors from 19 countries and the European Union (EU). Founded in 1999 with the aim to discuss policy pertaining to the promotion of international financial stability (Source)

IMF \= an organisation of 189 countries, working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world (Source)

All these organisations are very high up and deal with global problems in the field of money in general/ finance and/ or monetary cooperation. Decades old and this San Fransisco-based company, not even a decade old (2012) sits with individual members around the table looking for answers/ sharing the answers ! ! !

In other words: Ripple has been able to teeter the line between the legacy banking world and the anarchistic crypto world; this is a testament that will one day looked back as a monumental achievement ! ! !

Mickey continues:

“I don’t believe Ripple was chosen or was created by the financial elite, I think they've earned it and proved that the XRPL and Ripple Protocol developed, has the ability to change the world of cross border payments ...... eh, I mean, ..... even the financial system”.

“I think though, this acknowledgement from investors, partners, banking elite, central banks and international organisations didn’t occur till around the years 2015 – 2017 time period. The era, I believe, Ripple made certain breakthroughs in:

  1. cryptography
  2. smart contracts
  3. smart Oracles
  4. server hosting.

This lines up with their patent filings, which they released out of Luxembourg”

Mickey is still talking, I am testing him with a couple details, but he keeps on talking:


Continuing with the breakthroughs:

“The combination of proprietary tech and software was then displayed to the central banks, regulators, and partner/investor banks to show that they could overcome the previous concerns. That spurred

the creation of RippleNet

which was created in cooperation with top global banks, central banks and regulators. The GPSG was the original RippleNet Committee and was the self regulatory body tasked with overseeing the development and expansion of RippleNet which offered members a unique standardised tech stack made up of open protocols, standard messaging and API’s, in combination with certain cutting edge proprietary software”.


XRPTwin here ! ! ! This last paragraph is a pretty important oneA regulatory body that oversees the development ...... So with all the scams, wrongly started projects, it is actually Ripple that invites regulations, to oversee the legality of the project ........ eh let that sink in ! ! !


“I’m not pulling this out of a place where the sun doesn't shine ! “


Had to change the original words, that Mickey displayed ! ! !

“It’s all laid out in the 2016 Michigan University report of Ripple co-authored by Michael S. Barr, Architect Of Dodd-Frank and Ripple special advisor”.

“Notice how the first wave of RippleNet members in 2017/2018 were all top global commercial banks, Top tech integrators. Big 4 accounting firms & Global FX MM’s??? Notice how the Big Banks on RippleNet were strategically chosen in different geographic regions???

Israel Bank GMT gave this detail away in their 2018 press release, saying “....we were chosen to represent Israel on RippleNet..” “.

Then in 2018-present day the focus shifted to payment/money service providers, digital banks, crypto technology firms and exchanges”.

Mickey is on fire .... Have you thought about your favourite digital asset in this light ..... This is different, this is NOT:

“why is the price of XRP not rising” stuff

Mickey continues:

“Now that the Central Banks and Regulators along with IMF, BIS,
G-20 had “a DLT based private next generation global payment network”, the problem was still domestic last mile settlements.

This is when “they” all realised CBDC’s (Central Bank Digital Currencies) will be needed or else private sector stable-coins will overtake Central Bank issued fiat. Also, Tokenisation of Capital markets would also need a tokenised form of fiat to settle tokenised securities and assets.

Going back to RippleNet & XRPL, both were originally designed to work with the current (2016-2020) legacy market infrastructure but ultimately they were really designed for an Interoperable DLT/ DAG/ Cloud-based tokenised future financial system.

Also, Ripple has marketed RippleNet only as a Payment Network aimed at Swift”.

RippleNet has masqueraded since its inception as only a Blockchain inspired payment system built on ILP.

“The reality though, RippleNet is a global RTGS (XRPTwin: Real-Time Gross Settlement), that is a trading marketplace for FX (XRPTwin: Foreign Exchange), Crypto, Commodities and all forms of value.

RippleNet added to the original XRPL Tech Stack Ripple promoted pre-2016. It added messaging standards, KYC/AML compliance, Rulebook enforced by committee members through network protocols and/or autonomous agents, and clearing”.

XRP Ledger was always and will always be the settlement layer.

“RippleNet uses the Ripple Protocol and is simply an overlay network of XRPL.

Ripple Labs, ODL Exchanges & MM’s Operate SuperNodes aka XRPL Gateways that connect RippleNet to the underlying public XRP Ledger. There’s other tech and payment channels that are used within RippleNet to maintain user privacy and increase scalability.

That’s all factual info on Ripple’s GitHub”.

Mickey and a couple others, in a deep dive room, have speculated that we will see a convergence or a merging of RippleNet & XRPL in the (near) future.

How much of a merging and to what extent, nobody knows. But the deep divers are all aware of David Schwartz’ numerous proposals for the XRPL he proposed in 2019.

For right now, XRPTwin, let’s focus on the 2-layer consensus proposal.

“It’s well known that RippleNet’s Committee is the governance body for RippleNet.

“Ripple says RippleNet txns (XRPTwin: transactions) are validated using ILP validator (XRPTwin: Inter Ledger Protocol), but never gives any details. Same goes for FX ticket. Both of those scream Codius Hosts and Smart Oracles with consensus built on top of a small group. RippleNet uses ilpv1, not ILPv4”.

The XRPL txns are validated by a group of 30 UNL Validators.

There’s never been a single failed ledger but it’s only up to those 30 to sign and close all the ledgers, plus secure their private keys and servers.

“There’s a handful of additional validators that combined with the 30 UNL vote on amendments. There’s no incentive to run validators but the network has run flawlessly since inception and has grown decentralised as Ripple only operates a couple validators and nodes”.

XRPTwin: I hope you are still with me,


*it is getting really technical, ....... interesting, ....... very technical :–)

You were saying Mickey:

“The XRPL has close to ~1,000 nodes, which are not relevant to validating the network txns or voting on amendments but the nodes are crucial for those outside and inside the network to share and retrieve data about the network.

XRPL aka the Ripple Protocol uses Gossiping to share network info and data about the network with other nodes. It’s absolutely vital that all nodes have accurate data and identical information about the network state. Nodes do not store the entire history of the ledger. Only some do. The storage and security of this data can be stored in multiple locations but must be identical.

The XRPL in its current iteration is not bullet proof and is not properly configured to run at full scale on a global level for ODL or any other multiple use cases, too.”


now it is time for:


It’s Mickey's speculation that PolySign will play a key role in:

Securing the XRPL gateways, validators, connecting XRPL and RippleNet to other DLT/Blockchains/outside legacy infrastructure.


Creating a 2-layer consensus that balances control between public validators and RippleNet members while providing multi-tier security of EVERY ASPECT OF XRPL and RippleNet. From the gateways issuing assets, to verifying receipts, retrieving and confirmation of data accuracy.

PolySign ........hmm PolySign ...... very important, very secretive, very ..... we are all waiting for it .....

Deep stuff we tried to cover in this blog, but it goes so much deeper, than what you read on a daily basis going through Crypto Twitter, Telegram and your other Crypto Sources .

In conclusion,

the capabilities and meticulous design and enhancements of the XRPL and RippleNet are so profound compared to anything else like it, that Ripple has been able to pave the way for Central Banks to create and issue CBDC’s because of what Ripple was able to prove was possible with XRPL and RippleNet in ODL and other applications that are undisclosed.

The design of a a multi layer, modular design using numerous open protocols and standardised API’s have laid the groundwork for future financial payments system and Value & Trading exchange.

PolySign and its multiple solutions and software/hardware technologies are the final pieces that will satisfy every possible security or privacy concern that could be imagined.

XRPL Gateways were designed for Central Banks.

RippleNet and PolySign will use a combination of open protocols and standards along with proprietary technology breakthroughs to create the Internet of Value

Oh eh ..... XRPTwin here ..... again, sorry to interrupt Mickey ..... Lets re-touch Smart Oracle again, because it is a term that people will hear more about in combination with RippleNet and PolySign. You put it out for us through Twitter and there were a couple people that noticed:


Nice pictures, but let's discuss a bit. What do we see here, what are you talking about, Security and Real Estate Tokenisation. We all know Ripple was going for the international transaction industry but with giant killer Codius in the house there are some more flies to catch. We have been given numerous names, Codius, PolySign, Smart Oracle ..... but what, why, how ? ? ?

Mickey found some pretty hard evidence that the XRPL will be part of the Security & Real Estate Tokenisation Industry. Clues are given throughout his whole thread that you can look out clicking the Source; pretty compelling ! ! !

Everything in a nice overview:

Yes, Oracle is pretty important in this narrative. This whole blog has been full of it, but it actually has not been named by its REAL NAME. We can talk about Ripple, Smart Contracts, IOV, whatever abbreviation you want to use, everything in the end deals with one word and one word only:


Without data the whole blockchain / crypto currency / digital asset world would not exist. So, Tokenisation, with the help of Smart Oracle in the Security and Real Estate Industry ...... well, be prepared for it ! ! !

The world is struggling at the moment, what currency is going to survive, what is going to be the payment of the future; is it going to be paper, paperless, a mix of the good ol' “dirty” and the hyper new?

That we need to change something, that something is changing, we know that ! ! ! There is no stopping anymore, the train is moving and stopping a moving train .... besides that it is hard, not a smart thing to do.

The choice of currency will be valued differently in the future. With it comes a different “value”. It is not just currency going from point A to point B, but the underlying protocol start to express the value.

In conclusion

If you made it this far, and yes, a trip it has been, you most likely have realised that RippleNet is the next generation global payment system to replace Swift and corresponding banking.

YEAH WHATEVER not only replacing Swift; what’s being built is so much more. This is going to be the summary of todays blog:

A base level open economy with proprietary distributed applications built on top. Users and people will choose what best suited their needs and desires.

**Money will be democratised

and there you have it ! ! !

Has this been rambling ...... absolutely; has this opened your eyes a little more ...... well, it does to me, every time I talk to Mickey .....

We will re-visit, but for now:


A couple of months ago, I had an interview with Adam, talking about the website: gFam.live The site is:


That is a fitting word fun. You go there to catch a smile and it happens. What you are going to look for, what you are going to find, well that is a daily surprise.... People go there to post a selfie of themselves and hopefully get some (nice) reactions of fellow gFam visitors. I have posted numerous selfies and it is a lot of fun. Some die hards on there, there we have that word again .... just FUN ! ! !

Well, let's see if things have changed, have been improved. It has been 2 months, so let's ask Adam once more how things are going...


gFam, for the people that don’t know the site, four sentences what it is, where is it coming from, the idea and the person behind it?

gFam.live is a social media application where users can post a story and accompanying image. It’s all about sharing your life and your passions with your friends, family, fans, audience and strangers. If people enjoy your story they can tip you. The site uses the XRP ledger so that users receive their tips within 3 seconds.

It’s a great way for people to learn about blockchain technology and an easy entry point for people familiar with Instagram, etc.

The person behind it is Adam. I’ve been involved in Crypto Currency and blockchain technology for a few years, and everyone has always talked about that killer app to onboard the mainstream, and this is my attempt.


I truly believe that a good way to increase the price of XRP is to get it into as many people’s hands as possible. Once people see how quick, easy and fee-less it is, the word will spread.


Not to go back to our first interview , but what has improved since our last interview. Users, do they give feedback and are you guys changing the app, improving the app ? ? ?



Since the last interview we’ve been working hard to allow users to log on with:

  1. their Xumm accounts
  2. their Coil accounts

to enable web monetisation so that people can also earn micropayments when Coil Subscribers view their content. We don’t quite have that finished yet, but I want to say that we’re close.


Would love to see my own area within gFam, so I can see my pics together ... Possible ? ? ?



Yes, this is very much on our roadmap. We’ve submitted a proposal to Grant for the Web and are nervously waiting to hear back from them. The funds from the grant will help us move the entire gFam architecture into the cloud, which will help us quickly enable a ton of new features and scale easily.

We really want to create a user profile page where users can see stats and posts, etc.


Alert when somebody leaves a remark ... Possible ? ? ?



Absolutely… lots of people have raised the need for notifications and we completely agree. We have a ton of development intended, but we need the finances to afford it… which is why we’re super excited and nervous about Grant for the Web.


Would love to follow content creators ... Possible ? ? ?



This is something we hadn’t really thought of until Tahlia mentioned it…. and we love it as an idea. We’re essentially thinking of adding ‘Following’ to the ‘Sort by’ menu on the top right hand side, and then allowing users to set that as their default or not. As the site grows functionality like this will become essential.


Would love to see some stats ... Possible ? ? ?



We really want to provide them to you!

Data is everything and we really want to create a site that provides an abundance of information. Again we’re waiting on the grant, but we think it’s important for users to get an understanding of what’s happening with their posts. We’ll also keen to include badges and awards for people who reach particular milestones.

We do post our site analytics each month just so everyone knows what’s going on. We aim to be as transparent as we can possibly be. Here is a link to the last gFam stats:



Secret for you, you will see


Can’t wait… can you give us a clue ? ? ?


Well, I am going to give you more than a clue ! ! !

I would like to see if I can help the interaction going to a next level. I am going to post the following selfie in a little while and would like to see some reaction. Interaction is key and hopefully everybody is following suit. I will try to do this once a week, on Monday, to start the week with a funny pic and let's see if people will react. Others ALSO need to post pictures LIKE this one :–)

So here is the picture, that people should reply to .....on gFam.live


How many pics have been uploaded, views , viewers , growth M.O.M. ? ? ?



A lot of those stats are available on our Google Analytics post, and everything else is in our raw database. We really can’t wait until we can add those into the site so people can see everything that’s happening under the hood.


What is next ? ? ?



The very next thing is to get Web Monetisation working for Coil creators… the site is already web monetised and now we want to share with Coil creators. Once that’s ready we’ll be launching a competition with prizes to help us improve our Google ranking.

Hopefully after that we hear back from Grant for the Web and then get busy building out our cloud architecture and adding in all the new features everyone has been patiently waiting for. Once that’s complete we’ll be launching a new marketing campaign to introduce lots of brand new people to gFam, blockchain technology and the Coil ecosystem.


Noonies ...... you are going up for an award ..... Best Web Monetisation Innovator ..... V E R Y COOL ! ! ! What do we need to do ? ? ?

Please instruct us :–)


Okay, so we’re up for a prize as part of the Noonies.

We’re currently leading the Best Web Monetisation Innovator section, but the other nominees are coming up fast.

What you could do to help us:

  1. Go to Noonies.tech

  2. Click: Log In which is in the top right hand corner

  3. Log in with your Google account

  4. Vote for gFam.live

  5. Hopefully, it says +10

  6. Pump your fist in the air like you just don’t care

Well, there you have it. If you enjoy the gFam site, please vote for Adam, it is going to help him, it is going to help gFam, Xumm, XRP, and the little birds that were born in August:

The last picture does not make sense at all, but I just wanted to put the picture in ..... go VOTE ! ! !


Today a little rain was forecasted, so we had to decide to get some inside game going on. LEGO Super Mario had been done already, Noah did not feel like playing with it, so different plans.

Three weeks ago, we went over to friends and played Go Fish ... for a couple of hours ...... because some little guy seriously liked it ! ! !

Go Fish what is that:

The player who is “fishing “must have at least one card of the rank that was asked for in their hand. The player who is addressed must hand over all the cards requested. If the player has none, they say, “Go fish!” and the player who made the request draws the top card of the stock and places it in their hand. (Source)

Well, buying is to0 easy, so let's create our own Go Fish card game.

Steps to take:

  1. content for the individual cards
  2. designing the cards
  3. printing the cards
  4. colouring the cards
  5. laminating the cards
  6. cutting the individual cards
  7. time to play

Step 1: content for the individual cards

Internet is a pretty good place to start with .... Together with Noah I browsed for some pictures. What do we want ...... do we want: cars, men and women, professions, flags, crypto currency, no scratch that; ANIMALS, I heard next to me. So, we searched for some animal pictures, horse, deer, elephant, dog, cat, mouse, chicken, kangaroo, well, we have seen them all.

The only criteria for the animal pictures:

  1. They must be F U N ! ! !
  2. We need to be able to colour them

Step 2: designing the cards

Pictures were set: 8 different animals, continuing with PowerPoint, love that Microsoft program, I can work with it ! ! !

Lay-out of the card, had a good idea in my head, had to think like a five year old, fun, most of all, but also easy, comprehendible and a project we were able to do together. The different colours were important as something visual always helps:

The background I really did not mind, made them a different colour, but the area for the picture and the different possible colours on top were the most important. So this design worked for Noah, as he was the person that had to give final approval.

Next step, the pictures:

Well, I got a big smile next to me, so that said enough ! ! !

Step 3: printing the cards

Printing time ! ! ! I chose a little bit thicker paper, feels better in your hand when playing with them:

Step 4: colouring the cards

Next step was colouring the different animals. Responsible part, so I needed to get the best colouring guy in the house: Noah. He stepped up to the line and got out all his skills. Some visual proof underneath:

Done deal, steps 1 through 4 are DONE ! ! !

Step 5: laminating the cards

This has to be done by adults as the machine gets very warm. This step of course could be skipped, but this makes it look a little more professional and easier to clean afterwards, when the cards get dirty...

Make sure you are turning off the laminate machine as it stays warm and we don't want to absorb additional electricity ...... there are specific “Crypto Currencies” doing that already ! ! !

Step 6: cutting the individual cards

So, let's get some scissors out and time to cut the individual cards. Be careful as you can cut your own fingers also, so if children doing this, first ask permission of an adult ..... I just want to play it safe and do it myself.

Okay, all coloured, laminated and cut ....

R E A D Y for the final step:

Step 7: time to play

This was a lot of fun. Thinking about a game, creating a game, playing a game ..... spending time together and now: GO FISH

If you are a Coil Subscriber you are in luck as you will be able to see the deleted scenes/ photos that did not make the game/ blog ........

So, if you want to see these, check out this page and subscribe to Coil ..... for only 5 dollars you are supporting content creators AND the blockchain ...... all build on the XRPL


If you are over 25, I think the title makes you smile; please tell me in the attached Tweet if you had to smile. Super Mario, I grew up with him and I love it. I was not allowed to own a Nintendo in what kind of form, but when I one a tennis tournament with my brother one day, we won two Gameboys and a Nintendo NES. For all the youngster amongst us, this is how they look like:




My parents could not do anything about it ...... we WON those futuristic computer products and we were playing the S%!$@% out of them both .... We needed to clear all the levels as quick as possible, all the bonus levels, secret passages, once again, this was sooooo great ! ! !

Years and Years and Years later; we are in present time, Noah is watching Super Mario on his iPad. and he came with a new something something he wanted to check out:


My first reaction:


My son knows more about a combination called: Super Mario and LEGO ! ! !

and eh


***LEGO TIME ! ! !
He has been a nice boy .... promised to stay a nice boy for the whole summer, it was holiday, so I bought him the starters kit; had a 20 euro reduction, so we were going into it ..... again ! ! !


Opening the box was already fun, I already saw parts of the bad guy, ...... Wait only 5 bags ....... Whatever

It looked good having all the bags on the table again. Little booklet, but eh ...... hmmmm did not show all the steps ! ! !

Opening bag 1, ..... went really fast, but eh ..... how to built Mario, all the Goomba's, Bowser, All the Pipes ...... hmmmm.

Smart Phone had to be taken out and I had to download an app, soooo 2020 ! ! !

While we were downloading the app, we decided to open all of them at ones, not too many parts so we could deal with those !!!

All the parts together .....

The app looks actually pretty cool. When you put Mario together, you needed to sync him with your Smart Phone and he would interact with LEGO and with the app ! ! !

The different parts described in the app

All the parts in the different bags needed to be put together using the App, all the different steps were just described instead of a little booklet .... see picture below:

The building was pretty easy. Many of the items had a little motion detector (like the little bad guy in the next picture on his head) You just needed to do specific things in order to collect coins, stars or mushrooms..... oh those were the days ! ! !

I cannot say too much about the building of the different things , but it is the computer game coming to live through LEGO ! ! ! Following the steps and we came to the following collection very fast:

Still building a little:

DONE ! ! !

You see that little bowser in the middle, and the little pipe next to him..... you know you are smiling right now ! ! !

Was and IS a lot of fun. In the app you can take picture. Collect points, and well, it is very interactive. Swiping is the new turning the page to build the next thing ! ! !

All kinds of videos are available and it tells you exactly what to do and where to find the different things:

Check out the following video and you will have a little bit of an idea what we have been playing with.



Although not a lot of variation, I probably look at it through ancient glasses, but we are having great fun together. Hopefully, by reading the story, you guys can feel our love and joy for building Super Mario WORLD with Lego.

Please react by clicking on the following Tweet, would love to hear from you:



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