Mickey B. Fresh ... If you consider yourself XRPCommunity, you should know this person. I have been “talking” with “Mickey B. Fresh” for a long time, but never really talked with him about an interview ..... just knowledge and let me tell you .... there is loads of knowledge within this person. This blog is NOT an interview, but just a collection of several talks we have had.
I don't want to JUST write *“a blog”*, as Mickey deserves a proper powerful blog.
Well, let's first start with a picture; with this one, it only gets better !

We have found each other through Ripple, specifically in the Bradley Kimes YouTube streams – Investment Perspectives. Very knowledgeable videos and you can say / think about these two what you want, these two characters do have some knowledge dealing with Ripple, XRP and Ripplenet ! ! !
Many days we have spoken about the company Ripple and Mickey is clear about the company:
“I’m not saying Ripple plans to go against Central Banks or governments, but I think it has been pure genius, the way they have built the company and developed the XRPL and RippleNet”.
Even the way Ripple Labs has created a narrative of – banking the unbanked - to create financial inclusion.
If you are a famous person – a famous singer, athlete or business, you have to set an example for the rest of the world as you will be viewed through a microscope, every single detail, all the news out there is going to be measured closely.
As Mickey shared, it seems like Ripple has been setup like they have been given a guideline book by WEF, World Bank, G20, & IMF on how to market themselves as the next generation of socially responsible companies. This sentence is not enough, it needs to be specified:
WEF = The World Economic Forum = the International Organisation for Public-Private Cooperation. It engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. (Source)
World Bank \= an international financial institution that provides loans and grants to the governments of poorer countries for the purpose of pursuing capital projects. ... The World Bank is a component of the World Bank Group. The World Bank's most recent stated goal is the reduction of poverty. (Source)
G20 = an international forum for the governments and central bank governors from 19 countries and the European Union (EU). Founded in 1999 with the aim to discuss policy pertaining to the promotion of international financial stability (Source)
IMF \= an organisation of 189 countries, working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world (Source)
All these organisations are very high up and deal with global problems in the field of money in general/ finance and/ or monetary cooperation. Decades old and this San Fransisco-based company, not even a decade old (2012) sits with individual members around the table looking for answers/ sharing the answers ! ! !
In other words: Ripple has been able to teeter the line between the legacy banking world and the anarchistic crypto world; this is a testament that will one day looked back as a monumental achievement ! ! !
Mickey continues:
“I don’t believe Ripple was chosen or was created by the financial elite, I think they've earned it and proved that the XRPL and Ripple Protocol developed, has the ability to change the world of cross border payments ...... eh, I mean, ..... even the financial system”.
“I think though, this acknowledgement from investors, partners, banking elite, central banks and international organisations didn’t occur till around the years 2015 – 2017 time period. The era, I believe, Ripple made certain breakthroughs in:
- cryptography
- smart contracts
- smart Oracles
- server hosting.
This lines up with their patent filings, which they released out of Luxembourg”
Mickey is still talking, I am testing him with a couple details, but he keeps on talking:

Continuing with the breakthroughs:
“The combination of proprietary tech and software was then displayed to the central banks, regulators, and partner/investor banks to show that they could overcome the previous concerns. That spurred
the creation of RippleNet
which was created in cooperation with top global banks, central banks and regulators. The GPSG was the original RippleNet Committee and was the self regulatory body tasked with overseeing the development and expansion of RippleNet which offered members a unique standardised tech stack made up of open protocols, standard messaging and API’s, in combination with certain cutting edge proprietary software”.
XRPTwin here ! ! ! This last paragraph is a pretty important oneA regulatory body that oversees the development ...... So with all the scams, wrongly started projects, it is actually Ripple that invites regulations, to oversee the legality of the project ........ eh let that sink in ! ! !
“I’m not pulling this out of a place where the sun doesn't shine ! “
Had to change the original words, that Mickey displayed ! ! !
“It’s all laid out in the 2016 Michigan University report of Ripple co-authored by Michael S. Barr, Architect Of Dodd-Frank and Ripple special advisor”.
“Notice how the first wave of RippleNet members in 2017/2018 were all top global commercial banks, Top tech integrators. Big 4 accounting firms & Global FX MM’s??? Notice how the Big Banks on RippleNet were strategically chosen in different geographic regions???
Israel Bank GMT gave this detail away in their 2018 press release, saying “....we were chosen to represent Israel on RippleNet..” “.
Then in 2018-present day the focus shifted to payment/money service providers, digital banks, crypto technology firms and exchanges”.
Mickey is on fire .... Have you thought about your favourite digital asset in this light ..... This is different, this is NOT:
“why is the price of XRP not rising” stuff
Mickey continues:
“Now that the Central Banks and Regulators along with IMF, BIS,
G-20 had “a DLT based private next generation global payment network”, the problem was still domestic last mile settlements.
This is when “they” all realised CBDC’s (Central Bank Digital Currencies) will be needed or else private sector stable-coins will overtake Central Bank issued fiat. Also, Tokenisation of Capital markets would also need a tokenised form of fiat to settle tokenised securities and assets.
Going back to RippleNet & XRPL, both were originally designed to work with the current (2016-2020) legacy market infrastructure but ultimately they were really designed for an Interoperable DLT/ DAG/ Cloud-based tokenised future financial system.
Also, Ripple has marketed RippleNet only as a Payment Network aimed at Swift”.
RippleNet has masqueraded since its inception as only a Blockchain inspired payment system built on ILP.
“The reality though, RippleNet is a global RTGS (XRPTwin: Real-Time Gross Settlement), that is a trading marketplace for FX (XRPTwin: Foreign Exchange), Crypto, Commodities and all forms of value.
RippleNet added to the original XRPL Tech Stack Ripple promoted pre-2016. It added messaging standards, KYC/AML compliance, Rulebook enforced by committee members through network protocols and/or autonomous agents, and clearing”.
XRP Ledger was always and will always be the settlement layer.
“RippleNet uses the Ripple Protocol and is simply an overlay network of XRPL.
Ripple Labs, ODL Exchanges & MM’s Operate SuperNodes aka XRPL Gateways that connect RippleNet to the underlying public XRP Ledger. There’s other tech and payment channels that are used within RippleNet to maintain user privacy and increase scalability.
That’s all factual info on Ripple’s GitHub”.
Mickey and a couple others, in a deep dive room, have speculated that we will see a convergence or a merging of RippleNet & XRPL in the (near) future.
How much of a merging and to what extent, nobody knows. But the deep divers are all aware of David Schwartz’ numerous proposals for the XRPL he proposed in 2019.
For right now, XRPTwin, let’s focus on the 2-layer consensus proposal.
“It’s well known that RippleNet’s Committee is the governance body for RippleNet.
“Ripple says RippleNet txns (XRPTwin: transactions) are validated using ILP validator (XRPTwin: Inter Ledger Protocol), but never gives any details. Same goes for FX ticket. Both of those scream Codius Hosts and Smart Oracles with consensus built on top of a small group. RippleNet uses ilpv1, not ILPv4”.
The XRPL txns are validated by a group of 30 UNL Validators.
There’s never been a single failed ledger but it’s only up to those 30 to sign and close all the ledgers, plus secure their private keys and servers.
“There’s a handful of additional validators that combined with the 30 UNL vote on amendments. There’s no incentive to run validators but the network has run flawlessly since inception and has grown decentralised as Ripple only operates a couple validators and nodes”.
XRPTwin: I hope you are still with me,
*it is getting really technical, ....... interesting, ....... very technical :–)
You were saying Mickey:
“The XRPL has close to ~1,000 nodes, which are not relevant to validating the network txns or voting on amendments but the nodes are crucial for those outside and inside the network to share and retrieve data about the network.
XRPL aka the Ripple Protocol uses Gossiping to share network info and data about the network with other nodes. It’s absolutely vital that all nodes have accurate data and identical information about the network state. Nodes do not store the entire history of the ledger. Only some do. The storage and security of this data can be stored in multiple locations but must be identical.
The XRPL in its current iteration is not bullet proof and is not properly configured to run at full scale on a global level for ODL or any other multiple use cases, too.”
now it is time for:

It’s Mickey's speculation that PolySign will play a key role in:
Securing the XRPL gateways, validators, connecting XRPL and RippleNet to other DLT/Blockchains/outside legacy infrastructure.
Creating a 2-layer consensus that balances control between public validators and RippleNet members while providing multi-tier security of EVERY ASPECT OF XRPL and RippleNet. From the gateways issuing assets, to verifying receipts, retrieving and confirmation of data accuracy.
PolySign ........hmm PolySign ...... very important, very secretive, very ..... we are all waiting for it .....
Deep stuff we tried to cover in this blog, but it goes so much deeper, than what you read on a daily basis going through Crypto Twitter, Telegram and your other Crypto Sources .
In conclusion,
the capabilities and meticulous design and enhancements of the XRPL and RippleNet are so profound compared to anything else like it, that Ripple has been able to pave the way for Central Banks to create and issue CBDC’s because of what Ripple was able to prove was possible with XRPL and RippleNet in ODL and other applications that are undisclosed.
The design of a a multi layer, modular design using numerous open protocols and standardised API’s have laid the groundwork for future financial payments system and Value & Trading exchange.
PolySign and its multiple solutions and software/hardware technologies are the final pieces that will satisfy every possible security or privacy concern that could be imagined.
XRPL Gateways were designed for Central Banks.
RippleNet and PolySign will use a combination of open protocols and standards along with proprietary technology breakthroughs to create the Internet of Value
Oh eh ..... XRPTwin here ..... again, sorry to interrupt Mickey ..... Lets re-touch Smart Oracle again, because it is a term that people will hear more about in combination with RippleNet and PolySign. You put it out for us through Twitter and there were a couple people that noticed:

Nice pictures, but let's discuss a bit. What do we see here, what are you talking about, Security and Real Estate Tokenisation. We all know Ripple was going for the international transaction industry but with giant killer Codius in the house there are some more flies to catch. We have been given numerous names, Codius, PolySign, Smart Oracle ..... but what, why, how ? ? ?
Mickey found some pretty hard evidence that the XRPL will be part of the Security & Real Estate Tokenisation Industry. Clues are given throughout his whole thread that you can look out clicking the Source; pretty compelling ! ! !
Everything in a nice overview:

Yes, Oracle is pretty important in this narrative. This whole blog has been full of it, but it actually has not been named by its REAL NAME. We can talk about Ripple, Smart Contracts, IOV, whatever abbreviation you want to use, everything in the end deals with one word and one word only:
Without data the whole blockchain / crypto currency / digital asset world would not exist. So, Tokenisation, with the help of Smart Oracle in the Security and Real Estate Industry ...... well, be prepared for it ! ! !
The world is struggling at the moment, what currency is going to survive, what is going to be the payment of the future; is it going to be paper, paperless, a mix of the good ol' “dirty” and the hyper new?
That we need to change something, that something is changing, we know that ! ! ! There is no stopping anymore, the train is moving and stopping a moving train .... besides that it is hard, not a smart thing to do.
The choice of currency will be valued differently in the future. With it comes a different “value”. It is not just currency going from point A to point B, but the underlying protocol start to express the value.
In conclusion
If you made it this far, and yes, a trip it has been, you most likely have realised that RippleNet is the next generation global payment system to replace Swift and corresponding banking.
YEAH WHATEVER not only replacing Swift; what’s being built is so much more. This is going to be the summary of todays blog:
A base level open economy with proprietary distributed applications built on top. Users and people will choose what best suited their needs and desires.
**Money will be democratised

and there you have it ! ! !
Has this been rambling ...... absolutely; has this opened your eyes a little more ...... well, it does to me, every time I talk to Mickey .....
We will re-visit, but for now: