
Husband, Father and Investor. Been in Crypto since 2017.
I blog about everything and everybody that is crypto; Twitter: @xrptwin

So, we made it all the way to Lyon and actually it went very well. We had a hotel booked, we have visited multiple times before. It has beds, a shower a restroom and ..... our names on the card they put on the bed when you enter it.

That is all you need, all we needed and that is why we return ! ! !

The three of us, dead. We had a quick drink in the warm wind of Lyon and searched for our beds. Of course I had to publish my blog and it took some time. Had to edit some pictures but it was all good. I “re-drove” the trip to Lyon and in my mind, seeing the picture .... we had a good one ! ! !

We were stoked to get back to the place where we were 5 times before. Not last year, decided to break the habit going to the same place.

Now we know why this is the right place to go:

  1. we like it
  2. we get the right treatment
  3. we pay for what we get – price technical, Amazing place
  4. child friendly
  5. we know people that do the same, once you've seen it, you go back
  6. we LIKE it

After finishing the blog I went to bed to actually wake up at 06:30. All the parents that read this post, know that this is a dream come true having a five year old, excited to be on holiday, new little presents...... He was a little early but we did not mind. My wife was reading the paper and boy, we needed this rest ! ! !

So, morning coff .... I mean water. I am almost there.

One more day for my challenge. We decided to take it easy, probably will bite us in the bum ....

We were in the carat 06.50, we were all prepared and we knew exactly what to do, where to go..... let's do it ! ! !

The first few I want to share with you: It looked all pretty okay ! ! !

Sky , nothing wrong with, nice and blue ........ no airplanes, well a few ! ! !

How much fun does that look, let's go for a swim ..... NOOOOO , let's like go to the other beach ! ! !

Another toll way; all the cars approaching in a neatly fashion ! ! !

All lined up to pay

Good job, we chose a better line .... not that it matters, still. eh .... W E W O N, according to our son.

Going for a little Croissant ...... eh ..... people, 1 meter. HELLO ! ! !, Corona ! ! !

Back in the car, protecting my meters around me, still sun was out, 30 degrees and rising ...

First sign with big names. Marseille and Nice

Another big name on the road sign. Happy I do not have to go all the way to Spain ! ! !

Nice castles in the air. Not uncommon in France ! ! !

Is it a sign ..... A rocket shooting up ..... eh going to the mewn ...... NO, get that thought out of your head, not this Quarter ! ! !

People returning from their holiday ...... well, they are not alone. Never be nasty about it, because Karma is a ...... You play with that, you play with fire. Yes, it is warm to be in bad traffic, but you take a bag full of new memories with you... Be thankful ......

More names, we have seen before or heard of: C A N N E S ! ! !

Well Karma is not giving us a hard time ...... This is us, going to the South of France .... oh thank you ! ! ! That has been different in previous encounters with the Southern highways.

Cannes still there, we must go in the right direction ! ! !

Still no traffic bothering us

No comment .....

Not even sideways, the Road Gods are not playing with us .....

St. Tropez on the signs, we are getting close ! ! !

And finally we made it. I cannot say it about this Pokemon, Could not make it anymore to a decent parking place ! ! !

Eh ..... who did not get the memo .... eh ..... Covid ....

Once again, memo time ....... Honey, about diner tonight .... I know where we are NOT going to eat ! ! !

St. Tropez

Well, we have made it ..... It was a fun road trip, Easy, and fun to share with you guys. More fun, BUT only if you are a Coil Subscriber .... Please click the link, to find out what 5 dollars a month brings you extra .... Don't drink that cup of coffee at your favourite coffee place ..... stop smoking and begin blogging, it is fun ..... IT IS FUN ! !

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So, this weekend we would finish a journey we started today. We had travel plans, holiday plans, going to the South of France .... A place we have visited for like seven years, we really like it and that is why we return. It is right beside St. Tropez, child friendly, beach, water, playgrounds for Noah and a secluded area. In total we had to travel around 1350 KM, around 810 miles and we wanted to do it relaxed.

So we left today, wanted to go all the way down to Lyon, around 900 KM / 540 miles. Travel plan was clear:

Rotterdam – Netherlands

Bergen op Zoom – Netherlands

Antwerpen – Belgium

Brussel – Belgium

Luxembourg – Luxembourg

Mets – France

Nancy – France

Dijon – France

Lyon – France

We were all prepared. NO PLANE, our car, our masks and ourselves. No contact, just us three, distance, 1 meter and masks all the time. All prepared, delivered my picture at gFam this morning and we left for France .....

So here we go ! ! !

This post is going to share with you a journey through 4 countries with half a day, in a time where a virus is spreading but safety is the major key ! ! !

Like I mentioned Rotterdam is going to be our first destination....

Rotterdam famous for it size, pretty new city as it was bombed in the second world war and of course world famous for its size harbour. Rotterdam is still the busiest container ports in Europe.

Rotterdam Port

I rest my case. Too bad the weather was not too good in the Netherlands, but that hopefully was going to improve along the way to Lyon.

Second stop: Bergen op Zoom. We are still going the right way ! ! !

Here you can see a couple wind turbines a long the coast. In total there are close to 4.000 wind turbines in the Netherlands. 10% of the Dutch energy need is coming from these 4.000 turbines. They are not “on” all the time, but the biggest part runs all the time ! ! !

Next stop Antwerp .... This was across the first border as it is in Belgium. Still comfortable in our car, singing along, playing along, but overall .... S A F E ! ! !

So the ring of Antwerp is most of the time a nightmare. A lot of bad traffic, but this time ..... NO PROBLEM ! ! ! CRUISING ! ! !

Antwerp came and Antwerp went

Famous Sport Palace in Antwerp. In there a famous tennis tournament is played. If you win this tournament 3 times in 5 years, you can keep the price: A gold racket decorated with diamonds, worth, approximately 1 million Euros. Amelie Mauresmo, the French tennis player did this and she has one of those nice diamond rackets on the wall: over 1.000 diamonds on a golden tennis racket:


The Antwerp “Sportpaleis” where the tennis tournament is hosted ! !

We wanted to stretch our legs a little, gas up the car a little and this was the moment to post a picture on gFam, was fun, first time we were wearing a face mask, it is not mandatory yet in the Netherlands.

Just continuing our road, through Belgium, Brussels was there, but we were not going to be close by ! ! !

More cities, more roads. Interesting to see the difference between the Dutch and Belgium plates on the road

Finally a new country popped up: Luxembourg ! ! !

The Wallonie shield: Wallonia is primarily French-speaking, and accounts for 55% of Belgium's territory, but only a third of its population. (Source)

More Luxembourg

Oh and, you probably know this city: Paris, nope, not going there

The weather was getting better

Still heading towards Luxembourg

And eh Coil ...... they were hunting me ..... FERDI YOU NEED TO MAKE A POST TODAY ABOUT YOUR TRIP ! ! ! !

Weather was still improving

or not .......

Finally we made it, look at this beautiful sign: Luxembourg, the country that is the smallest sovereign state in Europe .... between 600.000 / 700.000 people live there ! ! !

Of course we had to play the license plate games, not states, like in America , but countries, Noah checked every car: here a couple we saw: Romania, Netherlands, Belgium, United Kingdom and Luxembourg. We also saw Latvia, Finland, Italy, Germany, Polan, Czech Republic, Spain, Denmark, well those are the countries I can remember but was not able/ or allowed to picture, as I was driving !

In Luxembourg we saw a nice little map, shows you a little bit about how the countries are situated

Well, Luxembourg is small, went pretty fast, but still some pics:

Oh o , country number 4 not even in like 5 hours of driving ! ! !

Well, Coil Subscribers get the rest of the trip, was a lot of fun. Took us ..... yeah right ! ! ! Subscribe if you want to know the rest Click here for more info becoming a member ...... ONLY 5 dollars a month.

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Wow, is July 22nd going into the Crypto history books ..... Is this what we have been waiting for ? ? ?

This is just me rambling about what happened yesterday; I believe yesterday we made a very big step in the crypto currency industry.

So the magic sentence we got yesterday:

US Banks can now provide Crypto Custody Services!

What does that mean. Well, smile , that's what it means. Crypto is going to flourish because of this, but not overnight.

So Banks / Crypto Custody Services will make Crypto more accessible to the large crowd out there. The Crypto Community and specifically the XRPCommunity is a very small group, looking at the world population. Tweets send out with hash tags: BTC, XRP, VETFAM, COIL, XLM, CRYPTO etc. will only hit people that are already invested/ interested in crypto. If you see your Twitter feed, it is filled with crypto related messages, but you belong to a little group.

The fact that US Banks are able to hold, basically means more people are going to hear about it, see it and have access to it.

At this moment, people only know the sentence:

Bitcoin, that coin for money laundering, illegal this, fake that ..... not me ! ! !

Well, banks, sounds more legal, so maybe, yes maybe Bitcoin is not, no, .... yeah maybe it is Leg ...... no no no, Y E S , it is LEGAL ! ! !

So going back to the message that was released by the U.S. Comptroller of the Currency. A public letter was issued, by Senior Deputy Comptroller and Senior Counsel Jonathan Gould, that banks are now allowed to hold cryptocurrencies. Does this mean there is going to be a run on Bitcoin, NO, I don't think so, but they can hold the keys associated with cryptocurrency.

Jonathan stated: “The OCC recognises that, as the financial markets become increasingly technological, there will likely be increasing need for banks and other service providers to leverage new technology and innovative ways to provide traditional services on behalf of customers.

Banks will be safe keepers of funds. Not only money funds, dollars, euros, yens, pounds etcetera, but ,NOW, also crypto currency funds, BTC, XRP, VET etcetera. In time, lots of institutional money will flow in, because it is possible ! ! !

So yesterday when the news came, I called one of my buddies that is NOT into crypto yet, although I spent numerous hours telling him it IS the future ... he just doesn't see it. So I called him yesterday and told him about the good news .... the news I conceive as good news, and his first answer, “so now what ...... ” I guess I am just too coloured and can't explain it anymore to the person that just doesn't understand/ doesn't want to hear about it.

It was funny to see that all the well known YouTubers posted a video after this message came out. They are just confirming the size of the message ! ! !






Twitter was also full of interesting messages, and not only by the hype and mewn boyzzz and mewn girlzzz:








Crypto is global, so 1 country is not more important ..... YES it is, America is on board, America wants a piece of the pie and DOING something what they did yesterday, they clearly stated they want a BIG piece of the pie ... and IMO, they can and should and have to ! ! !

Just to conclude this post, I am very bullish .... this is a nice little beginning, it may not show in the price immediately, but this is absolutely a hurdle that had to be taken and WAS taken. Let's hope the world, the American world, is adopting

Stay SAFE ! ! !


Inspired by Gordy's Post yesterday I remembered my second spring break in 1998 ... The first year we all went to Panama City, so Shaggy and well, it was not me ! ! !

That of course was a reference to:



It was a party, and I tell you: IT IS A PARTY ! ! ! For Americans, it is a must do, may was a must do .... Everybody went down to Florida, MTV included, big parties, the strip driving back and forward, partying in Club La Vela, going to bed at 5, sleep till 10, living on donuts, doing the strip and doing the same 4 days long. Of course this is a G-Rated Blog, so not everything can and will be written. What happens in Panama City ......


Of course the picture above was PRE Covid-19, can you believe we were that close to all the ladies .... eh I mean people ! ! !

Well, the next year we wanted to do it differently ! ! !

We got the map of the US out and a set of darts. We would go for Spring Break where the dart would land .... Well the first one, did not hit the map, the second one in the water, the third one in the Canada, yeah like we were desperate ! ! !


Well the fourth dart hit Chicago .... We were all, Florida here .... and Chicago over there ..... hmm... But it was the first one that hit a city, so that was what was going to happen. Our friends had some friends in Gary, Indiana, no NOT Michael Jackson, but yes we went by ! ! !

So with the four of us, My brother, a guy friend and a lady friend we went for a road trip, from Louisiana to Chicago with some nice cities in between.

First step Dallas, the JFK shooting street we had to see. Bought the mandatory leaflets/ booklets, cups and magnets and went to Oklahoma City. A little more history, watched Ground Zero of the Oklahoma Bombing, got some more magnets, cups and other memorabilia's. Of course we had to stop by Eskimo Joe's in Stillwater:


It was all good, we were cruising and I tell you we were doing just fine. Oh by the way, of course we got ourselves some more t-shirts, magnets, pens and other highly appreciated small stuff at the Eskimo Place....

Going North, we were hitting St. Louis and what do you have to do when you go through St. Louis .... of course you have to stop by the Arch ...... to buy some gifts .... like eh ..... a magnet and stuff ! ! !


Was nice, still cruising and we finally made it to the Windy City. Not because of the weather, but the political swings the city made. Yes there is bad weather, but the politics is swingy .... windy ! ! !

Of course we had to go to Dick's Last Resort, the place where they swear at you, tell you not to eat what you just ordered and well, they spit in your Milkshake .... Not true of course, but it is funny, as long as you know it ... otherwise it creates interesting situations ! ! !



Chicago, well we loved it, was an amazing city. A little bit like New York, but smaller... Amazing city.

First stop gassing up the car in Chicago: .... we saw some guys arguing, so my brother and I went over and asked if we were able to assist .... no and get the F#%K out ..... Okay, whatever !

So we wanted to leave but suddenly all policemen around the car .... I mean ...... what ....... So we were taken out, my brother and I , not handcuffed, but we had to separately talk to some officers.... They actually were doing a drug bust and we were just at the wrong place, the wrong time talking to the wrong people ! ! !

Well, both my brother and me were not too scared as we knew we had nothing to do with it. I actually told the officer I did not come to Chicago, all the way from the Netherlands, to do something illegal that was legal under governmental restrictions in my own country... Well, that kinda sounded obvious, but never try to outsmart a cop, or make him thing you are .... I wasn't but just stating the obvious, although that is also something not appreciated. Well, the guy dealing the drugs, a local, came clean said we had nothing to do with the deal, so we were allowed to leave, leaving all our credentials and staying address and a week later we would hear that everything was fine ! ! !

Welcome Chicago, here we are ! ! !

After this nice episode, we wondered the city, wanted to see the Bulls, but the Blackhawks played a home game .... So we watched Chelios and Probert from the cheapest seats in the house ..... well, not coming from the Netherlands to see the hockey players as big as peanuts ...... so, as foreign as we were, we moved all the way down to the glass and we “just” wanted to take some pictures of the players because we just finished our 12 hour flight from Amsterdam. No problem ...... and after the last whistle sound, we left from the stadium after watching the game from the first row. We even saw a hattrick, not knowing all the people were going to throw their hats on the ice .... well we did not have to buy a hat anymore ...


We were lucky, the Blackhawks won, back then, that did not happy every game ..... So leaving United Centre with a shirt, a puck, a magnet the roster and other stuff we really did not need.

So what does this post have to do with Gord's gas blog .... well, we still needed to go back to the University.....

The trip back was harder, we wanted to do it at once, 4 drivers, so no problem whatsoever. St Louis passed and Oklahoma and then Dallas .... oh o .... what was that:


We just rolled our car into a gas station but it would get much further. And if you are on spring break, limited cash flows and a bag full of stickers, magnets, jerseys leaflets and other ..... eh like eh S#^%T, you reach the E also in your wallet, so basically we stood there, without any cash, without any gas, without any plan ! ! ! Mobile phone and calling somebody ..... eh not in '98, yeah sounds weird but the iPhone has not been around for decades ! ! !

No clue what to do we were kicking the little pebbles in the gas station, to see who could kick it the furthest ..... When this gentleman approached us and asked us what we were doing ... Well, telling him the story he started to laugh and told us to gas up the car .... We thanked him and did so, to go back to him and asked him what is next .... Well he said, going back to the University as you told me earlier. Well, we need your address, so we can send you the money ..... You don't have to, it is just a duty to be there for each other, when in need.

Well, thank you sir, but we cannot accept that, we would love to pay back the money we owe you. He told us we did not owe him anything, that we did not have to thank him, but the Lord .... He walks in mysterious ways ! ! ! We looked at each other, tired, wanted to go home, wanted to forget all the thinks we went through and we were very fortunate to meet this person.

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In my first blog regarding whether they know each other, I wrote about Patty and Michael, whether they know one another. So, today it is time for part II .... We have 2 other Coiler among us that are together; so time to test the two ! ! !

Of course I am talking about Gordy and MomaLeeLee. Our Canadian Friends. The oh so wise MLL with her great blogs and the funny, grinding his teeth all the time, Gordy. Let's check it out, how well do they know each other:

I asked Gordy and MommaLeeLee both to answer the following questions with how they would answer and their partner.

These were the questions:

1. What superhero do you/ your partner want to be ? ? ?

2. Coke or Pepsi ? ? ?

3. Is there going to be a Bull Run in 2020 ? ? ?

4. Our special song is ? ? ?

5. If Momma Lee Lee ever grows up, what does she want to be ? ? ?

6. If Gordy ever grows up he wants to be ? ? ?

7. What are y'alls favourite car ? ? ?

8. First holiday is going to be to ... ? ? ?

9. Who said I love you first MommaLeeLee to Gordy, or Gordy to MommaLeeLee ? ? ?

10. Who is going to win this game MommaLeeLee or Gordy ? ? ?

Some of the questions required an answer for both and some were just asking for one answer.

So we started with the first question. Superhero , what hero are you, and what hero is your partner. The answers were:

That is 1 point for MommaLee because she knows her hubby is Superman. It is a complement that Gordy thinks his wife is Wonder Woman, but in this game .... you don't get points for compliments. MommaLee is ahead

Well, that was a good start ..... I know the photos are crap, bad photoshop ........ but that was the purpose ! ! !

So 1-0 voor MommaLeeLee ! ! !

The second question was the choice Coca Cola vs. Pepsi Cola. The answers of both are below:


MommaLeeLee gets a red one because she was not as detailed as Gordy ..... Gordy ties the game and we are 1-1 ! ! ! !

The next question, all about bulls. Too easy of a question of course, especially because of the sentiment in the XRPCommunity, the VeFam family and all other crypto communities:

Source Picture in the Middle


So we have a score of 2-1, we are doing good. Both know each other well, but MommaLeeLee is leading ! ! !

Let's talk about music .... Both are aware of “The Song”, but the answers were different. So what are the answers:

Sorry Gordy, but I cannot give you the point. You call Tenerife Sea your back-up and maybe MommaLeeLee should have mentioned A Thousands Years, but she does run away with the point. 3-1 for the lady, she knows her husband ......


So music, not Gordy's strong side.... let's try the future:

If Momma Lee Lee ever grows up, what does she want to be ? ? ?

Let's see what the answered:

Well, I kinda cannot give a point to Gordy, he kinda messed up writing the second part, so we stay on 3-1 ! ! !

Five questions done, let's continue with Gordy's Future:

If Gordy ever grows up he wants to be ? ? ?


Well I guess we could talk about a retired Fireman, but not MommaLeeLee, no points for you ! ! !


So we still have a score of 3 – 1 .

Cars ! ! !

Let's see where this goes , I have to look into Gordy's direction though ! ! !

Favourite cars of the two were answered:

In this case the points are going into Gordy's direction .... He picked the Mini Cooper, so that is another point for Gordy; what brings the score closer .....


So the score now is:


Next up, let's talk about holidays. What happens when the world gets Corona proof and they allow Canadians to cross borders again .... Where are the two going ? ? ? Well, that seemed to be an easy one:

Maybe I should credit MommaLeeLee for being more detailed but both would like to visit Mexico, I hope with each other, after safety has returned.


The score moves, but doesn't really move:


Now the love connection between the two; who said I love you to the other FIRST, was it MommaLeeLee or was it Gordy:

Well, once again, both score a point, I do want to write it down one more time: It was Gordy that said I love you for the first time ! ! !


So once again, the score moves without moving:



Let's see if “the Gord” can tie, but it was a little bit of a cheeky question ! ! !

Who is going to win this game MommaLeeLee or Gordy ? ? ?

The answers on this hard question were:

Well, they both thought THEY would win, so the score DOES move this time:


So the winner of this game, the person that knows her partner better is:

Congratulations lady, you are the true winner ! ! !


A week has gone by, 21 liters of water, at least, later ..... I feel fine ! ! !

I have dropped 2,6 Kilos in weight and have NOT really been too difficult with eating. I have eaten, well not everything, but did not leave the nice cheese last night when friends came over we had not seen for like half a year.

Everybody was drinking wine, I was drinking water. Is it difficult, not really, but it gets boring from time to time. Hot tea, negative, don't even drink that, although it is pretty much just water. I have been really strict and I love it. Will do another week and will be a little less lenient with food. I do eat well, no weird things but, yeah once again, some nuts, nice cheese, some french bread, does not really happen, but that is not the challenge. The challenge is two weeks of water.

So, how do I feel. I actually feel fine. I sleep well, my body feels well, seems my sore back is feeling much better and the toilet, well I am really cleaning the inside of my body. I really feel well, maybe I am less agitated, only that other glass of water, where I could have had some nice ..... well a cup of coffee but oh well, 2 weeks, 14 days, it is not that bad....

Well, that is a magic word, coffee. I do miss it, a cup a day, would definitely be nice but once again, you go all the way, or you don't go. Not 1 little mulligan in the morning, 24/7 for 2 weeks.

My wife also gave me the compliment I was looking less tired ... my eyes were standing more straight, good compliment to get; I love her and she supports me in doing challenges like this ! ! !

Half way, one more week, we are going to finish strong. Hope you guys are having a great day and see you in the next.


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Today was a nice day again. Sun was out and when you live 10 minutes driving to the beach ...... what are you going to do ...... you are going to the beach ! ! !

When we arrived, we were literally the first once there, we were there at 08.15, and we had the whole beach for ourselves ! ! ! We got ourselves some coffee and lemonade, and water for me of course ! ! !

We were next to the swings, so Noah was busy and my wife and I were just chilling, watching everybody arrive and it was funny to see all the stuff people bring and what people do to stay away from others and to stay corona free....

A big seagull sat next to us and suddenly Noah came to us sharing he was going to feed the seagulls with Jack ..... first of all: FEEDING THE SEAGULLS and eh ..... WHO IS JACK ? ! ?

Well his friend he just met and together with Jack's dad, they were going to the sea. So, I was interested and looked what was happening. Jack's father came over and said he wanted to walk his son and Noah to the sea and capture shrimp with a little shrimp net. When I was young I did that also, so I was intrigued.

With the 4 of us we walked to the sea and there was already a little puddle forming .... I was a little hesitant, but wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt ....

To my surprise, they caught a lot of shrimp; they were little but every single time like 30- 40 of them, that was fun ...... couple little craps, little fish and of course a lot of shells.

Really fun to see, and those two little boys, they were talking like they had known each other for years already. We actually learnt they lived 2 streets away from us ....

Well, when they caught a big load of shrimp Jack's dad turned them around on the beach and, wow, the seagulls acted like they had not eaten for weeks. We did they like 20 times, the boys liked it a lot and kept shuffling sand and caught shrimp for the seagulls. The pictures say everything:

It was a fun little day, good first day of the holidays. I was amazed how those little guys make friends and how much fun they had ... the daddies exchanged numbers and off we went. A lot of fun it was. The biggest friends in this blog may not be Noah and Jack, but are probably the seagulls. We gave them a lot of shrimp; one thing is sure though, the shrimp probably don't consider us their friend ! ! !

For the Coil subscriber some extras If you are NOT a Coil subscriber .... you are missing out and should click the following link


Well, we have a nice little green sentiment today, really nice. Biggest gainer the VeThorToken with over 80% gains:


Definitely nice if you are a VeChain holder since like at least 2018, oh hey, that is funny I am ! ! ! Looking at the price now close to 2 cents, 0,02, I bought for the first time when it was 0,003 and extra zero. I think this year we will see another 0 killed by the supply chain and verifying giant. Maybe another one, and we are going to see 1 dollar, but that ......... well, who let the bulls out .....

But that is not what this post is all about. The first time I wrote about my Tomato plant was in May, about two months ago. I already planted them so I have definitely planted them between 2 / 3 months ago.

Not knowing I would stick with it and I would really like it, we are about 4 months since...... And it is fun. I check on it regularly to make sure they have enough water, sun and tlc of course.



Just a little reminder, this is how it started:

and these are some more pictures showing the tremendous growth:

I am sooooo excited and I am ready to see some red in the picture. Happy I made it so far, going, going and going ! ! !

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A YouTuber that bases his content on Technical Analysis..... there are more, but this person should definitely be recognised. His channel has been around since the first quarter of 2018, so has been around for over a year. A real trader, not just on crypto: a real trader. With over 8.5 subscribers to his YouTube channel, he is well known. Let’s find out a bit more about Crypto Michaël:


Can you please introduce yourself in a couple sentences ? ? ?

Crypto Michaël:

I’m Crypto Michaël, full-time trader based on Beursplein 5 in Amsterdam (which is the old Amsterdam Stock Exchange). Trading cryptocurrencies, equities and commodities, while I’ve also done a study in Economics at the University.

Source Beursplein 5

Passion towards economy, monetary policies, money and the financial system (and trading). I’ve got my own Twitter page under the nickname Crypto Michaël and YouTube page under the same nickname focusing on TA and educating people with TA related content.


When did you start to get interested in Blockchain / Crypto Currency ? ? ?

Crypto Michaël:

I’ve got interested in the beginning of 2017. Why? Well, ALT – Season was happening and everyone was making tremendous profits. That was essentially the beginning of the rollercoaster.

However, along the lines, I’ve got more interested in the fundamental part of crypto and started to realise it can make a huge difference.

But originally, first quarter of 2017.


What coins have your interest? What is your top 5, why ? ? ?

Crypto Michaël:

That’s hard, honestly. My long term investment approach I’m fully focused on commodities, cash and crypto (but with crypto I’m long term mainly in BTC and ETH as I’m a risk averse investor).

However, the top 5 would probably be;





-LINK / Oracle coins.

First two I’ve discussed, Elrond because they are progressing really fast recently and starting to show signals of being one of the best projects of the new generation. Komodo is one of my old favourites and still doing cool stuff.

Chainlink speaks for itself, I still believe it’s just starting up and next to that, I’m assuming that Oracle coins can make a huge difference.


Can you say something about Bitcoin, XRP and Ethereum ? ? ?


1 Bitcoin

2 Ethereum


Crypto Michaël:

Bitcoin, I think, is going to face the breakout of the century in which it will take a larger spotlight. I’m assuming we’ll see a crisis relatively soon in which people will take their money away from the dollar. That’s where Bitcoin steps in, just like gold and silver.

Ethereum, well, 2.0 has to come, but on that (price wise) it’s looking really good and I sincerely expect ETH to outperform BTC in the coming bull cycle.

XRP, how much I don’t like the project itself, I think the price is ready for a big move as well. Once everyone is expecting further downside, then it seems likely we’ll be expecting the opposite.


So, you are a YouTuber, when did your love for Video start ? ? ?

Crypto Michaël:

Originally, I didn’t want to get on YouTube as I thought my content was not good enough. However, in the past months I started to see how much garbage there’s on YouTube combined with the fact that I wanted to freely share my view in a longer perspective than one single tweet.

And then I just started to make some videos, which were granted with some positive feedback. And then things start to roll.


Investing for a lot of people is tough, if needed to be done, it is in stock, options little tougher, trackers and futures .... bridge too far , .......... crypto don’t even talk about it ......... how to get mass adoption ? ? ?

Crypto Michaël:

Mass adoption will come when the majority of the people all of a sudden has demand. How do we get that? Well, if the economy is falling apart or your currency collapses, then you’ll have a desire to have a different currency that doesn’t go the same way as your current one.


That demand will come. However, improving the user experience will definitely increase the mass adoption and demand and that’s where everyone is working really hard for.

That’s basically the idea of Bitcoin and when Bitcoin does well, the rest will. The question for decentralisation will only increase if the central authorities fail to keep the economy running.


Can you describe your channel a little bit ? ? ?

Crypto Michaël:

My channel description is based on trading. I’m a technical trader, so the majority of the content is based on charts, ideas on charts and backgrounds around trading. Both on Twitter and YouTube, however on YouTube I go more in depth.



In the near future, I’m also going to switch to more fundamental parts of the economy.


What is your best video, or what video is ALL YOU ? ? ?



Crypto Michaël:

I don’t have a video all about me, so you’ll have to look for interviews or something to actually get something about me.

However, I’m sure this will come in the near future too!



Something unique to mention about your channel ? ? ?

Crypto Michaël:

I think the unique part of the channel is that I’m not going to shill you projects, I’m trying to tell you my strategy and help you further in your path as a trader. The majority of the channels are focused on the money, while the focus should be on education.


What has been the best of 2020 ..... so far ? ? ?

Crypto Michaël:

Starting my YouTube channel has been the best so far. However, it’s battling with finishing my studies to be the best thing of this year.


What will be the best of 2020 ..... the remainder of it ? ? ?

Crypto Michaël:

Personally, I’ve got a ton of stuff coming up (which means courses, workshops and webinars + a website and professionalising the YouTube channel), so that’s what’s up for me.

For the market; I think the breakout above $10K would fuel further momentum in the Crypto Markets, so that’s what we’ll have to wait for and could be really exciting.


Regarding the virus has it affected the blockchain world positively or negatively ? ? ?


Crypto Michaël:

In the end, it will affect it in a positive way, as more people are getting interested in economies, trading and the markets. Not only trading wise, but also understanding that our economy is fragile and that they have to seek for different options rather than their current situation.

Next to that; people are losing their jobs, while the government can’t help them with their situation, through which social unrest increases and people try to seek for a different option outside of the system –> crypto or gold.

So, through that, I’m assuming it will have a positive impact.


What coin is going to surprise us in 2020 ? ? ?

Crypto Michaël:

I don’t have one specific coin that will surprise us, I think the market overall will surprise us. Some coins are breaking out of their 1-year accumulation range, which means that they are in for a massive move and that usually takes a long time.

People are surprised with a 4-5x on Zilliqa or any other coin. However, that breakout is just the start. The market will surprise us.


Biggest winners short term / long term ? ? ?


Crypto Michaël:

Largest winners short term I’m assuming the DeFi section and the IEO’s. The last group can do really, really well.

Long term; very hard to say. Oracles will do well, BTC/ETH will do well, DeFi will do well, we can’t bet on that.


In 2021, I am going to be a happy YouTuber, when .... ? ? ?

Crypto Michaël:

When I’m getting daily messages from people that are saying that I’m impacting their lives and that they’ve learned from my content.

Well, thank you Michael, that was a great interview, thank you for your time, good luck on all your plans for this year, finishing University, courses, workshops and webinars + a website and professionalising the YouTube channel. I will keep following you to hear all the new stuff

But the MOST important: