
Husband, Father and Investor. Been in Crypto since 2017.
I blog about everything and everybody that is crypto; Twitter: @xrptwin

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Every Tuesday, the garbage truck comes along and empties all the garbage in this part of the city. You can leave the green / brown bins outside the day before (after 5 PM) and you are safe.

So every Tuesday they are coming to collect around 08:00 AM in the morning ........ hmm 08:00 AM is always in the morning ! ! ! I was a little late, so my wife, OOOHH the garbage bin ..... we're too late, and today it is green day and it is full.


Too late, absolutely not, so I was flying, pulling the bin, yelling, wait up,..... all in slow motion, to strengthen the suspense, the “ is he going to make it” .....the NOOOOOOOOOOO.


Of course I made it ..... All the way to the other side of the road and no do not think of a Time Square idea that you have to watch 21 times to the left and 15 times to the right before you can cross.

Nice intro, but not the essence of the story ... All the bins were emptied already and I got the evil eye “little late there buddy” ?

Ehm yeah, can you still take it empty it? ? ? Sure we can, just move back a little and we will lift it. The can was emptied and all happy. When I suddenly saw a little fellow sitting on a pole; all by itself.

I asked the garbage men what it was and they shared they rescued it from the garbage can....

One of the guys saw it before the trash went inside the truck and got it out. They did not know a thing about it, but when they see something like this, they always take it out and leave it somewhere everybody can see it ! ! !

I thought that was such a nice thing to do and I only hoped this was going to be a story with a happy end ! ! !

So, 20 minutes later I took Noah to school as it was that time again. Last week for him and then 6 weeks of holiday ...... a little bit again. Corona, of course, has been some sort of holiday for him and my wife and me took three weeks of to do absolutely nothing ... has been hectic weeks, but we did great.

When I came back to the house, I looked into the direction of all the trashcan. They stay there as there is a van following the garbage truck to clean the trash cans. They do that once every second time the trash cans have been emptied; great service ! ! !

What did I see ..... well, the question is what did I NOT see ! ! ! The stuffed animal. Someone came along. I went to the little pole to look around and suddenly this woman started to talk to me

Did you put Tigger on the pole?

I looked around and the lady smiled at me. No, it was not me but the garbage men. I told her the story and she was smile throughout the story. Oh my daughter is going to be so happy. We have been looking everywhere since last night, we could not find her stuffed animal 🧸

I was happy for them. I drove around for a moment as I wanted to have some pictures of the garbage truck, the garbage men, asked them but they did not want that .... this is what they do......

Well to me, they are heroes


Okay sharing one of my trades, but we have to go back to the good ol' days ..... 2018 ! ! !

End of December my family, including me like to spend Christmas / New Years in a foreign country so we decided to go to Curacao .....

I was sitting on the hot seat though .... I had read a lot about Vechain and wanted to buy some ..... things would happen in 2019 and well, the price was still low; we all know too well about 2019, that it “happened” ! ! !

On the airport, bags, child, wife, thousands of other people that had the same idea, taking a plane ! ! ! I wanted to buy, I was able to buy, financially, but was not able to take all those steps, remember 2018, still a little early to just do very easy trades !!!

So ..... I called an XRPCommunity member I had been spoken to/ writing with for a couple month; ever met .... NO, friends ...... well, ..... no, not really, what is a friend ........ but I had his phone number, does that count ? ? ?


Sure I can, just wire me the money, I buy them for you.... Well, at this time, I did NOT communicate with my wife, for valid reasons, I wanted to have an easy flight ......

I transferred the money and he would take care of it ...

instantly? ? ?

NO, so we had to board, and we flew into the air .... telling/ no telling, sharing/ no sharing, ...... aaaaaahhhh.

So when we were about to land, I told my wife about the transaction:

  1. Do you know this guy?
  2. Why?
  3. Can you trust him?
  4. Why?
  5. That's a lot of money, you never met him?
  6. Why?
  7. .......
  8. Why?

Let me be clear, ALL legitimate questions, but I just ..... eh ..... did it ....

And of course I could not find a wireless network, so .... Roaming on






















The VET was in my account,


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Like Always:


One of my friends, had not seen him for a long time (well, that is most of people's friends nowadays) spoke with me about a challenge he did.

For one month, he drank 3 liters of water EVERY SINGLE DAY and nothing else.

Yes eating, but no tea, no coffee, no alcohol, milk, you name it, nothing like that ! ! !

So, many challenges are displayed via Coil, why not a water challenge. I am not challenging anybody particularly, BUT .... eh..... YOU will do it after reading the rest of this post .....

So, I am going to start with two weeks .... JUST WATER and food, but no other liquids. Interesting part, what do I expect of it and what does it do to you ! ! !


The Waterboy, of course it ran through my mind, love the movie and will more than likely see it in the couple two weeks. Yes, I am starting TOMORROW; do it good, or don't do it ! !

A lot of people probably say that they already do it, but I mean 100% water, no lemonade, no ice tea, no tea, no coffee, no nothing BUT water ! !

So what is water good for ? ? ?

  1. Constipation ..... Yes that is a weird one to start with , but going to the restroom, no problems there anymore. It has all been cleaned the natural way ! ! !
  2. Weight-loss, I can definitely loose some, but that is not the main goal .... I just want to clean my body inside ! ! !
  3. The way you look, wrinkles in your face, no they are not going to disappear, BUT they may be less deep and your face is going to look less grey, more alive ! ! !
  4. Physically, number 1 – 3 are winners, in my opinion, but number 4 is a good on also. It deals with your mental condition. You will be more productive and you will feel more comfortable. So another great thing doing this challenge.

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The challenge is going to be with myself. Difficult to check others, as we don't see each other 24/7 ... you wouldn't wanna be with me 24/7 for two weeks by the way.


I am going to do the challenge ARE YOU UP FOR IT .... Just comment on the Tweet ( posted below) and I will include you in future posts regarding this challenge. If you are going for it:



Think about your health and


Yesterday, July 10th, I was going to do some groceries in the evening. I will talk about the scenery, the weather, the whole nine yards, to make this as romantic as possible ......

The sun was still portraying shadows on the ground, so I was able to mount my bicycle without a jacket. It was quiet, nobody around as I was cycling to the store to get some poppy seeds .... what, yes poppy seeds ! ! !


While I was in my own world, driving through the magical streets, I encountered some ruckus in front of me. A red car passed by which I though was reckless. I saw .......


NO NO, not that but a LITTLE grass parakeet (budgerigar) was attacked by a GIANT sea gull ! ! ! !

Let me tell you something about the grass parakeet. This is not a normal bird that should live in the wild in the Netherlands:



Although the story is not totally known, I will leave it a little open where it all started ....

In the sixties, previous century, a couple parakeet broke free / set free and well that just started everything. The birds can survive in the Netherlands, and live in an area between Amsterdam and The Hague.

I, like many people love these birds,

the green flashes going through the air

Many people do NOT like these birds as the ruin a lot of business: farmers growing fruits, the eat seats, parts of tree, still I love

the green flashes going through the air

nice ! ! !

Going back to the story, ruckus .... bird fight (no Gordie, REAL BIRDS ! ! !)

So with risking my own life, I just dove into it. Put my bike on the site, threw it on the floor, put my Rambo head band around my head,

thought about a rubber band, a screw and a piece of rope, constructing a bomb like MacGyver


walked towards the vicious fight. The seagull was like 3 times as big as the parakeet and with waving my hands scared it away. It approached again, I shouted, attacked me, I waved and shouted and waved and shouted.....

Thousands of seagulls flew towards my head .... eh no, that part is made up ..... did not happen ! ! !

The Seagull walked away, was still looking at its prey, the parakeet was a little woozy, but I managed to grab it. I first wanted to get it safely on the side of the road, and then I wanted to overlook the situation ..... While doing this, he tried to attack me a little, and the only thing I was thinking ..... my wife is NOT going to like this .... nasty bird, flees, bacteria, diseases .... Y U C K ! ! !

I already saw it in my head, first of all, yah sure, that did not happen .... so once again, in a split second I thought I need to take some pictures to show........ but will first wash my hands, show her the pictures and tell the story....

Back to the parakeet .... every second was going to count from this moment (that makes ABSOLUTELY NO sense, that sentence, but it is building up the story, Y E S, Y E S, I am feeling it, are YOU) ? ? ?

Don't worry buddy, I am not hurting you ! ! !

I put it on the ground and watched it, how was it doing ? ? ? it was sitting there for a while, but then walked towards a little bush and walked in it .... hidden from ferocious killer seagulls ! ! !

Moral of the story, I am a hero.

I went to the store, put like hand sanitiser on my fingers, hands, and arms, bought the poppy seed and followed my bike ride back home

I once again washed my upper body and showed my wife the pictures and told her the story:

She kissed me and told me I was a hero, I love you Superman

If you are a Coil Subscriber, well you are in luck; I will have the executive summary for you

If you want to learn more about becoming a member, here is the place to start your new Coil adventure .... eh ..... HERE

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I would like to finish with the following line: No animal has been hurt during the story / during the writing of the blog. There was no intention to hurt, just a quick action to safe a bird ! ! !


Last year I got to know Rile Q .... I am not sure, where, how, what message ....... Y E S , I remember, it was May 23rd, 1:59 PM to be specific .... Through the year, I have had a couple conversations with Riley, moved more towards Coil, but also about, life, pregnancy and other things.

Do I know her ..... not at all ..... , well maybe a little bit :–)

Can I say something about her, —–> A B S O L U T E L Y ! ! !

A very nice lady, that takes things in life seriously; Singing, Pregnancy, Coil, her relationship ..... life. Very supportive and always ready for a nice word. Say hi to her some time, she will brighten your day ! ! !

But let's get into it,


Can you please introduce yourself in a couple sentences?



Hey! I’m Riley Q. I am a singer, songwriter, blogger, website designer, mother of two angel babies and soon to be one earthly baby boy and wife of just over a year. I am 20 years old, 21 in November and I live in Southern-Middle Tennessee, currently on a farm with my husband and his grandmother but we will be moving soon in preparation for the baby.

I have been a writer ever since I could remember and switched career paths more times than I can count, but I have a lot of creative passions and so blogging is kind of the perfect gateway for me. I consider myself a multi-passionate creator for a lack of better words. I graduated high school at 16 and moved from the metro-Detroit area to Nashville at 18.


I didn’t have a plan or enough money to even last me the first month, but I made it happen and here we are now!

XRPTwin: Well, here we are, that is a big answer .... wow, interesting lady ..... I want to know more ...... GO GO GO:


So, the first time I ran into you was via Twitter regarding music, can you tell us a little more about your musical career, how did this start?


I have been singing since the time I could talk and my Mom recognised my musical inclinations and put me in piano lessons at 4 years old. I tried to quit MANY, MANY times but my piano teacher and my mom ganged up on me and wouldn’t let me because they saw I had talent. I’m grateful for it now but I pulled many pranks, told many lies and guilted them both a time or two to try and get out of it, they persisted nonetheless.


I started writing songs at age 11. I remember my first song actually, I was in 6th grade and I was sitting watching Disney Channel and one of my favourite shows came on and they were writing music in that episode. I remember thinking “Well duh, I could do that, I have songs in my head all the time!” I just had never though to write them down. I wrote my first song that day “Step by Step” and I never stopped. I’ve attended multiple workshops and songwriting retreats, been in a band, and I’ve since released 8 songs- the first two of which we don’t talk about.

Smiling face with open mouth and cold sweat

I had HUGE plans for 2020, but God knew best what was going to happen and after releasing “Please Don’t Make Me Leave My Couch” and “Love Myself?” earlier this spring, I am currently on a mini hiatus until God gives us the go ahead to start spending money on it again.


For those who don’t know, releasing music regularly is quite costly and with the pandemic, Dustin being furloughed and trying to prepare for a baby and get another car and a house, it’s just not a possibility right this moment.

Also, I’m drained and I needed a second to reconfigure and see where I wanted to go next. I’d never want to release music, just to release music. Every song I put out needs to have meaning. Obviously I still write music and I love that I have Coil and Cinnamon to share it on in the meantime.


Although every song has specific meanings, you have one that stands emotionally very close to you?


This is like asking which child you like best?! I mean obviously you have a favourite, but you’re not supposed to tell…

Hah anyways, like I said before every song I release has to have a specific purpose and meaning. That being said,

Stitched is very near and dear to my heart.

I consider that my first real release. I released three songs prior but they were subpar and my advertising was zilch. With Stitched I actually used it to showcase the voices of women who had dealt with sexual assault and abuse. I wrote this song during a traumatic time of my life when I was remembering and uncovering childhood trauma. A few years later I picked it back up and finished it when I was dealing with a stalker. He preyed on me, was extremely inappropriate with me and had plans to do more, but through the grace of God his plans were uncovered and revealed but it was an extremely difficult time. I felt naked and exposed and like the life I had been living for 6 months was a facade. I finished Stitched then and a few months later an old friend from high school who is a producer approached me and asked me to release a song with her. She helped me revise Stitched and get everything out of it that needed to be said and then we quickly recorded it on a trip home to Michigan and released it on July 17th.

I’ll probably do an in-depth post on its one year anniversary. But I have to say that the video I released for Stitched was the most special video I’ve done and I can’t even tell you the amount of healing releasing that song brought me. It felt like I was free of their hold on my life and the amount of healing it brought other men and women who came across the song and related, especially to the video, it was incredible. I had so many amazing conversations of people opening up to me and still to this day people come to me and let me know how the song has helped them heal or made them brave enough to stand up for themselves and say something. The song hasn’t blown up, but I wouldn’t be surprised, because of the content alone, if it was the one.. I guess we’ll see.


Coil, you are an amazing Blogger, with great text sharing knowledge and help for fellow bloggers/ readers of your blog, can you say something about your Blog history?


Like I said, I’ve always been a writer. I started writing short stories in elementary school and that moved onto songwriting, poetry and even a few books I started but never finished. I found that I enjoyed blogging in middle school and I went through a few different types of blogs. But I was never content and trying to share my content was exhausting enough and I didn’t want to advertise or do brand partnerships with products, I tried it and hated it, so I kinda gave up.

It was funny though, a few months before Coil launched I picked up blogging again on my personal website, I thought it would give my social media management business a boost.

Only a few weeks into that Dustin told me about Coil, I co-shared some of my posts and realised that Coil would be my blogging home. I stopped blogging on my website altogether, it’s simply music related now which is better for that industry and now I just blog on Coil. I started with the intention of simply sharing my music, but I love business and social media and I am fuelled by helping people. I figured that if we were going to find longterm success with Coil, someone needed to step up and explore different ways of utilising the platform and share about it. I just started sharing what I was learning about Coil and started building help article for new-comers. I am obsessed with how Jenna Kutcher has become an expert in Pinterest/Instagram/Facebook and I figured why not be a helping hand? It’s not like I need to build courses and try to monetise off of people, I can help them while still making money because of the beauty of web-monetisation. The exclusivity aspect is built in and I don’t have to advertise or do anything, the content is here for those who want and need it!

As I kept on going, I felt the need to add a more personal aspect and since then I’ve started talking about motherhood, marriage and mental health because it’s a very real part of my life and my desire is that anybody who comes across my profile gets to know who I am and feels like a part of my family.


So, it is not a secret ....... you are pregnant .....how are you doing? Are you enjoying it after some misfortune before this pregnancy or are you a little nervous / anxious?


I am! At the time of writing this I am 20 weeks and 4 days pregnant. It’s wild, honestly. I know that I am the same person, yet at the same time, as this baby grows, I am growing and morphing into someone new. I’ve never not owned the fact that I am a mother, I had two miscarriages, I am still a mother. But mothering to a baby who is still alive, who is going to be making their appearance on Earth in just a few months is an insane concept to grasp. We are extremely excited to be having a little boy, it took me a few days to get excited, I wanted a girl, which I talk about in my gender disappointment video on Cinnamon, but I am now really happy to welcome him. I am definitely anxious still, I deal with a lot of fears around pregnancy because of my two losses, but I am learning to rely on God in ways I never have before.


It does help that little man kicks away and does what feels like somersaults on a daily basis, which just continually reminds me that I am carrying life within me. It’s been a very difficult, but beautiful season to be in.


I can kinda relate with the gender disappointment. In our case, we chose the option not to know the gender before birth. When Noah was born, in my head a baby girl dream popped and a baby boy was born. Weird situation, but that is how it played out in my head....


Does your pregnancy influence your Coil messages?


Oh definitely. I obviously have shared about my miscarriages but it’s hard and depressing to continually share about those, so I have done a few posts but not many. With Coil, you have to remember that I am laying out my life here. Obviously with my Coil-based articles, I am providing value, but this is also like my online journal.


As I grow up and experience life, ya’ll are experiencing it with me. I share about a lot of stigmatised subjects and they tend to be quite personal. I don’t intend to change this as I step into my role as an Earthly-Mother and I very much look forward to sharing my life lessons. I think about it this way, as I go through new experiences, my music shifts, the same goes for my writing. But I know that when I keep my core-beliefs and my pillars of what I write about steady, people will continue to stick around and I’ll bring in new readers as I make these shifts. I do have to say, I plan to make most of my motherhood content video, because it’s way easier to stick a baby on your lap and talk to a camera than it is to write, so be ready for more Cinnamon content come November, but I don’t have any intention of not blogging.


What is the due date?


So technically I’m due November 23rd, but for those of you who know anything about fertility, we were trying to get pregnant and I was tracking my cycle intensely. That being said, I think the tech was wrong. She told me I was a week off at my first appointment, which I knew was impossible because I pretty much know exactly when we got pregnant. My 20 week appointment confirmed my thinking when I saw he was measuring a little bit ahead, so I believe I’m actually 21 weeks right now and that I’m due on the 16th. Needless to say, babies come when they want to and so my due date will be whenever he wants top make an appearance, hopefully sometime in November.


That said, we have to talk a little crypto:


When did you start to get interested in Blockchain / Crypto Currency /Ripple?


I was introduced to the whole world of blockchain and crypto soon after I met Dustin in the fall of 2018. I talked about this in my Couple’s Appreciation Challenge post, but I thought he was crazy at first.

It took me awhile to understand it all, but once I did I thought it was genius. I’m still learning and I let him take care of the investments because I would totally mess it up somehow, but I am obviously extremely supportive.


What coins have your interest?


There’s a few different ones Dustin and I have talked about in our portfolio, but I primarily focus on XRP just because I see the extreme potential and I can appreciate using it so easily on a day to day basis via Coil and gFam.

For me it’s less about the coin and more about the way that I can use it. Not to say I’m not interested, but my creative brain has a hard time when it comes to anything math and science related and my brain still has a hard time understanding the stock market let alone all of the other exchanges, so like I said, I leave that up to my wonderful husband.


Regarding the virus has it affected the blockchain world positively or negatively


As I approach things from the user standpoint and how I can use blockchain in my day to day life, I think it has actually affected it positively. As far as prices and all of that goes, I have no clue, watching it gives me extreme anxiety, so that’s Dustin’s job. I’ll probably find out on Twitter that we’ve gone to the (moon) before I’ll see it for myself.

Anyways, I think that this pandemic and throwing us all into lockdown is a great example for why digital currency is so important. With so many moving parts and the toll it’s taken on the economy, we need something other than the US dollar. I think that the shutdowns proved that more than ever.


Something unique about you?


I love New York City, like a weird amount. I still help friends navigate on their trips because I like memorised the maps when I was 16. I was going to move there after a year in Nashville but… Dustin. Maybe one day!



What has been the best of 2020 ..... so far, doesn't have to be crypto?


Hard to say with the crazy year we’ve had. I’m not thrilled with anything going on in the bigger scale, so I’d say that Michael B being declared cancer free, carrying this rainbow baby and celebrating my first anniversary Dustin has been the highlights. Maybe not a lot of other people care about these things, but these have been my highlights. I do have to say, as hard as the shutdowns have been, seeing families come together and reunite like never before was really special to see.



What will be the best of 2020 ..... the remainder of it, doesn't have to be crypto?


Uh, getting this baby out of me! Just kidding, kind of. I’m honestly looking forward to seeing how things continue to play out this year. Not a minute of 2020 has been normal and I don’t expect it to be anytime soon, so I guess we’ll just see what comes around the bend next. Who knows? Godzilla might even make an appearance.



Regarding the virus how has this affected you?


I definitely haven’t been affected in the worst ways, but I’ve felt it. I had to fight for Dustin to be at my pre-natal appointments, like we weren’t already stuck at home 24/7. It was extremely insensitive, especially given the miscarriages, I needed a support person.


Thankfully with enough tears and pleading with nurses he was able to go with me. I had to cancel my trip home to see my family in Michigan which was devastating. I am still going in August but I haven’t seen them since Christmas which is the longest amount of time I’ve ever gone without seeing my family so it’s definitely been really hard, I’ve been very homesick and miss my parents a ton.

Dustin did get furloughed, but it was actually a blessing in disguise because he wasn’t 100% healed from his foot surgery in February yet, so he was able to continue healing while collecting unemployment which helped us pay off a lot of things and get us into a better spot for the upcoming purchase of a house & another car for the baby. It also was really good for our relationship and strengthened us in a lot of ways.

Now I’m not going to go into my personal beliefs too much about the virus and the current state of Tennessee specifically, but I have lost friendships over this. I’ve never seen people treat people the way they have lately and it’s been heartbreaking. People who I loved very dearly abandon all sense of sanity and freedom. I’ve always taken the stance that you are allowed to have your opinion, but do not scream and force yours on me as I would never do that to you. It’s just been a very difficult and trying time.

Also, pregnancy + anxiety + masks do not go together very well, so that’s been a struggle all on it’s own. But in certain areas of Tennessee now it’s a Class-A Misdemeanour if you don’t wear one. So we’ll see how that goes. I guess I’ll be stuck at home now because you’re always out of breath with pregnancy as it is, slap a mask on there in 90 degree heat with high humidity and you’ll have this pregnant girl passing out in all of your local grocery stores.


If you want to smile right AT THIS MOMENT, what are you thinking about?


The way Dustin twirls me around the kitchen and makes me dance with him whenever I’m in a bad mood.


Amazing ....... that was a great interview, thank you.

I definitely stay in touch with you, looking very much forward to the due date and well, there are going to be winners .... You, Dustin, the new born baby with such great parents and ... hopefully ..... somebody that is going to be the closest to your due date. Let's wait and see. Nothing but love for your family, thank you ! ! !

.........Oh and the fact that I was able to pinpoint the date when I got to know Riley ...............a Hodor Blog , who introduced us to Riley ! ! !

If you are a Coil Subscriber, well you are in luck; you won't say Goodbye to Riley yet. We got some more questions ! ! !

If you want to learn more about becoming a member, here is the place to start your new Coil adventure .... eh ..... HERE


Name Date XRP

XRPTwin 11-12 10


For today's blog, .... I am going to do a test. Let's see where this is going ! ! !

How are people reading the Coil Blogs, are the using Coil themselves, how do they search and what do they spent time on, what do they read and maybe what do they like , upvote ! ! !

You can access the Coil Platform in different ways, what do people use and what is useful for adoption


Coil itself of course, is a tool to stay connected to your fellow bloggers. You follow people, so you will see their posts, but what if you want to learn new work, expand the list of who you already follow; you have a couple options, you first go to coil.com/blogs and have the following options:


Makes sense to me that this option is used, as it is the default setting.

Just a little detail to get to the blogs section:

  1. Go to Coil.com
  2. Click on Discover
  3. Click on the Coil Picture ( read community supported blogs) a little down and on the right side

I am actually NOT using this, yes on default when I get here, but using a different one


I once in a while go here as I want to stay unbiased, not clicking what everybody is clicking, just doing it myself.


Well, Hodor and Coil themselves sit there very nicely, on top, they deserve that place, have seen it, let's move on :–)


Here we are, the setting I use .... What if you miss a blog, that ONE blog you should have read ! ! ! Well, you will catch it in the newest section .... Everybody at least deserves a first glance and some don't appeal as much, at least you saw them in the list form

So those are the options reading articles via Coil itself.

I use Coil to find out about other blogs and read them on Coil..... and when I read the articles and like them, I forward them on Twitter. So, when I want others to know about them/ read or watch (Wordless Wednesday / Cinnamon), I tweet it out, giving the content creator what he/ she deserves: a little attention ! ! !

USING Twitter

Big helper in getting some attention, As mentioned above, I use this medium to share articles posted by my fellow bloggers, but also by myself. Pushing the article to my followers on Twitter as I think it is interesting and it is also being an advocate for Coil. We are all here to make Coil grow ! ! !

So, Twitter, Crypto Twitter, in short CT, is a place where Crypto gets a lot of air time. I didn't really use Twitter a lot before I got into the Blockchain/ Crypto Currency. Twitter helps though, a lot of Bloggers follow each other, actually probably everybody follows everybody, so you will see a lot of the blog posts in your time line ... another way of finding all the posts.

Not me this time ! ! !

It definitely helps Coil, as Coil has a Twitter account and posts on Twitter when something needs to be shared.

I do like Twitter as a medium as a lot of people can read your post and it is not only the people that follow you, but you can attract a large NEW crowd. Although it has its limitations also .... As Coil is still tied to Crypto Currency it may be a particular group of people that are part of the target market .... You will always get this tho.


if adoption comes, crypto adoption (we have a nice green week), big Twitter accounts will be found by new FOMO investors and Coil will be found ....

USING Interesting Groups

People like to stick together and form groups to inform each other. This is not different in daily life as people share hobbies, do sports together, plan things together, with the appropriate distance at the moment of course.

This is not different for sharing the love for blogs. Twitter has groups, Telegram, Discord, you name it, all platforms have groups that inform each other on new things .... hence new blogs.

Word of Mouth

People talk with each other online and offline. Chat programs are used together and these are also used to communicate information. Whatsapp, Skype, Guildchat, Telegram, Zoom, Google Duo, Mobile Phones .... and E-mail. Everybody knows each other in Crypto Land, and nobody knows each other in Crypto Land ! ! !


Google, Yahoo, Bing, Brave, Yandex, Swisscows, DuckduckGo, Gibiru, OneSearch, Wiki.com .... there are many search engines to use. Of course Google is the biggest one and as Riley showed in her video regarding the boost program, when adoption takes place, your older blogs will be picked up by new investors when using Search Engines. This may not be the biggest driver of visitors to the blogs, but this will pick up in time ..... but eh ..... Yandex , Gibiru ? ! ?

Well, going back, to summarise how people visit YOUR Blog:

  1. Coil
  2. Twitter
  3. Interest Groups
  4. Word of Mouth
  5. Search Engines

On average, I see 10 -20 UV on Coil for my blogs ... Besides Coil.com, Twitter is probably the place where fellow investors / crypto and blog enthusiast find my blogs .... well not this time. Really interested where this is going. Will it still be found ....

let's see ! ! !

For now, be careful, take care of yourself and loved ones


Rob Cash, Rob Cash .... I have known Rob for a little while now, well at least 2+ years. The first video I watched, cannot find it back that easy was a person with a big STEELERS hat on talking about XRP that can and will change his life what without Digital Assets would NOT be possible ! ! !

So Rob Cash, who is he. We already know he is a huge Steelers fan. Have seen him in a live stream with the XRPZoo crew during a Steelers game; well without the game on, on my side, I was able to tell whether the Steelers made a TD or the opponent, Expressions were very clear and especially the NOT MUTED sounds ! ! !

Watching Rob, you know what you see/ what you hear is what you get ! ! ! He is straight forward and tells you what he thinks, what his opinion is, NOT financial advise; like all the YouTubers/ Crypto Tweeters etc. etc.

So Rob Cash, part of the XRPZoo, over 4.000 followers on Twitter, over 4.000 YouTubers subscribers. Raw, Honest and down to the bone, love it. Not only XRP I know him from, I actually speak MORE about Vechain with Rob, since the beginning. More about Rob:


Could you introduce yourself in a couple lines ? ? ?

Rob Cash:

I'm Rob_Cash.. Husband, father and a freedom loving man of the people.


When did you get involved in crypto when, how, why ? ? ?

Rob Cash:

I got into crypto mid-2016 through Coinbase. I've “ALWAYS” had concerns about the financial misdeeds of government from the top down so I began hedging my “hard earned” money into precious metals in case of an economic collapse. I stumbled upon Bitcoin in 2010 but had a hard time finding a way to purchase it. Fast forward to 2010, I found videos on YouTube about how to buy Bitcoin and the rest is history.


When did you start with your YouTube channel and why ? ? ?

Rob Cash:

I started making vids from my boiler room office in 2018. I was stunned by the enormous amount of people that were unaware or flat out refused to take advantage of this opportunity that “ANY” economic status could participate in to make money. It was too insane and I had to publicly vent my concerns to the masses!


How would you describe your channel, what is your strength ? ? ?

Rob Cash:

My channel is for anyone who believes in, uses or needs common sense.(LOL) It's not crypto bias but I speak about or share information about the coins I'm holding or looking to invest in. The language on my. channel is blunt and to the point with no bullshit added.! Common sense is the foundation on which my content is built on. It's NOT crypto bias and creating wealth is the ONLY objective.


Can you share some kind of top 3 digital assets you are fond of and why you are fond of these (maybe you can start with number 3, 1-2 is obvious, well heck go for it ;–) ? ? ?

Rob Cash:

#1: XRP:

Superior tech, leadership and a prestigious list of partnerships & affiliations. EXTREMELY disruptive & interoperable utility.

#2: VeChain:

Solid utility, leadership and a list of prestigious partnerships & affiliations that span globally. They are laser focused on their supply chain objective.

#3: Bitcoin:

Gave birth to a new asset class and is the most trusted of most digital assets in the space for absolute storage & gain of value. It would extremely unwise NOT to own any!

Source 1 – XRP

Source 2 – Vechain

Source 3 – Bitcoin


Our relationship, I would say is more around VET, can you share your love for VET ? ? ?

Rob Cash:

VeChain caught my attention after reading an article that was shared on the “Altcoin Buzz” YouTube channel and the host “Jay” was very bullish on it. The article featured the CEO of VeChain and his migration from working for Louis Vuitton to working on blockchain supply chain solutions and creating VeChain VET.

He spoke on the extreme importance of managing the authenticity, integrity and tracking of ALL products of any kind on ANY level of business from local freelancers to global conglomerates. I thought about all the counterfeiting that's done globally, especially in China and realised that the world needs VeChain!!! I saw EXTREME value at an insanely low price and it's been on ever since.


Is it for bot XRP and VET the USE CASE why they are going to do well ? ? ?

Rob Cash:

I think the leadership & use cases behind both projects are the biggest reasons for guaranteed success in my opinion. Both teams for XRP & VET are aggressively committed and focused on being the solution for their target markets. The magnitude & status of their respective partnerships proves it.


Back to YouTube; Favourite video you did ? ? ?

Rob Cash:

My favourite video was a rant that I titled “Diversified Common Sense with XRP”

XRPTwin, I do have to admit this video was very interesting and very factual :) Had a lot of amazing comments ! ! !

I'm a dude sitting in his f@#%$ing truck.... course I am not a financial advisor

oh yeah, this is the link to the video, please listen, it is real, it is good ! ! !




Do you watch a lot of fellow YouTubers; If so, who do watch ? ? ?

Rob Cash:

Thinking Crypto, Brad Kimes & Crypto Eri has been crushing it..!

but I also watch: (these are in alphabetical order, no priority)

Altcoins Daily

Blockchain Monkeyz

Bullish Network

CM Top Dog

Digital Asset News

Digital Nomad Investor

Love For Crypto


On The Chain

The Crypto Teacher

The Modern Investor

The Notorious XRP

The Working Money Channel



Does Corona help Crypto or slowdown ? ? ?

Rob Cash:

Not sure, I think it helps more than hurt.


The coolest thing that happened this year (Crypto non-Crypto) ? ? ?

Rob Cash:

Being alive to keep building wealth with crypto and this interview.


The coolest thing that CAN happen this year ? ? ?

Rob Cash:

A massive f*&^%ing Bull Run!!!



What can we expect from Rob Cash in 2020 ? ? ?

Rob Cash:

You can expect me being the same guy at all times, no bullshit and more videos.


Are we going to see a Bull Run in 2020 ? ? ?

Rob Cash:

Who knows? It does have some feeling of 2017


What Digital Asset is going to lead a possible Bull Run ? ? ?

Rob Cash:

Bitcoin! It almost ALWAYS lead the charge.


What crypto is going to surprise us ? ? ?

Rob Cash:

There are many that have the potential to take the market by surprise but I will say XRP.

Well, down to the ground, factual interview with Rob the man himself Cash. Was nice to be on the set with him ! ! !

Thank you Rob for your time and honesty. Always great communicating with you, thank you

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Every single time I am jumping on the scale, I see something .... I do not believe. Maybe I should not jump, but the number doesn't not correlate with the things I put in my mouth ..... or the things I do NOT put in my mouth. Weight is just going up and down ......

WHY ? ! ?

Well, the body is a very complex thing ... it is not just , don't eat, and you will loose weight, I am not the first person you hear this from.

There is so much more that is important to take into account why you are gaining or loosing weight.

A major component to the mix when you want to loose weight is your metabolism. Metabolism is not more than just chemical reactions in organisms. The three main purposes of metabolism are:

  1. The conversion of food to energy to run cellular processes
  2. The conversion of food/fuel to building blocks for proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and some carbohydrates
  3. The elimination of nitrogenous wastes


To make it simple: Conversion and Elimination. We are not going too deep into it, but this is important: Everything you eat, needs to be used by the body and what cannot be used, should be eliminated.

That is important but there is so much more .... how many times have you heard from grandma or your mom: Oh I have big fat feed .... holding moisture .... I should eat less salt ..... YES, that is correct; often this is correlated with warm weather. Is definitely part of the mix why your scale is showing a different number than your brain is telling you.

Although this one does NOT really fit in, it is something to take into consideration. If you have your scale on a carpet, this might not distribute the weight correctly, you may want to put it on a flat floor ... even then , tiles, wood etc, could change the correct amount of weight slightly or ..... a lot ! ! !

What about poor bowel movements. That is another one, Going to the restroom just before you make that jump on the scale, makes sense, but what if that process is not going as planned: not good ! ! !


Moving around, not only to get from point A to point B, but all the body movement from the moment you start the day, the walk to get coffee, walking the dog, going to the restroom, getting the mail, but also moving arms, shoulders, fingers, everything is movement, is burning energy. This could be less, or more on any given day, hence, an influencer. If you visit the gym all the time, you may already know this, but working out may not be a helper. But working out, you loose weight, YES, you are but you also gain muscle and muscle ... is heavier than fat.....

These things are rather easy to detect, but what about:






Five other words that are influencing your weight; actually these do not only influence your weight but many more things in your life.

If something stressful has happened in your life, and you are trying to get pregnant, yes this counts for men also, but more for women, it is NOT going to happen, or .... it definitely will not stimulate ! ! !

Loosing weight it is a struggle for many people, but the scale should not be the result driven tool. In the end, yes 300 pounds says something and when it says 270 pounds a couple weeks after, yes, that does mean something


Maybe you should look at different indicators:

Are you happier?

Did the snoring stop?

Your intestines are less playing up?

Sleeping better?

Clothes are fitting better?

Not loosing hair anymore?

Skin looking better?

More relaxed?

You are not counting calories all the time, but you are leaving chips in the cupboard?

Less fights with your partner?

Your Child(ren) bother you less, tougher to get you mad?

More energy?

Others compliment you on your physique?

Does the XRP Price not bother you as much anymore?

There are so many things in life that are better indicators where you stand in life. If all these things fall into place ..... YES , the scale will follow, so until that moment:


Oh and something else .... You have to be nice to some of your body parts, because they help you tremendously with loosing weight, So caress them and be kind to them:

  1. anus ...... no further explanation needed I would think so
  2. penis/ vagina eh ..... ————) Urine
  3. skin ...... sweating
  4. lungs ....... when you breath in: Oxygen, when you breath out: carbon dioxide (Oxygen plus a Carbon Atom) —–) weighs; Our breathe also carries water vapour, breathing is .. loosing weight

So don't be just kind to one another, be also kind to all these body parts .......

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