Thank you Thursday 25 11 2020 – XRPCommunity/Army, YT, Coil etc. etc.
As we all know, everybody starts at a noob level .... has no clue about the Crypto world, tokens, coins , digital assets, DYOR, KYC, waiting hours and hours for that first (part of 1) bitcoin(s) to land in your wallet .... oh no did I do something wrong .... are those tens / hundreds/ thousands of dollars gone .... am I hacked, wow really do I REALLY get that from you, if I only give you this ! ! !
I am pretty sure this all sounds familiar and through this post I am going to list more things that is going to sound familiar to YOU as you have been there also.
Is this going to be a long blog ...... V E R Y long, so good luck, otherwise browse through the big letters, but yes, this IS going to be a long write up...
My walk through my crypto knowledge, let me be the judge of that “fact” this time, has been, like most of you guys a bumpy one. Had to learn a lot, learnt a lot and met crazy amount of people ....
First of all I want to thank Rick, especially Rick, as I am doing this adventure with him .... We both went straight for XRP, as we both saw that was the way to go .... My wife and son Noah, in the end, we are doing this with the three of us ! ! !
I learnt very quickly that Twitter was the place to be for updates, fact sharing and also important, the jokes, memes and dream sharing, what if ..... That is the moment I ran into the first crypto crazy people, meant in a positive way, that changed my life. The first couple people I followed were Tom Channick, Tiffany Hayden, XRP Trump – Dr T., Hodor, Kieran Kelly, Bank XRP, XRPL_rabbit, , Tipbot and Wietse Wind. So massive shout out to this first set of people that taught me the first things about blockchain, crypto and / or Ripple / XRP.
Special shoutout to Hodor as he inspired me to write and set me up on the XRPCommunity Blog... If you think it stayed like that, eh ..... no ! ! ! I am going to forget names .... I know it, I set myself up for failure, but I want to thank people in my journey, learning a lot about what I believe in ...... the Blockchain ! ! !
Of course, I had more people entering my crypto life ... We are somewhere in 2018 now, when Ripple came to Money2020 in Amsterdam. We had a meet-up and this was just another reason meeting people. I met David Schwartz there, I met Wietse, Matt Hamilton, was there, Mr. H., Tom Kuster party of stars in the Community. All big thank yous to these people, amazing stuff. I am forgetting soooo many people, all the people I did not know at that time, but know now ! ! !
Sounds funny “know now” NO NO NO NO, we are not friends, and no we don't cook ...... well, with Wietse yes ...... but we share the same passion, we share the same vision and we want to share....
I am forgetting soooo many people. Than there was the XRPZoo, James Malpass, XRP 1000bones, KickBoyTriple, that invited me to the Zoo, they still regret that, but wow, rough times, serious fun times, like a family. I am going to try to list a couple others in the Zoo that made a difference to me, but WILL forget names , sorry , So thank you to Ali, Jungle, RTB, Chip, Teena, Jungle, CBD, AJ, Notorious, J, Clara, Chris, Sam, Eri, Chucky, Carolina, SW, Bob, Ali, Conny, Dani, P(l)ate, Sifu, Sincerely George, Anne, An, Sass, Ginger, XRPBooboo, Bobbi, too many and I forget KFN, Oz, wow, such a big crowd ! ! !
Twitter folks, it just grew grew and grew. I still remember a little before. I have to write 5 names: Patty, Michael B, Dani, Nordic Ann and Munch. We still call it the longest thread on Twitter. It all started with Patty mentioning the word: Swift as in quickly .... but that took another turn .... a lot of back and forward, many memes, it was amazing. Probably a lot of names that are not on Twitter anymore ... Sooooo many people ......
Then YouTube caught my eye .... wow, that is a whole new world .... for me it started with KungFu Nerd, and Oz, Jungle and Eri were the first ones I watched, all with their own style. Alex Cobb, CKJ, Thinking Crypto, Brad Kimes, XRP Minute I call those guys the early Video streamers, probably forgetting people again, but they are MY first channels I watched. Digital Asset Investor, Working Money Channel, SamIAm, Notorious followed but a whole new group was on my horizon: Kevin Cage, the Bearable Bull, MoonLambo, Lover4Crypto, Dusty BC, OTC, Mr Level Up, Blockchain Backer.
Also, in the YouTube list I am forgetting a lot of names, but thank you all for educating me, entertaining me, having fun ... This road was logical for me, Twitter, YouTube but Twitter was never gone for me. Well, YouTube, I did a guest appearance on the XRPZoo one time with Bitrue.
Bitrue another place, crypto exchange I would like to thank for their knowledge sharing. Been with them for a long time. We met each other in Birmingham, Amsterdam during meet ups. Amazing times. Amsterdam was first, where I met Curis and Iris for the first time. I also met the CasinoCoin team, interviewed them, lots of fun.... Met “old friends” Tom, Wietse, Mr. H. what a ride .... learnt about the lending program, PowerPiggy, wow, many MANY things... oh and of course Bitrue Ambassadorship. I also got in contact with XRPCryptoWolf, what a guy ... nice nice nice
So a couple months later we all went to Birmingham, meeting once more ... Met the guys from SPQR and Love4Money Many familiar faces down there, crypTOEman, the list goes on and on and on ..... Curis, Iris and I met Adam, Dave was there, ... Thank you all for teaching me a lot of things regarding blockchain. It is an amazing ride ! ! !
Twitter still building, many names .... MANY NAMES ! ! !
Coil comes in my life. Learning from the best ..... I have met some great people. Patty, Patricia, Michael, Gordie, Riley, Mrs Gordie, Nick, Adam, John, Seth, Sandra, SRdan, oh ...... so many ...... Leslie, Peter, Kass, Kumzy, Colin, SR, Lego, Lauren, Rebecca, Cintia, Damian, Moncho, S7eez, Alexander, Lambda, Kumaran, Tokyo, Ken, Productions ..... The list goes on and on and on. And Coil themselves again, we got the gFam, it is all soooo amazing .....
All the people I was allowed to interview ..... Looking at the list, it is growing and growing, where in 2018 I thought, well ...... 1 blog, how did i get into this space .... that was my idea. Well, it is a little over 1 blog ! ! !
So this blog is for all, all the people that are reading my blogs, all the people I have interviewed, I listen to, I learn from, I laugh with, I am sad with, I am building a future with, I am schooled by .... Thank you all, I am SOOOOO Thankful.
Before Corona, we were lucky enough to have a meet-up in Utrecht, earlier this year, once more a great opportunity to meet people. Organised by Cryptobaum. Met with Ali, explaining Xumm, a streaming interview by Eri, met Martijn , MackAttack was there, XRPBooboo all the way from the UK, it was amazing ! ! !
Thankful is very important but one thing is more important. Stay healthy, that is the most important thing. If you have made it through the end of this blog, this paragraph is for you ....... humbled and my respect for you, that you read my blog. Thank you and
Stay Safe
I have forgotten a lot of names, so if you feel left out, please reply on Twitter and I will give a shoutout specifically to you ....
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