Crypto Twitter has many logos everybody recognises.... All these come from the same place ... from a Twitter handle a lot of people know ...
Twitter shows us a lot , many logos ..... logos logos logos ! ! ! But let's find out more about him ? ? ?
Who are YOU ? ? ?
Known as XTRA HRDCOR XRP on Twitter, I've been following digital assets and a long time believer and supporter of XRP and Ripple.
I wanted to help the XRPCommunity is some way, so I started creating and giving away free Twitter logos. I've always had fun playing around with Adobe Photoshop so this was a great way to gain experience and a lot of practice while helping our community look great on social media.
How did You get involved in crypto when, how , why ? ? ?
Many years ago I worked with a guy who loved money... he loved talking about the history of money and enjoyed investing in various things such as precious metals. He was well educated on Bitcoin and was sharing details with me.... I understood Bitcoin's potential to make a dent in the world and made my first purchase.
Why XRP ? ? ?
When it comes to XRP, what's not to like? People knock XRP because most believe the price should be much higher than .20cents... and of course if your a long time holder then it's taken much patience to see this through.... lots still believe XRP is undervalued and are holding for future MEGA gains.
When it comes to crypto and investing – there are many things to look at.... some make money day trading... others make money investing for the long returns.... to keep it simple... I'm a die hard XRP believer based on the Ripple team and the inroads they've established and made around the world via education and regulation. When you look at team Ripple – they really set the standard to base all other projects. A great team, pro regulation, and MEGA use case(s) for XRP... time will tell what the true value of XRP is... but I know without a doubt it's light years beyond .20 cents.
So creating Twitter Logo, when did this start ? ? ?
One of the first logo's I made was for Jungle Inc... @jungleincxrp
Back in the day @jungleincxrp and @digitalassetbuy were my go to YouTubers for XRP news and updates..... In one of DAI's videos he noted that the XRPCommunity is very diverse and full of talented people.... for me it was my time and love for graphic design... I wanted to promote the community through my graphics. Jungle Inc's logo snowballed into many requests from the community for custom logos. Since my very first logo for the community, I've gained much experience and made many new friends. I've created over 200 Crytpo logos and enjoy continued requests.
and now interactive logos ? ? ?
The animated logos seemed like a natural evolution.... they catch the eye and works very well for promoting via Social Media. I create an animated .GIF and offer it as a service with every logo request. People love using them in tweets and in YouTube videos etc..... you can use them just about everywhere and on all social media platforms.
how long does it take you to create a twitter Logo ? ? ?
Time varies based on details requested..... they can range from 1-4 hours.... typically most are somewhere in the middle.
okay, back at XRP What has been really surprising you, about XRP related found details ? ? ?
I am pleasantly surprised with XRPs continued support from the community and various groups pushing forward XRPs many use cases. I'm looking forward to seeing the many smart contracts pop up using the XRPL
Any other coin besides XRP being interested in ? ? ?
I am a fan and very excited about VeChain – Looking at the price of VET, the team behind the project and all of the partnerships plus real world adoption / use case – VeChain reminds me of Ripple and XRP in the early days.
You are part of the XRPZoo, actually since the beginning, can you say something about it ? ? ?
I took a Twitter break for a while and that includes a break from the XRPZoo.... but the XRPZoo crew is full of die hard XRP supporters who stay up on the latest news while fighting XRP FUD on the streets. The XRPZOO Kicks Major A$$ lol
The coolest thing that happened this year ? ? ?
While we all wait for major adoption and XRP gains... I was very excited when I learned @WietseWind
was working on XUMM – I've been waiting for an XRP wallet like this for a very long time.... XRPCommunity created and Ripple backed A+++
The coolest thing that CAN happen this year ? ? ?
Hard to say but I am looking forward to another bull run.... with that said... Ripple has made MEGA progress with XRP and adoption..... so very excited to see what heights XRP will hit when the Bull Run happens.
What do you actually expect from 2020 ? ? ?
I expect further adoption and positive crypto regulation around the world... The USA has some catching up to do in regards to regulation.... I am hopeful the whole world will be on a level playing field when the time comes.
In your opinion, does Corona help Crypto or slowdown ? ? ?
In my opinion, does Corona help Crypto or slowdown? I'm sure Corona has slowed progress in some ways.... making the office / meeting environment a bit of a challenge for businesses.... do I think this will slow progress dramatically, absolutely not.
Anything to add..... ? ? ?
Crypto is very exciting and there are many great projects in the works... I offer no investment advice as it is all risky business.... if you are going to place a calculated bet....
Do not over extend yourself and listen do your “gut” or intuition.
If something does not “seem” right or is too good to be true, it probably is. Stay safe and have fun in crypto land.....
If anyone is interested in a custom logo I have many examples on my site: XHDesigns.net but you can also DM @XTRA_HRDCOR_XRP for inquiries A+++
Thank you XTRA_HRDCOR_XRP for your time and effort .... Nice to know a little bit more about you. Want to know a bit more
Let's keep the discussion going though, would be nice to know a little bit more about your logos ....
So some more in depth questions about your work but first:
Where is your name coming from ? ? ?
XTRA HRDCOR (extra hardcore) XRP – comes from my beliefs that XRP has MEGA potential to make a dent in the world... kind of like a die-hard football fan... XRP is my crypto team of choice.
Favourite country to visit for holiday ? ? ?
Favourite country to visit for holiday – Love the resorts Mexico has to offer... white sand and blue ocean water... fresh ocean breeze does a lot for rest and relaxation... plus its easy to get to from the USA
Can you solve a Rubik’s cube ? ? ?
Not without cheating haha
Favourite pic you made ? ? ?
Very difficult to choose.....
I really cant decide on a favourite design.... too many to choose from!!!
Most difficult one you made ? ? ?
I would say the MindFlayer logo was the most difficult.... technically not from a computer standpoint.... but this logo was created from scratch.... the images were drawn out and edited on paper... .then brought to the computer for further editing....
Here is the pencil sketch:
This logo eventually made its way to a video intro / promo video:
Easiest Logo you made ? ? ?
Working on my own images is the easiest work.... One key to a successful design.... asking many questions up front. The more questions you ask of your client the closer you can get to a home run... sometimes you swing and miss but most of the time we hit it out of the ball park.
Short short questions:
Do you have a special Covid-19 Face Mask ? ? ?
Special Covid-19 Face Mask? Nothing special... I have a few laying around the house and one in the car for those places that require masks to enter ...
What about SpaceX, your take?
so once again
What about SpaceX, your take?
My take on SpaceX? Seems like a lot of fun. Hopefully whatever they are doing at SpaceX will push humanity in a positive direction.
The riots at the moment
The riots at the moment? Everyone has a right to a peaceful protest. Regarding violent and destructive riots..... they do more damage than good. Violent people with a public lack of self control should be locked up.
Well, this turned out to be more difficult than I anticipated ! ! ! ! I just wanted to interview XRP_HRDCORE .....
I hope you still liked it and hope you will create many many more creatives ........ Thank you
Stay SAFE ! ! !
.......... Just received a message from Japan: