
Husband, Father and Investor. Been in Crypto since 2017.
I blog about everything and everybody that is crypto; Twitter: @xrptwin

Crypto Twitter has many logos everybody recognises.... All these come from the same place ... from a Twitter handle a lot of people know ...


Twitter shows us a lot , many logos ..... logos logos logos ! ! ! But let's find out more about him ? ? ?


Who are YOU ? ? ?


Known as XTRA HRDCOR XRP on Twitter, I've been following digital assets and a long time believer and supporter of XRP and Ripple.

I wanted to help the XRPCommunity is some way, so I started creating and giving away free Twitter logos. I've always had fun playing around with Adobe Photoshop so this was a great way to gain experience and a lot of practice while helping our community look great on social media.


How did You get involved in crypto when, how , why ? ? ?


Many years ago I worked with a guy who loved money... he loved talking about the history of money and enjoyed investing in various things such as precious metals. He was well educated on Bitcoin and was sharing details with me.... I understood Bitcoin's potential to make a dent in the world and made my first purchase.


Why XRP ? ? ?


When it comes to XRP, what's not to like? People knock XRP because most believe the price should be much higher than .20cents... and of course if your a long time holder then it's taken much patience to see this through.... lots still believe XRP is undervalued and are holding for future MEGA gains.


When it comes to crypto and investing – there are many things to look at.... some make money day trading... others make money investing for the long returns.... to keep it simple... I'm a die hard XRP believer based on the Ripple team and the inroads they've established and made around the world via education and regulation. When you look at team Ripple – they really set the standard to base all other projects. A great team, pro regulation, and MEGA use case(s) for XRP... time will tell what the true value of XRP is... but I know without a doubt it's light years beyond .20 cents.


So creating Twitter Logo, when did this start ? ? ?


One of the first logo's I made was for Jungle Inc... @jungleincxrp

Back in the day @jungleincxrp and @digitalassetbuy were my go to YouTubers for XRP news and updates..... In one of DAI's videos he noted that the XRPCommunity is very diverse and full of talented people.... for me it was my time and love for graphic design... I wanted to promote the community through my graphics. Jungle Inc's logo snowballed into many requests from the community for custom logos. Since my very first logo for the community, I've gained much experience and made many new friends. I've created over 200 Crytpo logos and enjoy continued requests.


and now interactive logos ? ? ?


The animated logos seemed like a natural evolution.... they catch the eye and works very well for promoting via Social Media. I create an animated .GIF and offer it as a service with every logo request. People love using them in tweets and in YouTube videos etc..... you can use them just about everywhere and on all social media platforms.


how long does it take you to create a twitter Logo ? ? ?


Time varies based on details requested..... they can range from 1-4 hours.... typically most are somewhere in the middle.


okay, back at XRP What has been really surprising you, about XRP related found details ? ? ?


I am pleasantly surprised with XRPs continued support from the community and various groups pushing forward XRPs many use cases. I'm looking forward to seeing the many smart contracts pop up using the XRPL


Any other coin besides XRP being interested in ? ? ?


I am a fan and very excited about VeChain – Looking at the price of VET, the team behind the project and all of the partnerships plus real world adoption / use case – VeChain reminds me of Ripple and XRP in the early days.



You are part of the XRPZoo, actually since the beginning, can you say something about it ? ? ?


I took a Twitter break for a while and that includes a break from the XRPZoo.... but the XRPZoo crew is full of die hard XRP supporters who stay up on the latest news while fighting XRP FUD on the streets. The XRPZOO Kicks Major A$$ lol


The coolest thing that happened this year ? ? ?


While we all wait for major adoption and XRP gains... I was very excited when I learned @WietseWind

was working on XUMM – I've been waiting for an XRP wallet like this for a very long time.... XRPCommunity created and Ripple backed A+++


The coolest thing that CAN happen this year ? ? ?


Hard to say but I am looking forward to another bull run.... with that said... Ripple has made MEGA progress with XRP and adoption..... so very excited to see what heights XRP will hit when the Bull Run happens.


What do you actually expect from 2020 ? ? ?


I expect further adoption and positive crypto regulation around the world... The USA has some catching up to do in regards to regulation.... I am hopeful the whole world will be on a level playing field when the time comes.



In your opinion, does Corona help Crypto or slowdown ? ? ?


In my opinion, does Corona help Crypto or slowdown? I'm sure Corona has slowed progress in some ways.... making the office / meeting environment a bit of a challenge for businesses.... do I think this will slow progress dramatically, absolutely not.


Anything to add..... ? ? ?


Crypto is very exciting and there are many great projects in the works... I offer no investment advice as it is all risky business.... if you are going to place a calculated bet....

Do not over extend yourself and listen do your “gut” or intuition.

If something does not “seem” right or is too good to be true, it probably is. Stay safe and have fun in crypto land.....

If anyone is interested in a custom logo I have many examples on my site: XHDesigns.net but you can also DM @XTRA_HRDCOR_XRP for inquiries A+++

Thank you XTRA_HRDCOR_XRP for your time and effort .... Nice to know a little bit more about you. Want to know a bit more

Let's keep the discussion going though, would be nice to know a little bit more about your logos ....

So some more in depth questions about your work but first:


Where is your name coming from ? ? ?




XTRA HRDCOR (extra hardcore) XRP – comes from my beliefs that XRP has MEGA potential to make a dent in the world... kind of like a die-hard football fan... XRP is my crypto team of choice.


Favourite country to visit for holiday ? ? ?


Favourite country to visit for holiday – Love the resorts Mexico has to offer... white sand and blue ocean water... fresh ocean breeze does a lot for rest and relaxation... plus its easy to get to from the USA


Can you solve a Rubik’s cube ? ? ?


Not without cheating haha



Favourite pic you made ? ? ?


Very difficult to choose.....

I really cant decide on a favourite design.... too many to choose from!!!


Most difficult one you made ? ? ?



I would say the MindFlayer logo was the most difficult.... technically not from a computer standpoint.... but this logo was created from scratch.... the images were drawn out and edited on paper... .then brought to the computer for further editing....

Here is the pencil sketch:

This logo eventually made its way to a video intro / promo video:



Easiest Logo you made ? ? ?


Working on my own images is the easiest work.... One key to a successful design.... asking many questions up front. The more questions you ask of your client the closer you can get to a home run... sometimes you swing and miss but most of the time we hit it out of the ball park.

Short short questions:


Do you have a special Covid-19 Face Mask ? ? ?


Special Covid-19 Face Mask? Nothing special... I have a few laying around the house and one in the car for those places that require masks to enter ...


What about SpaceX, your take?

so once again


What about SpaceX, your take?


My take on SpaceX? Seems like a lot of fun. Hopefully whatever they are doing at SpaceX will push humanity in a positive direction.


The riots at the moment


The riots at the moment? Everyone has a right to a peaceful protest. Regarding violent and destructive riots..... they do more damage than good. Violent people with a public lack of self control should be locked up.

Well, this turned out to be more difficult than I anticipated ! ! ! ! I just wanted to interview XRP_HRDCORE .....

I hope you still liked it and hope you will create many many more creatives ........ Thank you

Stay SAFE ! ! !

.......... Just received a message from Japan:


The XRPCommunity has a lot of members that are seriously nice and seriously smart. I don't want to upgrade anybody in these “sections” or downgrade, but this person fits both categories and is, not even probably, in the top.

I have been really patient with this person as he is busy with a capital b —–) BUSY , deadlines, he absolutely smashes it ...

Talking about Wietse Wind, who doesn't know him. Has been working with Ripple Labs, Inc. / Xpring with his own business: XRPL Labs, building applications with his teammates Tristan and Ali; full time developers for the XRP Ledger ...


I met Wietse for the first time in 2018 and had the pleasure to cook dinner with Wietse for our better halves later that year.

Well, it has been well over 1.5 years, many things happened, let's meet again ! ! ! No dinner right now, but the third interview will be different again, plans are “cooking” in my mind ! ! !

So ....................


Pretty much everybody should know you , but could you give a short introduction about Wietse Wind ? ? ?


30-something year old developer/entrepreneur (or the other way around?). Happy family, happy parrots, loves coding & collaborating. Working on XRPL (code) related things full time since 2017~2018.


If not answered in question 1, can you please share with us how you got involved in Crypto / Ripple / XRP ? ? ?


Crypto: BTC in 2011, interesting but... Life. Sold some BTC when it was at 200$ and never thought about it. Then a video by David Schwartz on 2016, looked into the XRPL and thought it was really interesting & easy to interface with. Played with it in 2017, and decided to do a proof of concept (public) which turned out to be the XRP TipBot. Xpring (Ripple) then gave me the opportunity (2018) to work on XRPL related libs, tools and apps full time together with Tristan and Ali. It has been an amazing ride, and it will be for many years to come.


Since the end of 2018, you have been involved with Ripple / Xpring, can you say something about the relationship ? ? ?


Stronger together, I guess. The first year I've received much support, advice & advocacy from Vanessa Pestritto (very much appreciated! I can say that this changed a lot, and got us where we are today) and lately (with Xpring building more things) the relationship evolved into a real collaborative, mutual appreciative relationship, where Xpring devs and XRPL Labs team up on certain features / ideas / ...


Can you say something about the team: Wietse, Tristan and Ali ? ? ?


Three relaxed, down to earth, passionate developers working on things they love every day. The good life!


So, the Tipbot had some “setback” , when did you start looking around for ..... a work around, to keep the tipbot “alive” ? ? ?


Yeah, that was a challenge. Took some days and nights, but thanks to the awesome people at Uphold, and thanks to the understanding and supportive community that all turned out even better than I could have hoped for background info go here ! ! !


Some people may not know the Tipbot, can you share some highlights of it through the years ? ? ?


Over 15k app users, over 30k web users, over 2.5MM XRP tipped, charities supported (StJude for > 100k XRP!), community member medical bills covered by other community members, other developers building on top of it (eg. NixerFFM): way beyond what I could have imagined when I developed the proof of concept/hobby project.



Little bit about Uphold, can you tell us how well the talks went for integrating the Tipbot ? ? ?



XRPTwin: I may have to team up with Uphold to ask their side of the story ... will only be good things tho :–)


Personal question, how is it to be a father ? ? ?


I could not have imagined it to be anything like this. You have some expectations, but the reality is so much more... More of everything. Harder, at times, but also so much more fun, love and joy then you can imagine: I think you only can if you “unlock this new amazing level in life”. (But yes: some of the harder things are very well kept secrets by other parents, haha. More than worth it!)



Xumm, lots of positive feedback, can you share a little bit about this?


So much to do, so little time! We have a lot of ambitions, features we want to add, improvements to make, partnerships, proof of concepts and adoption to work on, but I think we can be proud if we look at what's happening already, today.

Over 20k users (!) during a Beta, lots of amazing input and community involvement, a roadmap that will keep us busy for years to come...

Great designs by Tristan combined with sick developer skills by Ali.

It's so amazing to realise that at any given moment on any given day people around the world are using your work!


Do you work together with Coil and, if so, what exactly do you do with them ? ? ?


Yeah, good relationship, talk about tech., keep each other posted, debug, discuss features/changes at times.


Can you share with what other projects you are busy ? ? ?



XRPTwin: Nice try twin, will have to work harder on that ! ! !


What do you expect from the remainder of 2020 ? ? ?


Taking XUMM from Beta to Live & plenty of other XRPL related projects, libs., discussions with developers, and lots of good times at work and home with my family.

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2020 is going to be a good year if .... ? ? ?


It already is ;) (except for some things I can't control, Covid-19, unrest in the world...)


When was the last week when you slept every single night before

10 ? ? ?


I honestly think that must be about 18 years go, as I started learning more about coding, Linux, servers, etc. at night (secretly) when I was 14 years old.


What music do you like to listen to when you want to relax ? ? ?


Depends on my mood. Air/Zero7/Massive Attack/The Strokes/Feist/Jesse van Ruller/Amos Lee/Tommy Emmanuel/Paul Simon/Sting/Pink Floyd/Beatles/John Mayer...

XRPTwin: Next interview we will link the mood with these artists

This time no additional information for Coil Subscribers as I wanted to share my whole interview with my audience. I still want to thank the Coil Subscribers as they make the platform, together with people like Wietse, and Coil themselves of course, the success it is.

Wietse, thank you for your time, as I know you are SOOOOO busy ...

Let's meet-up in Q4, to see all the magnificent changes, for now:


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If you meet a lady in Monaco for the first time, engage with her in Venice Italy, you set yourself up for a difficult task picking a marriage destination ....


So, the engagement .... 2009, YES, if you wondered, it was with in the gondola on the knee ... November 25, was the specific date, and we wanted to marry in one year. November 25 was also the day my brother's son was born, so special day (yes, yes, I asked him if he was okay, to share this magical date with his son)


Thinking about a marriage destination gave me and my wife a little headache; but the answer presented itself.

An ex colleague of my wife to be was getting married on Hawaii. This was done out of necessity because of the parents. One of them lived in Seattle, another one in San Francisco, London and Miami. All divorced and they wanted to do the big wedding on Hawaii and a smaller one on London ...... because parents did not want to see each other ! ! !

Well, it was a big hassle for them, planning all and April of 2010 was going to be the magical month ..... The most romantic thing, getting married on Hawaii, with flowers, beaches and just awesome ! ! !

Well ...... it WAS .... because Eyjafjallajökull did not agree with them .... W H A T ! ! !

Eyjafjallajökull is one of the smaller ice caps of Iceland, north of Skógar and west of Mýrdalsjökull (source). Everybody was on Hawaii, the guests, her dress and a whole planning .....

The 2010 eruptions of Eyjafjallajökull created an ash cloud that led to the closure of most of the European airspace .... London airports included ..... meant the two most important persons, to get married, were not able to attend their own wedding .....


Skype call with the following gesture:

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Hawaii nice, but see it as a holiday ...... we are getting married in London

So, no Hawaii ! ! !

Well, we are getting married on Hawaii, was my reply

Another movie moment; I saw, but heard my wife move her head in my direction and saw her say one word, without making a sound: What ? ? ?

The idea was born, now we had to look into it. We wanted a big(ger) wedding but could not be realised if you move the whole scene to Hawaii.

What island .... wedding planner, friends, family, flights, hotel, restaurants, bachelor party, the wedding itself .... everything.

Well, to make a long story short:


A gorgeous Hawaiian lady

27 of our closest friends/ family —) 23 in the same plane

1 Bed & Breakfast all for ourselves

Barbecue on the beach ... cooking at the B&B all together, amazing

Bachelor Party, organised with the guys/ girls on the island – separate and of course:

What happens on the island .......

The wedding was on the beach .... the story everybody talks about, wants, but doesn't do ! ! !

IT ALL WAS LIKE THAT .... People from Switzerland, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany and India (traveled 36 hours, had to, was my best man), it was one international family ! ! !

Costs ? ? ? Not outrageous. If you have 100 people at your wedding party, drinking and eating, expensive also. You get married once, it has to be the memory of a lifetime and it was. You can make it as expensive as you want .... but you can also plan.

Not all these 27 people knew each other, but they mingled got together ... a child was made in Hawaii ..... not us , not us. 2 guests that were married, divorced and he actually ended up with somebody that ALSO attended the marriage .... and no cheating or foul play.

We got married exactly one year after our engagement, the birthday of my nephew ..... 7 years later my father in law, who had his best days on Kauai, he shared with everybody, would actually pass away on the exact day ! ! !

So November 25 is special in our family:




An amazing place and we still enjoy the series Hawaii Five – 0, probably not the best series, but we LOVE it..... The series LOST, well at least I can say:

I have played Golf with Hurley ! ! !

For the Hardcore Coil Subscribers some more pictures ...

So if you want to enjoy all the benefits, you better get on it, Click and subscribe for 5 dollars a month ! ! !

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Hey Guys and welcome to the Working Money Channel. Those are the famous words of this YouTuber:


With more than 34.5 K subscribers, this YouTuber is well known in the Crypto World. He speaks his mind as it is and is very positive, but very realistic ! ! !

I really wanted to know more about this YouTuber so I reached out to him... Took a little while as this YouTuber gets a lot of Direct Messages but who waits....... will receive in the end. Once again, thank you WorkingMoney, for answering.

So who is WorkingMoney:


Could you introduce yourself in a couple lines ? ? ?


I’m a regular, working guy who got interested in stock investing in 2011. I soon learned the value of having my money work hard for me rather than working hard for money :)


When did you get involved in Crypto when, how, why ? ? ?


I got involved in Crypto back in 2017 RIGHT before the big XRP pump.



When did you start with your YouTube channel and why ? ? ?


I started my YouTube channel in June 2018 in the bear market. I got so interested in Crypto—XRP in particular—that I was doing the research anyway. I thought, (actually my wife thought) “Why not start a channel?”. I’m a video content producer in my real life, so I already had the production skills.



How would you describe your channel, what is your strength ? ? ?


I’d like to think my channel delivers the salient points of cryptocurrency and XRP news in a fast, easily-digestible format. Sometimes I look at price movement, theories on price, external factors affecting Crypto…and every now and then, a Bearableguy video :)



Can you share some kind of top 3 / top 5 digital assets you are fond of and why you are fond of them ? ? ?


I think XRP is an obvious one for all the reasons we ALL think it is. Other than that, I hold Bitcoin (as it’s the leader of the pack), and recently I’ve been doing more research on VET (VeChain) and XMR (Monero). VET will also be a game changer in the space because it solves a problem. I think Monero is one to keep an eye on as an alternative hedge.

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To shift gears a little bit: What is your favorite movie .... yes movie (or series if you'd like) ? ? ?


Back to the Future pt. II — Hands down. I think I’ve seen it more than 50 times in my lifetime.



Does Corona help Crypto or slowdown ? ? ?


I think the Pandemic will help Crypto adoption down the road, right now though…it’s difficult to say.


The coolest thing that happened this year ? ? ?


I don’t think ANYTHING cool has happened this year. LOL! Let’s hope something cool EVENTUALLY happens this year.


The coolest thing that CAN happen this year ? ? ?


If we see some meaningful cryptocurrency regulatory clarity, that would be GREAT for 2020 and for all Crypto HODLers who have been seriously patient over the last 2 years.


What can we expect from you in 2020 ? ? ?


In 2020 my channel will maintain its essence, although I will be branching out and discussing other cryptocurrencies that I’m interested in.



Are we going to see a Bull Run in 2020? or did we already see one ? ? ?


I think there’s a very good likelihood that a significant pop will occur by the end of 2020. I think we’re already in a bull run.


What Crypto is going to surprise us ? ? ?

AND THAT ..... is going to be an answer for Coil Subscribers only, so if you want to read about this, getting all the extras, just click the following link

Thank you WorkingMoney for your time, for answering the questions, and let's re-visit next year, to see where we stand .... thank you


Being thankful can be in many ways, Gratitude, we can be for many things, and I will share a personal one. Yesterday John wrote an incredible story about his daughter Katerina:


Thankful, for John, sharing his story, so I feel I can share also ...

I share similar stories as Noah is also an IVF child.

So in appreciation of Ken, sharing my story on COIL, for COIL Subscribers only .... You deserve THIS story ....

I am thankful of IVF, of medical staff that support you, of an incredible new life that was created because of science. It is so amazing:


was the question I got in 2014 ..

Well, needles, difficult, small chance, negative .... So, basically NOTHING ! ! !

My wife and myself were fortunate enough to become pregnant (yes, I write WE, you will understand later) but we could not get passed seven weeks; resulting in miscarriages.

Hard, no children, well that thought crossed our mind before. So we started thinking about IVF. I was flabbergasted, all the thinks I learned and no the process was no surgery and the gynecologist, an amazing guy —–) yes guy ..... walked us through the whole thing ....

So step 1 ...... the guy needs to perform .... get a cup, you got the picture and go to the hospital .... To NOT stretch this part TOO much, I will tell the end, as I have to ! ! !

I walked down the stairs with a bag with a cup eh, my cup, I mean aaah, put it on the bottom of the stairs and this is where you have to visualize THE movie scene that won an Oscar ...

Honey I forgot the car keys can you please throw them down the stairs to me .......... !!!!

Yes he did ! ! ! (as I hear you say: NO HE DID NOT ASK HER THAT!!!)

Next moment, slow motion, my wife tossed some keys, I heard the wind the keys made while flying through the air, all the way from the top of the stairs, the middle part, to the bottom. Very gentle, silent, beautiful moment, highlighted in the middle of the screen you are watching, just some flying keys ...... followed by a big BANG of breaking glass in a plastic bag; followed by a second of total quietness, followed by a lady bawling her eyes out.


THIS IS THE END AND what if , I did weeks of hormones and glass, oh no......

Had to run upstairs, give my shoulder, the padding the back that everything would be fine. I would go to the hospital and save the

day ! ! !

Hmmm, did not know yet how, but would take care of it .... I saw every bird in the sky biker on the road, heard all the songs on the radio .... I was capturing the moment, this was going to be shared at a later stage ..... if everything would turn out fine .... we could all laugh about it .... wait WHAT .... did I say if .....

Entering the Hospital, I ran into the desk lady, that I shared the story with, a little red headed, as I kinda thought, this was going to be a first timer for her. Well, her reaction showed me, it WAS a first timer for her ! ! ! She was crying also, but of tears and then I felt like the movie There is Something about Mary .... as everybody was called .... at least the Gynecologist was not in .....

Well, solution, I had to go to that God forbid little room, having a DVD player inside and some interesting lecture, let's just call it that way .... Getting a new cup, I made my way to the little room. Knowing everybody was looking at me, knowing what was going to happen, I only dared to enter, when the hallway was empty.



So, an undisclosed time after, I didn't hear anything in the hallway, I opened the door and ..............









nobody there ! ! ! GO GO GO to the “help desk” and hand over “the goods” .... An older lady just took the jar, and said, I will take care of this, don't worry .... and eh don't worry .... everybody in here comes for the same thing and eh ... they are all the same ! ! !


So, in the afternoon, my wife had her “meeting” in the hospital. I went with her and as I walked in, the gynecologist was busy, hear this, with playing some wale music via a cassette tape. For the younger readers, this is a cassette tape:


Well, let me tell you, that broke the silence, the tension and I just got the giggles, really , a tape recorder ! ! !


well, the first production may not be the best to work with, may we ask you for another production ? ? ?

I had to think of the Mask, Jim Carey:


well, that will be the THIRD production ..... that is going to be water and the story came again ......

In his 15 years of working at the hospital he had never laughed so hard, according to his own memory. Tears rolled over his cheeks, yes made me feel better ! ! !

Well, my wife did the second part and a week later we would hear it between 08.00 and 09.00 in the morning. YEAH, that is going to work, my wife waiting for an hour, hoping they found a match .... well, 07:58 we got the phone call: all is good, we have a match, we good to go .....

And that was the news we needed to hear.

This was the little miracle we received about nine months later:

This is my gratitude story. How amazing the whole IVF cycle .... Grateful to all the medical people, smart people, family standing beside us and all the people that are going the same road: YOU CAN DO IT ! ! ! We were fortunate, my wife ... yes I know, my wife got pregnant after her first hormone injections and the first IVF try. If the natural way doesn't work for you, go for it, it can work for you also ! !

Now it is over for non-Coil Subscribers, so if you want to read on, see some more pictures ....... well, .......

get these extra perks, go click, GO GO GO ———–> Click Here

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It all started last year, everybody was moaning about partners using xCurrent and not xRapid. xCurrent is nice, especially when 4.0 came around when it was all systems in one, but it did NOT use XRP when “transacting” ! ! ! The magic word “WAS” xRapid as it used XRP. Well, I wrote WAS, as the names xCurrent, xRapid and xVia were renamed .... the new kid in town was ODL, On Demand Liquidity. Tracking the transactions was the new thing and tools popped up; based on API feeds.

Everybody has heard of the Utility-Scan in the XRPCommunity. The website with all the ODL coming from the different corridors. The site can be found here and looks like this:

All ODL is tracked in Source Fiat and Target Fiat in EUR, USD, AUD, PHP and MXN.

So who is / are behind the site with all the transactions shown in a transparent way:

The site is done by 2 guys – the 2 Twitter handles are:

So, who are these two guys exactly putting all the work in this site ....

The interview is going to be a little bit different, as I am asking two guys all the questions, so tried to make it a little easier, by putting my questions in red and the answers by the two individual guys with their logo. Only fun. So without further ado:

Mourad TOUMI, Algerian living and working in Paris area as Java developer, l'm not anonymous :–)

Happy family father, 2 very active young children ;–) I am an employee working for a finance – insurance group.

Football player, bad / Gamer, very bad ! ! !

Learn to code from scratch with the grand master

(you know who is it)

Started as a Miner with 2 rigs in 2017, I was mining ETH and Monero and waiting for my Lambo as many people, I was not really interested in technology.

In general, I am interested in innovative technological products. My professional training drifted regularly on the marketing of different financial products; I quickly became interested in Crypto.

XRP :D 1. Scalable 2. Fast 3. Utility

SERIOUSLY ????? ;–)

The first time on CMC is somewhat confusing. Lots of exotic names and as many promises that go with it. It's time to sort it out.

Potential Use case / problems solved?

Best / Serious team?

Which companies are involved?

Community involvement?

The answer to all these questions is personal and everyone can find a different answer. For my part, XRP had checked all the boxes.

When you see the CEO of Ripple in a panel speaking with a member of the IMF, it's real ... Brrrr (goosebumps) ! ! !

ALL IN XRP, too big to fail

Not enough time to dig through seriously on other crypto projects ( unfortunately).

I'm not alone on the project, we started project with @0Llac3

and he's very involved, so we decided to use a dedicated twitter account to share news/finds without using our personal accounts and to make a bot with some automatic alerts.

Keep the community involved, show the world the facts about using XRP for cross-border payments.

Before being interested in XRP and Ripple, I don't was understanding why my transfers to China and Algeria was taking so time, my bank was unable to answer the simple question: Where is my money and when do you think the receiver will get the money

For information, between 30 and 50 Euro fee by transfer for amounts between 1000 and 2000 Euro.

The innovation it represents. The way a new techno comes to upset an ageing but very anchored system, the challenge of adoption by the different players in this sector. We have seen ODL born, it is fascinating to watch it grow.

Thailand and Korea, we got some interesting data about those corridors.

If only we knew. The EUR USD corridor showed us that there was a gap between theory and practice because it was an already efficient corridor and «a priori » it don’t had problems solved by ODL.

However, users seems to have found advantages there.

Some corridors seem to be on the right track, like the USD – THB, but Bitstamp's recent announcement tells me that it may not be next. If I were to make a prediction, I would say that a corridor involving the GBP can arise quickly, but this is only my opinion.

When I can't play with my children

We have 2 children, a wife and are passionate about the best crypto project. What is not a busy day ???

I was able to keep my main source of income during the economic crisis.

no comment

no comment :–)

The ODL confirmation of course, a shower of new markets and ... the mother of all BULLMARKETS.

Can I say that?

XRPTwin: eh ...... Y E S you can ! ! !

Oh and more personally, a public comment (good) made by the great DS himself on Utility-Scan.

XRPTwin: DS of course is David Schwartz ! ! !

This is clearly an accelerator for everything digital, and the fact that countries will need to save money, I think they will consider the release of Nostro / Vostro accounts to boost the economy :–)

One thing is certain, cash is a friend of the coronavirus. My enemy's friend is my enemy. But we are only in the aftermath of the biggest health and financial crisis in the world, certainly far too early to draw conclusions.

End of YEAR:

How many corridors open?

no comment

What is the biggest corridor

USD->MXN obviously, but we may be surprised by B2B

Biggest exchange used for ODL

Bitstamp, with 3 markets (USD,EUR and recently GBP)

Next preferred exchange for ripple?

I think : Bithumb & Bitkub

End Of YEAR:

How many corridors open?

I prefer to talk about market. Today we count 5:

(USD – PHP – EUR – MXN – AUD).

I hope we will have 8 by the end of the year. (GPB – THB – BRL)

What is the biggest corridor


Biggest exchange used for ODL


Next preferred exchange for ripple?


Alright, well, amazing to know a little more about the people behind the website. Thank you guys for all this information and looking forward to an increase in ODL, thank you :–)

If you are a Coil Subscriber, the interview is NOT over ... , you will be able to get/ see some extra questions ! ! !

NO NO NO , there is one more question, IN FRENCH ! ! !

so here goes nothing:

Ripple est la société qui comme toutes les autres cherchent à faire du business (en étant tres utile aux autres), mais elle est aussi la société qui a permis le développement de l'écosystème du XRP et oeuvre aussi à le rendre décentralisé, Ripple a récemment abandonné un validateur dUNL et je pense qu'il ne sera pas le dernier. Si on étudie en détail le consensus utilisé par le XRPL et le mécanisme d'amendements, on comprend vite que le XRP est la blockchain la plus décentralisée et la mieux structurée du marché

Now it REALLY is over, so if you want to read on, see some more answers ....... well, .......

get all the extra perks by clicking ———–> Click Here


It had to happen, sooner or later (rather later), an interview with this happy camper. Always ready for a friendly word; always there to put a smile on your face, especially if you read his blogs .....

This interview is going to be special because it will show true emotions ....

WHAT ???

Yes emotions, XRPTwin / XRPGord are going to show their feelings in text balloons ...... don't worry if you don't understand, it will all be clear in a minute .......

An interview with XRPGord, the bold guy from Canada, who is he and what moves him; let's get to know him

Oh one more administrative detail:

no animal, Twin or Gord

have been hurt doing to making of this blog ! ! !

XRPTwin: Hi XRPGord, how are we going to call you throughout this blog and can you say something about yourself?


You can call me Gordie ! I grew up in good old Canada, in two provinces Manitoba and Alberta. I played hockey all my life at 15 I was supposed to go play in Victoria , BC for the WHL cougars. But I was a big mommas boy and didn’t want to go till after high school. Well then I started dating my future ex wife and stopped playing hockey. Big regret of my life, and well, as the blog JERRY JERRY JERRY goes you know how that chapter ended. Now I’m married to the perfect woman , she is my wife and I have two amazing kids to boot !!!


So Gordie, you are from Canada, is that not the original country where Justin Bieber comes from (let's see if he knows)?


Sadly yes Justin Bieber is from Canada but I heard he want to become a US citizen so they can have him


Just wanted to ask something about Celine Dion, Jim Carey, Alanis Morissette, Elon Musk, what do they all have in common?


Well they are all Canadian of course , wonderful Canadian peeps


CryptoCurrency, Blockchain, how did you get introduced and when was XRP the one?


I had a friend who made a lot of money on bitcoin back in the good old days when it was really cheap. I tried to open an account to buy some but it was so difficult that I gave up and then it kept going up and up and up. I thought it would fall so I never bought into the “ fake internet money “ too bad I’d be retired right now just like him. His next big pick was XRP and this time I wasn’t missing out !


So SouthPark, Gordie, Blame Canada, anything to add on that one??



Yes yes blame Canada, it’s our fault ... we are nice up here in Canada so we will take the blame ... Gets pretty cold though but you get used to it


You follow everything regarding Ripple / XRP , like eh .... Twitter / Telegram / Reddit / Discord / Coil ...



I follow twitter , Coil and Patreon groups a bit . The reason I joined Twitter was XRP news and updates , ..... doing more Twitter now, because I blog and read more than I have in my entire life !!


Coil, we recently found out you came out of the “Blog Closet” , how was this experience?


ah yes Coil .. it’s amazing, I’m really enjoying it and everyone is so wonderful, eager to help if you have any questions. Truly a great platform, I hope big things are coming soon to coil

Source coming out


The coolest thing that happened this year


Coolest thing this year for sure some cheap XRP , and other DA’s too


What do you expect from the remainder of 2020


The remainder of this year .... that’s Hard one with all the crazyness in the world right now . I just don’t know what will happen ? But if I’m a betting man, I’d say regulation and Polymath


What can we expect from you in 2020


In 2020 I’m just going to blog and work. Enjoy the little things and have fun.


In your opinion: Does Corona help Crypto or slow it down?



I truly think it will help implement a cash less society faster than it would happen on its own. So for the crypto space I’d say it will help or at least I hope.



I may have a quick round of single word(s) question, what do you think about:

Bitcoin halving


US Regulations

Banks?!? Who needs banks




Bitcoin halving:

Doomed Tech


World Changing

US Regulations:


Banks?!? Who needs banks:

No One





XRPTwin: Talking about Quick Fire ! ! ! Short questions, quick answers ! ! !

So, this was a really nice experience. An interaction with Gordie where true feelings were shared with each other. Nice guy I truly admire .... always ready for a nice word / smile or positive vibe

But ...... wait ......


If you are a Coil Subscriber, the interview is NOT over ... , you will be able to get/ see some extra information ! ! !

if you ALSO want to get all these extra perks, Click Here


Source Header


So the last couple days we have been shared a couple blogs regarding CasinoCoin and Crazy 8 Coin. Who is CasinoCoin Muse and what does he know what we do NOT know. Where does his passion come from, to even start a COIL Channel ...


Let's see who he is ? ? ?



Could you introduce yourself in a couple lines ? ? ?

CasinoCoin Muse:

A guy who’s been furloughed in the north of England with plenty of time on his hands at the moment.

XRPTwin: Furlough is a scheme designed to help people put on leave due to the coronavirus outbreak, and to prevent employers having to make mass redundancies.


When did you get involved in Crypto when, how, why ? ? ?

CasinoCoin Muse:

Like many, I got sucked in when bitcoin was having its meteoric rise towards the end of 2017. I bought in with a little BTC and ETH and watched it go up and then down and down and down… But something made me want to keep going. I believed there was something about the technology, the level of control you could have over your own money, and the ability to include data within transactions that meant all this would not just go away. So I started to dig deeper and ran into XRP and all that came with it, Bearableguy123, riddlers and all. I was hooked.



Can you share some kind of top 3 digital assets you are fond off and why you are fond of ? ? ?

CasinoCoin Muse:

I’m not invested in as many as some. Obviously I love CasinoCoin, they have a very impressive team with huge gambling and crypto experience and they are doing this the proper way, complying with regulations to solve a real-world problem. The upside potential at today’s prices is just too good to miss and it is right now that things are coming together and products are starting to go live.

I also still put XRP up there for many of the same reasons, great tech and solving a real world problem. I don’t hold as much as I once did, mainly because of my CSC addiction problem. I know XRP will start moving again at some point though.

Finally WAVES which I like because it offers a really simple way in to staking/leasing and earning mining rewards and they have a fantastic, well designed DEX.

Source (1)

Source (2)

Source (3)


When did you start to get into XR ... I mean CasinoCoin ? ? ?

CasinoCoin Muse:

Not too long after getting in to XRP in 2018 I saw the name CasinoCoin pop up a few times amongst the XRP community. When I saw a post that said you could get a million for a few hundred dollars I thought I’d check it out. First thing I did was buy some just so I could have a lot of coins in a wallet and imagine them one day being worth a quid each or something. But the more I looked in to it the more I found that this was an impressive project with an amazing team and some brilliant ideas.


To shift gears a little bit: What is your favourite football club ? ? ?

CasinoCoin Muse:

Don’t depress me, Blackburn Rovers and what was once Bury FC.



Little more on CasinoCoin , what are they doing right / wrong ? ? ?

CasinoCoin Muse:

The CSC Foundation conduct themselves the right way and they are developing some amazing products that help solve real- world problems. The main offering, the BRM, helps solve the issues of slow payments into and out of online casinos and the KYC checks are done in the BRM wallet so there is no longer any need for it to be done by each individual casino.

XRPTwin: a couple abbreviations, soooo

CSC = CasinoCoin ——) really XRPTwin !!!!! Really !!!

BRM = BankRoll Manager

KYC = Know Your Customer


They also offer tokens that help solve issues of trust in online gambling. I could go on but encourage anybody interested to get on the CSC Discord and start checking out for themselves.

The team is also very respectful of the CSC Community and engage with us frequently and, in many cases, patiently. They have some really great deep thinkers in the team that come up with ‘curve ball solutions’ judging by the amazing solution they have recently come developed to provide a fiat on/off ramp within the wallet without the need for any exchange involvement.



are you into casinos gambling poker and other card games ? ? ?

CasinoCoin Muse:

I was once a big poker player both online and bricks and mortar. That ended about the same time as I got in to crypto and had a little boy. I still dabble a bit but just don’t have the time anymore. Apart from poker, I do the odd accumulator on the football at the weekend, at least I did when we had football to bet on.



How easy / difficult to get friends / family involved in crypto ? ? ?

CasinoCoin Muse:

It was once very difficult but it’s getting a lot easier now that the crash following the last bull run has faded from non-crypto people’s memories. It was about six months ago that things started to change. I went from two years of people telling me I’m crazy to now being approached and asked to advise them on how to get started.

Source (1)

Source (2)


Where do you get your info from? YouTubers; Twitter, discord ? ? ?

CasinoCoin Muse:

I read everything, Twitter, CSC Discord, do research on CSC partners and board members. Mix it all up and see what comes out.


XRP / CSC , tough relationship, ..... is there a relationship ? ? ?


CasinoCoin Muse:

The only relationship really is the technology. CSCL is based on XRPL but an entirely separate chain. A large number of the CSC community came over from XRP or are still involved in both. Wietse Wind doing a CSC version of XUMM is a massive vote of confidence in the CSC team.

(XRPTwin: Wietse Wind, ALWAYS THAT WIETSE WIND ! ! !)


Why Coil ? ? ?

CasinoCoin Muse:

I thought I might as well do it on a platform that offers micropayments. You never know how much they might be worth one day. Coil sprung to mind because I’d been reading a few articles on there the previous few days.



Coil, you are a new writer , any history in writing ? ? ?

CasinoCoin Muse:

Nothing like this, no.


Crazy 8 token , you wrote two articles about it, why ? ? ?

CasinoCoin Muse:

The community has been waiting to see what Crazy8Token is since we first saw the token appear on the CSCL about 8 or 9 months ago. When it came out it was not what anybody was expecting but still very exciting in its own way as it offers all the features of the BRM (which is not fully launched yet) but to casinos that are regulated in the jurisdictions that are not classed as ‘tier 1’. When it launches on July 1st, we will all know a lot more about it. It will come later with the BRM.

I thought it would be good to try and clear up a bit about what Crazy8Token is all about for those that don’t have time to trawl through Discord and Twitter for answers.



Does Corona help Crypto or slowdown ? ? ?

CasinoCoin Muse:

In some ways it slows things down. One token on the CSCL, CAMMO, is to be utilised by Cammegh, the largest manufacturer of roulette tables in the world. Obviously, that development has slowed down as there is not much happening around the world in the land-based gambling sector at the moment. The flip side of that is that many people are turning to online gambling and that sector is growing because of the worldwide situation with Corona. It helps some projects and harms others.


The coolest thing that happened this year ? ? ?

CasinoCoin Muse:

Furlough, getting paid to sit at home isn’t all that bad. More seriously, it’s been a pretty crap year all around for an awful lot of people. Did Galgitron ever apologise to DMLogic? That would be cool. ;)

XRPTwin: well, the Galgitron / DMLogic situation, we are not going to touch that one ! ! !


The coolest thing that CAN happen this year ? ? ?

CasinoCoin Muse:

Cool for CSC would be the BRM fully live with four or five operators onboard.



What can we expect from you in 2020 ? ? ?

CasinoCoin Muse:

I’ll keep writing articles on any new developments to do with CSC if people keep reading them!


Are we going to see a Bull Run in 2020 ? ? ?

CasinoCoin Muse:

I hope so but I think we are more likely to see the market looking strong and slowly edging up over the course of the year. 2021 is the year for me, late 2020 at the very earliest.


What Digital Asset is going to lead a possible Bull Run ? ? ?

CasinoCoin Muse:

You can’t look beyond BTC to remain the biggest boy in the playground but the big gains aren’t to be found in BTC. From present prices, BTC might go x10, x20 at the very, very most. The big gains will be found in the small and medium caps, like CSC. ;) XRP will do well and priced at $0.20 it’s a good buy at the moment. BTC doubles and it is already at ATH, XRP needs to do like x18, and it will.


I think it’ll play out a lot like last time BTC first, once BTC is on BBC News at 10 and is priced at $100K the alt-run will really kick in. I do think and hope that the coins without a real use case will be left out the action this time though. People are wiser. Can’t wait.


What crypto is going to surprise us ? ? ?

CasinoCoin Muse:

CSC of course ! ! !

So, there you have it ! ! ! More info about a new Coil Content Creator (CCC) , give him a follow and a lot about CasinoCoin Passion.

Thank you CasinoCoin Muse for your openness, your information sharing and looking forward reading more stories about your Digital Currency Adventures about XR ...... I mean CasinoCoin ! ! !

So, a little less than a month ago we heard about the first Grant for the Web Awardees. The Coronavirus Tech Handbook was one of the names and Nathan Young is one of the founders of this project. Let’s look at the project a little closer and let’s see who Nathan is:


Who are YOU ? ? ?

Nathan Young:

I’m Nathan Young, Co-Founder of the Coronavirus Tech Handbook. It was the largest online repository of tools around Covid-19. I'm a political technologist and forecaster. My main interest is in how we can make better decisions as groups.


Outside of that I am good at story telling, board games and understanding people. Whether it's on public transport or twitter I like finding out what is most important to people and why.



How did You get involved in Crypto when, how , why ? ? ?

Nathan Young:

I'm an avid board gamer. It's funny how often you see mechanics from new games in real life. I suggest this is because they create different interactions. Those tools are useful in service design.

Crypto allows for nuanced services. Want a voting system which can't be trolled? Make people pay a bit to vote. Want a donation system which reflects your actual content consumption. You've got Web Monetisation. It allows you to keep track and manipulate important quantities. It allows you to build systems with correct incentive. Or that's my hope.

XRPTwin: we saw this in my previous post regarding the Play Table, board games and games in general ..... a giant industry ! ! !

I got involved in Crypto in this project, monetising the Coronavirus Tech Handbook. But I'm sure there are loads of great projects I haven't heard of. Please get in touch if you're doing something cool with voting systems and Crypto.


What is your favourite Crypto and why is it ? ? ?

Nathan Young:

This answer is above my pay grade. I mainly use XRP, but I don't know enough to give a favourite.



Any other Coins you are interested in ? ? ?

Nathan Young:

Not really, sorry.



Can you tell a little bit about the CoronavirusTechHandbook ? ? ?

The Coronavirus Tech Handbook is a large online repository of tools around Covid-19. At the start of the crisis I set up a single page. That is now over 130 sections with many pages each. We've had 600k hits and have a community of 1000s of specialists.

More than this, it is a pattern that others can follow. You and your community you can create a collaborative space to gather resources. In America, people have created handbooks like this. bit.ly/ANTIRACISMRESOURCES. It's a reusable format.

Crypto provides a way for this to be sustainable. Both JoeDocs and Etherpad now have Web Monetisation plugins. If you create content through them your users can support you with XRP. I look forward to other crypto enabled features like voting.


Last week we were shared that the CoronavirusTechHandbook is a GftW awardee. When was it shared with you and your first

reaction ? ? ?


Nathan Young:

We were chuffed. Though this was a few months back, so most of our thoughts were about Coronavirus. Knowing that this money was coming in made it much easier to run the project. We are hugely thankful to Grant For The Web for that. Any projects with crypto or Web Monetisation should consider their call for proposals.


When is the the CoronavirusTechHandbook for you a success ? ? ?

Nathan Young:

For me, things are a success compared to world without them. In that way, the Coronavirus Handbook is already a success. I think we did a great job of finding and sharing resources in the early crisis. We had stories of Doctors learning to use ventilators better and people finding the data they needed.

From this point onwards, I'd love if we had the tools to run better things like this in the future. I think Web Monetised handbooks should be a cornerstone of community organising.



Your Twitter says: Interested in parody rap, can you elaborate ? ? ?

Nathan Young:

I and write and perform parody rap. If you're into UK politics, you're welcome.



The coolest thing that happened this year ? ? ?

Nathan Young:

I think the UK offering to take 3 million people from Hong Kong is a cool thing. It's better than expected and it's kind, common sense policy. Crypto makes capital freer and lower friction. I wish the same were true for the movement of people.

I'd love a universal basic income trial this year, too.



What do you expect from 2020 ? ? ?

Nathan Young:

This year is gonna be a hard one. But I still think we have lots of reasons to be optimistic. This crisis would have been far worse if people couldn't work from home, for instance. We have shown we can iterate quickly and we need to hold on that.

In terms of predictions: 90% chance of a recession, 55% chance of a Democratic Presidential victory.



What Crypto is going to surprise us ? ? ?

Nathan Young:


XRPTwin: hmmm, surprising answer :–)



Does Corona help Crypto or slowdown ? ? ?

Nathan Young:

I guess recessions generally hurt innovation. On the other hand lots of people are changing their workflows and there are new ideas in the mix. So a slowdown though less than other sectors? I really don't know what I'm talking about here.


Anything to add..... ? ? ?

Thanks for your time. And yeah would love to hear about voting or consensus Crypto projects – @NathanpmYoung

Thank you Nathan and I can only wish you all the best with the Coronavirus Tech Handbook. GO GO GO and

Stay Safe ! ! !

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