

Somewhere in January I was shared ....... an XRP-Meetup some time end February / beginning of March. Well, it had been a while since I attended one, so I was ready !!!

@cryptobaum was the one organising it and I had contact before the actual meet-up with him , and he had everything under control:

I wanted to be active also, asked if I was allowed to do a Bitrue presentation. @Cryptobaum stimulated it me to do it. He still had a slot open, so I was able to speak ! ! !

I discussed it with Bitrue and they were very supportive, also a give-away. They wanted to reward people to attend the meet-up with BTR, so whoever put their email address on the list, was awarded BTR, existing member / new member. I wanted to do something else at the meet-up, like to be active, so later more....

What I had heard, was that 40/50 people had RSVP'd, I had a feeling this was going to be a stretch .... ——) “The Corona Scare”. I am not sure if it was the case , but it kinda looked not everybody showed up. I got a WhatsApp message from a friend he was not able to make it .... the flue, well too bad... Was looking forward .....

Getting to Utrecht was not difficult, but parking the car was. Finding the right spot was tough, then the next difficulty, carrying a shuffle board (later more), heavy winds and not exactly knowing where the meet-up was. It was at the Lisk Center but nobody knew where this was..... well, in a busy area but was tough to find. The agenda was the following:

Once again, getting there was really tough, was happy I took some pictures how to get back. Inside a mall, taking the escalator, another building ....... around a restaurant ....... Theater on my left .......

AAAAAAAAAHHHHH ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Once again, I was carrying a shuffleboard .... a what, well, had to carry that also with me:

Coming at the venue, some people were aleady there, so I decided to go live with an OnTheChain Video Stream on YouTube, to share the meet-up with the XRPCommunity .... It was a first impression, with some members ... @XRPBooBoo and @sentosumosaba (CryptoEri) who was presenting live starting of. Was fun to do , sharing the atmosphere at the LiskCenter ( keep it in mind).

@CryptoBaum opened the meet-up and a contact person from the Lisk Center shared some information about ..... the LiskCenter. A place where many Crypto Projects were situated under the same roof. I may have to do another Blog with the Center to share what happens in the Dutch Blockchain scene ..... besides XRP.

It was Eri who started the meet-up, with a live stream from the US. She just travelled from Japan and Hawaii and was happy to be part of the meet-up.

The audience was listening to CryptoEri, how she shared her stories, starting of with the ties between Japan and the Netherlands, all the words borrowed from the Dutch and what all the influences were that are still visible at Japan....

After her first part, CryptoEri allowed the audience to ask questions and when Moon, what is mass-adoption and how much ODL is needed to be visible in the price of XRP were some of the questions that were asked... Very interesting, BUT I am not going to share answers as CryptoEri may share this in one of her YouTube videos; If you do not watch her, if you are not subscribed to her channel, please do, very interesting FACTS, information, followed by interesting facts about Japan:


It was very interactive, people laughed and we, in Utrecht, had the feeling CryptoEri also had a good time.

After a quick bathroom break, people were asked to come back and go into a discussion with Ali from XRPL Labs, talking Xumm, talking XRPL Dex.

Not too many people know the XRPL has a DEX and is a very interesting project by our “Dutch Ripple Team” Wietse, Ali and Tristan.

Xumm, an APP that is in Beta for Developers, making it possible to transact between Dollars, Euros and XRP, with fewer transaction cost than Exchanges. The team is still waiting for the Bank License, but once again, this is very promising, may be live in 1 – 2 months, and will make some difference, also a lot of interaction, Ali was asked about many things, when live, who can use it, will my mother be able to use it and what about Moneygram. It is only tied to Bitstamp and Github at the moment.

NOW it was Bitrue Time, XRPTwin Time ! ! ! !

I brought a shuffle board, with 5 (shuffle) stones, for people to throw on the 4 open slots. If people would hit the middle 2 openings, the would get 10 BTR and the outside 2 openings 5 BTR. People liked it a lot and were standing in line to throw the stones.

Some impressions:

So there was 1 special Stone ( I love Bitrue) that gave double the points. Was fun to see; people liked it, conversed around the shuffle board; so felt good I brought it along.

After this break, it was up to me to talk about Bitrue. Bitrue of course does not need introduction, but still still did. The knowledge level in the audience was high and many of the people in the room already had a Bitrue account.

Questions about PowerPiggy were expected and did come, besides the issues with the Bitrue Ambassadors. I only had one answer:

Overall a very good session, also a point that was raised, that was liked, the pairings:

Overall, the sentiment was ALL and ONLY XRP. There were some Vechain People in the audience, some well known and respected #VETFAM members, that also participated in the discussions.

XRPBooBoo also got some stage time, talking about the XRP Meetup in May in Los Angeles, organised by LoveForCrypto. It is going to be a wild event; no doubt about that.

@CryptoBaum is going to evaluate the meet-up and more than likely we are going to see more meet-ups. I am looking forward to the next one and hopefully more people will join.

Thanks everybody ! ! !