

Inwestowałem w fundusze, akcje, surowce, metale szlachetne, wina, samochody, moją żonę, jednak najciekawsze doświadczenia zdobyłem zaczynając przygodę z krypto-walutami. W szczególności z XRP oraz ludźmi inwestującymi w nie. Zwanych #XRPCommunity.

Zatrzymajmy się na chwilę:

mamy rok 2020, inwestując w krypto-waluty robisz to najprawdopodobniej od dwóch lat, w tym czasie nawiązałeś kontakty z wieloma innymi inwestorami, doradcami czy osobami zainteresowanymi tematem. Krypto-waluty to temat globalny. Chciałbym by TEN blog był dostępny dla każdego, dlatego przetłumaczyłem go na wiele języków. Mam nadzieję iż twój język również jest dostępny. Pomagało mi wiele osób. Pragnę więc podziękować wszystkim z:


Republika Czeska
















Republika Południowej Afryki



Republika Turcji


Zacznijmy więc od początku, zainwestowałem w fundusze, akcje, surowce, metale szlachetne, wina, samochody, moją żonę, ale najciekawszym doświadczeniem, jakie zdobyłem, było rozpoczęcie przygody z kryptowalutami.

W szczególności z XRP i inwestującymi w nie osobami. O nazwie #XRPCommunity. Ludzie otwarcie mówią, ile mają XRP, po jakiej cenie je kupili lub sprzedali. Jakie będą ich kolejne kroki, czy sprzedadzą lub zgromadzą walutę. Otwarta służba, która skłoniła ich do inwestowania. I grupa słuchająca niedźwiedzia z kreskówek żerującego na zagadkach.

Jestem zaskoczony mocą tego zachowania stada. Najlepszym przykładem jest Bearableguy 123 i wzrost jego rozpoznawalności. Stale rośnie !!!

Jednym słowem:


(10 dollar word if you are not native English speakers ..... 10 dollar word also for native English speakers)

Według Wikipedii::


jest doświadczeniem znajdowania relacji i ukrytych znaczeń w przypadkowych i nieistotnych zjawiskach, faktach i wydarzeniach.

Definiensa dobrze opisuje osoby słuchające łamigłówek rozrzuconych wokół kryptowaluty Twitter, XRPChat, Telegram, YouTube i innych mediów społecznościowych. Przez „dekodery”, takie jak Bearableguy123, Ripple Riddler i wiele innych. Niestety nie wiem, kto jest po drugiej stronie ekranu.

Końcowy obraz jest interesujący.

W ciągu ostatnich dwóch lat zainwestowane przeze mnie środki straciły na wartości. W tych trudnych czasach Bearableguy123 podniósł mnie na duchu i rozbawił.

Czy przeczytałem wiadomości – TAK

Czy widziałem coś więcej w wiadomościach – NIE!

Łączenie kropek jest fajne, ale bądź ostrożny. Często istnieją powiązania między tematami, czasem bezpośrednie lub pośrednie. Próbuję powiedzieć, że zawsze możemy coś połączyć, gdy dramatycznie szukamy związku. W ten sposób powstają teorie spiskowe. Daty, ceny i wydarzenia są obiektywne, ale zawsze mogą stać się subiektywne, jeśli taki jest nasz cel.

Najpopularniejszym obrazem przedstawionym przez Bearableguy123 jest zamek. Jestem pewien, że każdy, kto interesuje się tym tematem od ponad roku, słyszał o wizerunku zamku:

Wszyscy zadają pytanie – jakie to ma znaczenie? Lalka, rycerz, feniks, wskazanie konkretnego zęba, kolorów, tekstu – tyle szczegółów, które warto zbadać ...

Rozwiązanie i poszukiwanie postaci jest zabawne i przyjemne. A jeśli ktoś w to wierzy, proszę nie oceniać. To może nie być dla ciebie, ale inni wierzą w te wskazówki i uzyskują informacje o inwestycjach w XRP.

Siła Bearableguy i Ripple Riddler prawie osiągnęła poziom kultu. Przykład – możesz kupić produkty z ich logo.

Zobaczmy, co przyniesie nam 2020 rok. Wierzę, że Ripple opracuje, że w Stanach Zjednoczonych zostaną utworzone nowe regulacje prawne dotyczące sokoła kryptowalutowego i otworzą się nowe korytarze biznesowe. Jest jeden plan i nie mam nic przeciwko roli Niedźwiedzia lub Riddlera, jeśli osiągniemy cel....

Dziękujemy za bycie członkiem tego bloga: @kalycabos, @Axesswe @XRPTwin @bluemarvel10, @marko_badovinac, @KosIreneusz, @PattyAlexx, Jay_Yabs, @AhmetCILI1, @vicrisfoto, @IamFatboyTim, @sanmarinoinnova, @JosefKhait, @FizwigHS, @DeutschlandXrp, @Kando_TJ, @sentosumosaba, Pablo

J'ai personnellement investi dans les options, les actions, les matières premières, les métaux précieux, le vin, les voitures, le temps, ma femme, mais ce qui se passe avec les crypto-monnaies et XRP en particulier, je ne l'ai jamais vécu auparavant, je parle de la communauté XRP (#XRPCommunity).

Prenons un peu de recul :

Si vous investissez dans les crypto-monnaies en 2020, vous êtes probablement ici depuis au moins 2 ans et vous avez interagi avec beaucoup, beaucoup de monde venu d'univers totalement différents. Le monde de la crypto est globale. Je voudrais rendre CE Blog le plus abordable possible pour l'ensemble de mes lecteurs. J'ai donc traduit le blog en plusieurs langues, j'espère que la vôtre est disponible. J'ai été aidé par de nombreuses personnes, je vais donc terminer ce Blog en remerciant ceux qui m'ont aidé pour la traduction en:


Republique Tcheque


La Finlande

La France






Le maroc

les Pays-Bas


Le Portugal

La roumanie

La russie


Afrique du sud


La Suède

République de Turquie


Encore une fois, j'ai, personnellement , investi dans les options, les actions, les matières premières, les métaux précieux, le vin, les voitures, le temps, ma femme, mais ce qui se passe avec les crypto-monnaies et XRP en particulier, je ne l'ai jamais vécu auparavant, je parle de la communauté XRP. (#XRPCommunity)

Les membres de cette communauté ne se gênent pas pour dire combien de XRP ils possèdent, à quel prix ils l’ont acheté/vendu, mais aussi à quel prix ils en achèteront et en vendront. Il y a aussi tout un groupe qui écoute les conseils d’un ours de dessin animé qui lance des énigmes, sans parler de l’homme mystère et d'autres “facteurs externes” pour justifier leur investissement.

Je suis étonné de voir quelle importance a pris ce comportement de troupeau, à quel rythme, notamment le Bearableguy123, a grandi et .... qu'il soit toujours là ! ! !

Je suis tombé sur UN MOT, qui m'a ouvert les yeux :


(10 dollars à celui qui connaissait l'existence de ce mot)

Selon Wikipédia :


une altération de la perception, qui conduit un individu à attribuer un sens particulier à des événements banals en établissant des rapports non motivés entre les choses. Tout lui paraît avoir été préparé pour lui.

Cela décrit parfaitement les personnes qui écoutent toutes les énigmes qui se trouvent sur Twitter, XRPChat, Telegram, YouTube et d'autres médias sociaux qui concernent les cryptos. En particulier celles du “Bearableguy123” ainsi que celles du “Ripple Riddler”, probablement le plus connu, et il y en a d'autres qu’il me reste à connaitre.

Cette image, vous ne pouvez pas dire qu'elle n'est pas cool

Les deux dernières années, ont été baissières, donc Bearableguy123 notamment, m'a été utile, il m'a diverti dans une période difficile.

Est-ce que j'ai lu ses messages, OUI.

Est-ce que j'ai lu Plus dans ses messages, NON !

Faire des rapprochement est toujours amusant, mais il faut faire attention. Souvent, vous trouverez des relations entre les choses, si ce n'est directement, indirectement. Au point que vous pouvez toujours relier ces choses entre elles, à condition de creuser suffisamment, les théories du complot naissent ainsi. Les dates, les prix, les événements sont tous objectifs, mais vous pouvez les rendre subjectifs si vous déplacez le curseur.

Une des images les plus célèbres du Bearableguy123 est celle du château. Je sais que probablement tout le monde, oui TOUT LE MONDE qui est dans les cryptos depuis plus d'un an, a entendu parler de cette photo du château :

Les gens se demandent ce que signifie la poupée, le chevalier, le phénix, une dent particulièrement aiguisée , le signe de l'infini, les drapeaux, la couleur du texte, tant de choses à regarder....

Je ne sais pas où nous en sommes, je ne sais pas si ces “énigmes” ont été résolues, mais c'est amusant. Si les gens y croient, soyez gentleman et ne les jugez pas. Peut-être que cela ne représente rien pour vous, mais d'autres y croient et utilisent ces indices pour investir plus ou moins dans le XRP.

La renommé du Bearableguy et du Ripple Riddler ont presque atteint le statut de star, ils apparaissent même dans des produits dérivés.

Voyons ce que l'année 2020 nous réservera. J'espère que Ripple eux-mêmes vont prêter attention à leurs avancées, que les réglementations américaines seront mises en places, que des corridors seront ouverts et que de nouvelles entreprises seront acquises. Les moyens utilisés pour y arriver m’importe peu, que ce soit un ours ou une énigme tant que cela se concrétise...

Merci de faire partie de ce blog :

Thank you for being part of this blog: @kalycabos, @Axesswe @XRPTwin @bluemarvel10, @marko_badovinac, @KosIreneusz, @PattyAlexx, Jay_Yabs, @AhmetCILI1, @vicrisfoto, @IamFatboyTim, @sanmarinoinnova, @JosefKhait, @FizwigHS, @DeutschlandXrp, @Kando_TJ, @sentosumosaba, Pablo

The word following Bitrue, most of the times is ......... ?!?

Let me give you one hint: It starts with an X and ends on RP .....

NOT THIS TIME, this time we are going to talk about Vechain. A little bit about Vechain themselves, but MORE about the Vechain Community – “the people in the know”

First, Bitrue, what is the advantage for the VeChain Holder?!?

  • PowerPiggy – High Interest
  • CryptoLoans – Pledging VET
  • VTHO – Airdrop

Three very interesting reasons why the VET-holder should / can use Bitrue as exchange.

Vechain had some nice coverage in Patricia C's Coil Blog (https://coil.com/u/PatriciaC):

I love XRP but also hold VET! A very light intro to VET...

I am just going to highlight one paragraph from this blog:

In Patricia her own words:

“Let's take a closer look at VET today… VET is VeChain’s Foundation Token based on Proof of Authority. VET holders also get VTHO. VET carries value from smart contracts while VTHO is the energy or gas for VET. The token was a ERC20 (Ethereum) but after August 2018 they migrated to their own main net. That swap made 1 token to be equal to 100 VET and it’s how we know VET today. VET is energy efficient and its transactions are fast at 10 seconds per transaction.”

Vechain has some good contributors like in the XRPCommunity, probably not very well known among us. Why are they so heavily involved in the VET, what make VET the greatest digital asset and

eh ....... W H Y ! ! !

So Voting:

Bitrue is looking for 5 winners: Who is YOUR favorite VET-Contributor ? ! ?

Voting can be done 2 more days, SO HURRY UP,

go to:


I reached out to all the nominees except SolomonGrundle and the last person with the Red emoticon. These two are not on Twitter and I could not reach. This does not mean you should NOT vote for them, just go for it :)

This is the message I send out to all the contributors:

As you may know I am a Bitrue Ambassador and a Blogger.

I would like to give a little more information to all the voters and would like to give you a blog to show why people should vote for you. I am asking all the nominees the same questions,

I have no favoritism, so if you want to answer , would be awesome ! ! ! :–)

I would like to post this blog on Thursday, latest Friday, so people still have time to vote, thank you....

1. Can you write in three sentences a bit about yourself, or Vechain, or the Blockchain?

2. First reaction when you saw you were nominated?

3. Why should people vote for you?

4. What is 2020 going to bring for Vechain?

5. Vechain is a great Digital Asset, you know another great Digital Asset .... ;–) (not a trick question)

Thank you

Once Again,

I would like to post this blog on Thursday, latest Friday, so people still have time to vote, thank you

Let me give you all the candidates:

XRPTwin: Three sentences:about yourself, Vechain/ Blockchain?

@wazapepe: I guess I've been the VeChain sleuth since the beginning, the progress within Vechain has always intrigued me, and thats' why I'm still here.

XRPTwin: First reaction to nomination?

@wazapepe: Immense honor

XRPTwin: Why should people vote for you?

@wazapepe: Haha, I don't know, some people dislike what I'm doing and argue that what I do hurts VeChain, I argue that it makes things more interesting. (I would never intentionally jeopardize anything.)

People should vote for who they think deserves it most.

XRPTwin: What is 2020 going to bring for Vechain?

@wazapepe: Adoption

XRPTwin: Another great Digital Asset (not a trick question)?

@wazapepe: Bitcoin

XRPTwin: Three sentences:about yourself, Vechain/ Blockchain?


My name is Jamie, and I'm the CEO of VeriArti which utilises VeChain's fee delegation in order to allow NFT dapps to onboard and use VeChain seamlessly and without the need for crypto.

XRPTwin: First reaction to nomination?

@veriartivra: Enlightenment.

XRPTwin: Why should people vote for you?

@veriartivra: Because baller.

XRPTwin: What is 2020 going to bring for Vechain?

@veriartivra: Balling TX.

XRPTwin: Another great Digital Asset (not a trick question)?

@veriartivra: VRAs.

XRPTwin: Three sentences:about yourself, Vechain/ Blockchain?

@MoonShotCaller: Can you write in three sentences a bit about yourself, or Vechain, or the Blockchain?

I am in investor in Cryptocurrency since early 2017 and have experienced the Bullrun in that year. I have switched from project to project (successfully) during that Bullrun and ended up holding VeChain due to it’s great fundamentals and it’s extraordinary hard-working team.

XRPTwin: First reaction to nomination?

@MoonShotCaller: First reaction when you saw you were nominated?

Well, my first reaction was kind of described in my first tweet the moment I heard it.


XRPTwin: Why should people vote for you?

@MoonShotCaller: Why should people vote for you?

It’s hard to say people should vote for me, I do believe the other nominees are also a very important contributor to the VeChain ecosystem. That being said: I did invest a lot of time and research into my tweets. At a certain point I had more than 1 Million monthly (I believe it was even 1.5) ‘tweet impressions’. (number of times a tweet shows up on somebody’s timeline).

And since 99% of the time I tweet about VeChain, that’s over a Million times people seen my VeChain tweets.

A few months ago I also noticed a big interest in VeChain from the #XRPCommunity and I tried to unite both communities by creating Twitter Groups:


XRPTwin: What is 2020 going to bring for Vechain?

@MoonShotCaller: A lot of growth and ‘mainstream’ enterprise adoption. I’m hoping and assuming the price will also follow that growth.

XRPTwin: Another great Digital Asset (not a trick question)?

@MoonShotCaller: I do believe XRP is an interesting cryptocurrency. It does have high level partnerships, but it's also working with banks and not against them. This differentiates XRP from many other Crypto's and I believe that's one of their strenghts as well.

XRPTwin: Three sentences:about yourself, Vechain/ Blockchain?

@Martijncvv: My name is Martijn, I have a passion for cutting-edge technologies and companies that develop solutions to improve the world. In 2017 I wrote abstracts of different kind of cryptocurrency projects. The moment I read about VeChain was like finding a company that combines both of my passions, and it only became better and better. My favorite solutions are the ecosystems to reward individuals who exhibit environmental friendly behavior and the food safety solutions.

XRPTwin: First reaction to nomination?

@Martijncvv: It felt pretty crazy to see myself in the list next to contributors like @VeChainStats, @BenYorke and @TokenVision99. Together with some of my CT friends; @MoonShotCaller and @RealTacoCrypto. Thank you guys!

XRPTwin: Why should people vote for you?

@Martijncvv: I do really like to see how everyone focuses on something else. Different people being creative all on their own way.

But why vote for me? Basically what I try to do is explaining all kinds of VeChain ecosystem related things on a basic way on Twitter. I enjoy answering questions and hope other people will share the knowledge. In my opinion, the only way how we can grow this community bigger is by spreading valuable knowledge, facts and positive vibes. We should welcome the newcomers with open arms and shouldn’t forget we also had to start somewhere.

XRPTwin: What is 2020 going to bring for Vechain?

@Martijncvv: I hope we can see some big business use-cases going live. Getting the transactions running and the VTHO burning.

XRPTwin: Another great Digital Asset (not a trick question)?

@Martijncvv: There is no “other” for a maximalist ;P

XRPTwin: Three sentences:about yourself, Vechain/ Blockchain?

@BenYorke: I’ve always been drawn to the commercial applications of blockchain, particularly in China where I’m based. We’ve seen the blockchain industry shift towards enterprise usage of late, a trend that should continue. I think there’s going to be a few more huge success stories in the public blockchain space as new business models spring up – being in the middle of it is a great place to be.

XRPTwin: First reaction to nomination?

@BenYorke: The core community guys have been there for awhile so there weren’t too many surprises. No shock to see Fabian at the top of the list, he’s probably going to win for his contributions with VeChainStats.

XRPTwin: Why should people vote for you?

@BenYorke: It’s not a competitive thing for me, I’d love to see some of the other guys get recognition. I won’t mention who I voted for, but it wasn’t myself, it was someone on the lower half of the list.

XRPTwin: What is 2020 going to bring for Vechain?

@BenYorke: The million-dollar question. I’ve spoken with a lot of people working for various companies that are either partnered or considering partnering with VeChain – the technology is real, the incentives are there. Obviously there’s a lot of regulatory and implementation obstacles still to come – but I believe the future will have digital assets, tokenized products, and verified data all over our everyday lives. VeChain is well-positioned to play a major role in that.

XRPTwin: Another great Digital Asset (not a trick question)?

@BenYorke: Haha, these days I’m not very adventurous with my investments. I keep a couple of VET stashed away for a rainy day but I always found the markets so distracting. Hard to be productive when you are checking prices every five minutes!

XRPTwin: Three sentences:about yourself, Vechain/ Blockchain?

@VeChainStats: My name is Fabian and my background is that I am an enthusiastic, innovation-driven developer and passionate about data analytics. I established the non-profit, community-funded platform http://vechainstats.com.

XRPTwin: First reaction to nomination?

@VeChainStats: Cool...

XRPTwin: Why should people vote for you?

@VeChainStats: People should vote for the person they feel most strongly about. There are far more people inside the VeChain Ecosystem than nominees that do a brilliant job. In my view, everybody deserves the upmost gratitude from the community – not just by this voting.

XRPTwin: What is 2020 going to bring for Vechain?

@VeChainStats: From my perception, I expect in 2020 an increasing transaction volume and various more advanced solutions being launched on top of the VeChain Thor blockchain.

XRPTwin: Another great Digital Asset (not a trick question)?

@VeChainStats: Honestly, I am not so much into cryptocurrency speculation (or day trading) rather than being committed to digital assets with real-world adoption and valuable transactions. From that, only a few well-known tokens including VeChain match my interest.

XRPTwin: Three sentences:about yourself, Vechain/ Blockchain?

@TokenVision99: I'm a full time AAA game developer at one of the leading game studios(Digital Extremes). I started learning about Bitcoin in 2012 through documentaries on YouTube, friends, podcasts, articles, and eventually I fell down the rabbit hole in 2016 and started to invest. Here I am today totally enamored trying to see if I can do anything to help advance this space with the skill sets I've acquired from working professionally in various industries including finance/tech/video games and film industry.

XRPTwin: First reaction to nomination?

@TokenVision99: I love Vechain and everything it stands for, from the outstanding team, the tokenomics, the community, and also the wider global social impact it'll have on our daily life (eventually), so I'm totally honored! #VEFAM.

XRPTwin: Why should people vote for you?

@TokenVision99: I guess you can vote for me if you think I'm a good representative of this community and you enjoy and see value in my YouTube videos/twitter posts. :)

XRPTwin: What is 2020 going to bring for Vechain?

@TokenVision99: 2020? Well probably the same as 2019, more killer announcements of the top fortune companies signing on to do business on their platform, and of course the ramp up of enterprise transactions on Mainnet. Lets see those VTHO burn baby!

XRPTwin: Another great Digital Asset (not a trick question)?

@TokenVision99: Bitcoin is my main squeeze outside of Vechain, but I hold a bit of BNB, XRP, ENJ, TFD, ETH.. Never hurts to have favorites but diversification this early in the game is important. ;)

XRPTwin: Three sentences:about yourself, Vechain/ Blockchain?

@RealTacoCrypto: I'm a CEO of a software company in Belgium and developing web-based software for over 10 years.

Active in Blockchain since mid 2017 (mining, MasterNodes, trading, investing) as a hobby.

I've been in love of the Vechain Ecosystem ever since they launched their ICO and try to spread information on Vechain any way i can on private and public groups.

Literally all the Crypto savvy people around me already have invested either in X-nodes or bought Vechain for long term.

XRPTwin: First reaction to nomination?

@RealTacoCrypto: I was very surprised to be honest but also honored, there are plenty of people online (Reddit, Telegram, Twitter) that do a kick ass job making content and videos.

XRPTwin: Why should people vote for you?

@RealTacoCrypto: At this point I've been mostly busy spreading the word of Vechain (tweets, giveaways).

My goal in 2020 will be to post more information on how to develop blockchain applications and more specific on how to develop on Vechain.

This will help developers and CEOs to overcome their fear of blockchain.

I would love it to make to the top 5 of course but being nominated itself is an honor.

XRPTwin: What is 2020 going to bring for Vechain?

@RealTacoCrypto: 2020 will be the year that the network will fire up because of all the products that go online on Vechain. (900K Wallets, San Marino, Vaccine Tracking, ...)

Next to this I'm looking forward to all the new partnerships that will be announced.

I try not to look at the price at the moment but only at the transaction on the Mainnet.

XRPTwin: Another great Digital Asset (not a trick question)?

@RealTacoCrypto: I also hold some XRP , even though it's a small bag. Hopefully in 2020 we will see a change of trend for this asset

Well, to ALL contributors, good luck ...... I will not vote, so BEST of luck from XRPTwin ! ! !

oh..... and guys, ...... if you have some time ...... you may look into eh ....