

It is all over the news, the teddy bear hunt. A book, written more than 30 years ago comes to life. Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury wrote the book We're Going on a Bear Hunt

Children have a tough time staying at home all day as they want to be at school with their friends to play and/ or learn new things and after school want to play tennis, soccer, hockey with each other. At the moment that is not possible due to the lockdown to contain Corona Virus.

The real-life “teddy bear hunt” is a children walk, safely around the neighborhood, trying to spot teddy bears.

Social Media all over the world has spent multiple articles about this phenomenon and many people put a bear in the window.

As the LEGO Harry Potter Castle should not be the only thing we are doing with our son, today we went “bear hunting”. And boy, do a lot of people do that ! ! !

It really went viral, in the Netherlands #berenjacht is used on Twitter, but let me share some pictures:

Overall we were amazed that so many people picked up on it. Seeing it on television, reading about it on internet, social media is one thing, actually placing a bear is another thing.

Mickey Mouse ..... well, that did not totally made the cut, nice tho .... Winnie de Pooh was the overall winner, we saw him more than 5 times and in total we saw 64 bears within 26 minutes, I was very proud.

A special mention does the last animal picture get. A for effort, being an Owl .... F for animal type...... till the owner walked out as he saw me taking the picture. Taking a picture was not the problem, but he needed to explain something. His wife collected owls and she passed away last year. This was her favorite owl and although it needed to be a bear in the window, he wanted to put this particular owl because his wife would have loved this bear/ owl hunt.... he had a tear in his eye and I asked him if I was allowed to mention this story in my blog? He almost insisted , but there was one but; I needed to share the story with him. Well he is going to be the first one ! ! ! Thank you sir.

To all, go bear hunting, put a bear in the window and have fun .... keep your social distance and be safe ! ! !