Still dieting? Wake up! Healthy weight loss is the right choice

“Losing weight is a career that girls need to struggle for a lifetime”. I believe everyone is familiar with this sentence. It seems that most girls are always struggling with their weight. Even some girls choose some extreme weight loss methods in order to be thin, such as diet pills, vomiting, dieting, etc., which will bring very serious health problems to the body.

Today, let's talk about what is a healthy way to lose weight.

1、 What is the basal metabolic rate?

Before talking about weight loss, I think it is necessary to talk about the basic metabolic rate and understand what the basic metabolic rate is, so that we can achieve the goal of healthy weight loss.

The basal metabolic rate is the minimum energy our body needs to maintain the normal operation of all organs in our body. How to understand it is that you lie in bed all day, do nothing, don't play with your mobile phone and don't think. In this state, the energy your body needs to consume, that is, the energy your body needs to live normally.

The basic metabolic rate is related to gender, height and weight, so everyone's basic metabolic rate will be slightly different.

The calculation formula of basic metabolic rate is:

Male = 9.99 * weight (kg) + 6.25 * height (CM) -4.92 * age + 5

Female = 9.99 * weight (kg) + 6.25 * height (CM) – 4.92 * age – 161

According to the calculation formula, the value of basic metabolic rate is only related to height, weight and age. With the increase of age, the basic metabolic rate will decrease, and the weight loss will also lead to the decrease of basic metabolic rate.

If the height and weight of a healthy adult remain in a stable state in the same year, the basic metabolic rate is also a relatively stable value.

So it is obvious that if we want to live healthily, the calories we eat every day should ensure the normal operation of various organs. Therefore, the minimum daily calorie intake should be our basic metabolic rate. If the long-term intake of calories is lower than the basic metabolic rate, the normal operation of the body cannot be maintained for a long time, and a series of hazards such as endocrine disorder, physical weakness and even organ damage will occur.

2、 How to lose weight healthily?

What is the real secret of healthy weight loss?

In fact, it is: keep your mouth shut and move your legs. It's not the so-called eat less and move more!

Keeping your mouth shut doesn't mean going on a diet, but eating as few unhealthy foods as possible, such as snacks, fried food, barbecue, milk tea and so on. For most people, as long as they eat three meals a day regularly, normally and healthily, plus an appropriate amount of exercise, they can achieve the purpose of weight loss. The real culprit that makes you fat is never the homely food, but the excess junk food you eat after three meals a day.

The principle of weight loss is to use the daily consumption of calories greater than the intake of calories, so as to produce heat difference and consume fat, so as to achieve the purpose of weight loss. Therefore, the fundamental reason for losing weight is that it can produce poor calories every day.

The correct way to generate calorie difference should be: on the basis of consuming calories slightly higher than the basic metabolic rate, exercise can generate the calorie difference required to lose weight every day, and for people with high exercise intensity, the calories that should be consumed will require more.

During weight loss, you should eat food with less oil and salt. Many people know the need for oil control, but they don't know the importance of salt control. Too much salt will lock up the water in the body and cause body edema, which makes people look fat visually, although some people are not heavy. Therefore, for people who are prone to edema, salt intake should be controlled.

In addition, the diet should be nutritionally comprehensive and balanced. Carbohydrates, protein and fat are indispensable nutrients. Extreme reduction of intake of one of them will affect our health.

High quality carbohydrates include purple potato, sweet potato, potato, corn, cereals and other unprocessed foods; High quality protein includes chicken breast, beef, shrimp, fish, eggs and milk.

High quality fats include original walnuts, cashew nuts, egg yolks, milk, olive oil, etc. But losing weight doesn't mean that you don't need to eat refined staple foods such as rice at all. You can mix refined staple foods with coarse grains. In addition, under the normal milk intake (less than 400ml), it is not necessary to choose skimmed milk. Full fat milk is completely OK.

Finally, I want to say that self-confidence and health are the most beautiful. In fact, most girls do not need to lose weight. Excessive weight loss has a great impact on health.

If you really want to lose weight, please choose a healthy way to lose weight. Losing weight at the cost of physical health is really undesirable. I really hope that the aesthetic of “white, young and thin” will pass quickly and return girls to a confident and healthy state.