Flat Mountain Dispatches


Spring socks rolled over jeans. Jeans tucked into boots. Wading through knee high tick grass to retrieve a broken pine bough. Crushing a spray of cherry blossom. Spotting the first adder of the year beneath the sea buckthorn, half-shedding skin.

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First really warm days. Sitting on the shady front step, on the big cool stone blocks. Holding one hand to the sun to see through skin. To brittle bones, nervous tendons. Circling buzzards flit between finger slits, zoetrope style. Keening keeee-yahhh.

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Pied flycatcher arriving promptly, yearly, on the day of the Valborg fires. Marking the witches passage to Blåkulla and back. Warding malevolent spirits in the season ahead.

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Digging foundation trenches, down to the deep red soil, beneath the freeze layer. New erratics rising from the earth, gargantuan like bleached wyrm skulls, dead in their subterranean lairs.

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Wilted crocus lawn replaced by white and egg-yolk daffodil, wispy grasses accented by bursting scilla, blåsippa. In ornamental beds botanical tulip, geranium phaeum, snake's-head fritillary.

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An unfolding of crocuses buried by snow-white flurries. Spring sun breaking through wispy streamers. A slushed wilt of purple yellow flowers.

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Spring cleaning knotted meadow acres. Raking dried tufts and tussocks. Bennet matted into banks like rolling sand-dunes. Mounding all together with gaudy-green mosses, leafy muck and mull. A familiar robin following along, grubbing in the streaked bare soil.

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Awoken at day-spring by a charm of tits, finches, warblers. The dawning murmuration lifting to fever pitch. Weekday mornings in a sunlit bedroom listening to the song-fowl over the mountain, chirming, chittering.

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A brackish archipelago. Faint smell of sea-weed from tideless waters. Reeds and grasses billowing where polished bedrock plunges into the Baltic. A coastline of ash, beech, thick old growth oak. Stoney shores growing juniper, sloe, common heather. Linnets picking over bitter berries. Crowding scant mountain pine.

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A coastal shrub layer of juniper, sloe, packed culms of matgrass. Moraine mixed of boulder, stone, gravel, sand, silt and clay. Formlessly following the underlying bedrock. Two-point-five-million year granite, tundra polished smooth and round.

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