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Gnome developer “Tobias Bernard” has wrote a lengthily post on his blog about how people have thought that GTK 3 supports theming. This is not true, as there is only CSS stylesheets. These CSS stylesheets were only ever meant to be used by the platform and app developers. The platform stylesheet is called Adwaita. You can check out the full post over on his blog. It's totally worth reading & he has some other interesting post work checking out too....

#Gnome #Linux #Themes #CSS

Lipstick left is a simple theme with only a left border. This theme is designed to be super minimal, space saving & out of the way. Download the theme from GitHub or check out my post on r/unixporn. Below is a dirty & clean screenshot....

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#Xfce #Themes #Lipstickleft #Windowmanager #Linux

This isn’t I3.... This is xfce with a no-border theme installed. image

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Here’s how to create your own no-border theme for xfce or possibly any other window manager. Just follow the steps below or download the theme from here GitHub....

  1. sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/themes/empty/xfwm4

You can replace “empty” with whatever you want. This will be the name of your theme.

  1. sudo touch /usr/share/themes/empty/xfwm4/themerc

Leave this file blank and your done.

  1. Finished!!

Open up your window manager settings and choose your newly created theme.

#Xfce #Linux #Themes #I3