

Audacity is an amazing audio editor, but sometimes you want something that's just a little lighter & easier to use. Say “HI” to Ocenaudio. Like Audacity, Ocenaudio is free & crossplatform. It won't impact performance when editing multiple audio files.

To install Ocenaudio you can simply click here to visit the download page or follow the steps below if you run a Debian based system.

sudo apt update && wget http://www.ocenaudio.com/downloads/index.php/ocenaudio_debian64.deb && sudo dpkg -i ocenaudio_debian64.deb

In the wget command you can replace debian64 with debian32 if you have a 32bit system. Ocenaudio may ask for some dependencies to complete the installation. If it does then use the following command.

sudo apt-get install -f

Ocenaudio should now be installed & can now be launched either through your menu of choice or by typing “ocenaudio” into a terminal window....

#audio #audioeditor #Linux #apps