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Ever wanted to download a song without the vocals :? I have and well apparently it's really super easy. All you need is Firefox & wget. Conversion and download times will vary depending on track length.

For this post I'm going to be using Dratna – An Cath (The Battle) (Full EP). An awesome atmospheric black metal ep. You can use whatever you want, be it on youtube or a local file already that you already have saved.

  1. Lets start by opening Vocal Remove Pro.

  2. Once open, upload your music file or paste in the youtube url.

  3. Enter the verification code and start the conversion process.

  4. Once the conversion has completed right click on the page and select Inspect Element.

  5. Using the Inspect Element tool, follow your way through the code until you find the url for the music file. An easy way to do this is to hover & click sections of code and follow the blue trail showing in the web view.

  6. Once you have found the url, copy it and shorten it using bit.ly.

  7. Copy the shortened bit.ly url and open up a new terminal window.

  8. With a new terminal window now open use wget to download the newly converted music file.

wget https://bit.ly/2UIkVgh

Please note that I just happened to stumble upon this randomly. This blog post has been written purely for educational purposes only. It can also be improved.

#musicwithoutvocals #download #terminal #wget #bitly #music