gFam Top Stories – 10th August

It is so amazing to see everyone's totally different stories... it's such an incredible insight to everyone's very different lives. We're super excited that the gFam platform is so international even though it's still a fairly small group.

15 stories and 172.111 XRP tips were received!

Riley had her baby shower at her parents house and her Mom seems so happy and so delighted... what a great family! If you're keen for more stories and photos, Riley has got a bunch and some great advice in her *Coil post*.

Coil post

gFam post

Franzario tells a hilarious story of a guy who just wanted to graduate with his masters degree...

gFam post

YukkiTar is exploring an island and it looks just so stunning...


gFam post

Therese describes the life of her friend John who honestly has a great life. Comparing the adult dog Fin with her own playful Squish is so cute, we love seeing animals different personalities...


gFam post

Quinton continues the tale for us of his missing Garfield... it looks like it's really getting to see the world...

gFam post

There were a couple more stories on the platform and we've chosen one from the one of our global family who brings the cutest fuzz face to the platform...

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