gFam Top Stories – 10th September

We've been busying working on the coding for the gFam platform, but we really need to be way more consistent with our top stories posts... there has been so many great stories that our little global family has shared with us...

15 stories and 168 XRP tips were received!

Tahlia lists the incredible benefits of joining the Coil community, and we have to admit, gFam loves being in the web-monetization ecosystem with Coil...

Coil post & Cinnamon video

gFam post

Riley is getting all inspired AND resting AND creative all at once... how does she do it? Well, you'll just have to read her Coil post to find out...spoiler alert... you might already be doing it...

Coil post

gFam post

Squish reminds us that humans were mainly put on this earth to be seats for dogs. Therese tells us that her lil pup is great at many different types of transport options... what a dude...


gFam post

Franzario tells the story of his misspent youth running away from the beach guardians to hang out with his friends...

gFam post

When aren't we jealous of the global family rockstar *Nickel's life? When he's not recording amazing* *duets with himself... or* *hosting competitions*, he's making us all jealous with his amazing vacations...

Cinnamon video

gFam post

There were a couple more stories on the platform and we've chosen one from a creator who is well, kinda meh... but he means well...

... if you're interested in becoming a Coil Subscriber head on over to the Signup page and support creators...

Please contact us on Twitter if you have any questions.

Continue reading with a Coil membership.