gFam Top Stories – 14th August

We're still very much blown away by the quality of story telling and photos on the gFam platform. It's really exciting to see, and it makes for a great entry point into the world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

14 stories and 190.711 XRP tips were received!

Therese shared another incredible photo with her global family of some amazing acro yoga. The strength, flexibility, grace and poise these moves must take are absolutely breath-taking...


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Tahlia's dog doesn't seem to quite understand the nuances of sun baking.... or understands them super well and wants everyone to know that Tahlia has the best dog whenever they look at her stomach...

Coil post

gFam post

Riley has a whole lot of thoughts on the types of things that should be taught in schools, and we absolutely agree. So much of that early-obtained knowledge could be absolutely life-changing... even just understanding loan interest early could have a huge effect on people...

Coil post

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We don't usually feature non-people pictures in our Top Stories, but we'll make an exception this time. Stoney posted his vote for gFam and told everyone how to convert their vote from +1 to +10...

Vote for as Best Web Monetization Innovator

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Anna is testing out the light in her new apartment in Thailand. It looks pretty good to us... nicely diffused, no harsh shadows, makes her eyes pop. We give it a 10/10 for apartment photoshoot lighting...


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There were a couple more stories on the platform and we've chosen one from that has some news to share about the platform...

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