gFam Top Stories – 15th August

Coil tends to be a little quiet on the weekends, but gFam tends to absolutely explode... it's really exciting to see, and we love everyone's stories. It was such a huge range of stories on the platform yesterday... the diversity is amazing.

21 stories and 260 XRP tips were received!

Damian isn't scared of Hanoi alley trains... look how comfortable he is. This is such an incredible backdrop, what is the story of this train line and the houses it divides...

gFam post

Vince and Kirsty rode 100kms... that's super hardcore, but they look amazingly smiley! They are amazingly amazing...

Exhaust post

gFam post

Nat is rockin' dynos! A dyno is a rockclimbing/bouldering term when you essentially jump from one rock to another... it's an unusual move because mostly you climb by moving one limb at a time. A dyno is a super explosive, super exciting move...


gFam post

Cintia and her husband are in the mountains by a lake to recharge the batteries...

gFam post

Casio is out and about spreading the word about XRP. Start at some of the earliest representations of mankind, and work up from there... easy.

Coil post

gFam post

There were a couple more stories on the platform and we've chosen one from a creator who was so excited he brought multiple stories to share with the platform...

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