gFam Top Stories – 9th August

21 stories and 339.611 XRP tips were received!

An absolutely massive day on the gFam platform yesterday... we can't believe just how many stories are getting shared... and how much XRP is flowing through the site. It's really, really exciting, and we're super appreciative of everyone who posts and comments and tips and just generally seems to have a really fun time.


Just in case you missed it... let's repeat that...

21 stories and 339.611 XRP tips were received!

So, let's get into our top shots...

Therese is such a great story teller, and yesterday she shared the story of her great friend who draws all day to perfect his craft. It's incredibly inspiring, and the hard work is clearly paying off...


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Kristy is easily the second best in this photo. Sure, she's absolutely amazing with her hoops in the sky and this pose is so hardcore... but does she even have super cute little shaved knees?


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Scarlet is a professional model and is practicing her naked poses for future photoshoots and it looks like she's got it working pretty amazingly...

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YukkiTar was sending her Sunday relaxing in hot springs, in the shade. Sounds like the most amazing of all worlds...


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Franzario is hanging with all the smilest people... look how happy everyone is! Franzario shares a super cool story of his working adventures on these beaches...

gFam post

There were a couple more stories on the platform and we've chosen one from the one of our global family who is such a physical beast that he's rockin' races...

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