Beauty and skin care tips, master the five, become beautiful, become beautiful without worry

Do you want your skin to get better? Today I'll share a few skin care tips, as long as these are done in daily life, the skin does not worry about not changing well, do not have to spend a lot of money specifically to have the effect of skin care, so do it right!

1, eat less photosensitive food

Want to make the skin less black, eat less or do not eat photosensitive food, especially in the morning, which will aggravate your absorption of sunlight during the day, causing the skin to darken, daily photosensitive food are: capers, rape, red beans, snails, black beans, spinach, etc.

2, keep a happy mood

Have a good mood, not only good mental state, but also to reduce emotional stress, so that the body and skin can reach a good internal circulation, keep the spirit, which is a very important step for beauty and skin care.

3, learn to do facial massage

Facial massage can promote blood circulation, accelerate metabolism, help the face to achieve the effect of drainage to du.

4, care of the skin

Skin care is very critical, moisturizing is the basis of skin care, remember to put on a Zebra mask at night to hydrate the skin, put on the mask can skin a whole night of refreshing hydration.

5, pay attention to diet, maintain a reasonable weight

In the beauty care at the same time, should pay attention to is to maintain a reasonable weight, if the weight began to appear significantly increased, will cause the skin to become edematous or muscle becomes loose, if the weight of excessive decline, will also cause the skin to appear wrinkles, spots and so on.