The world is a small home

The warmth of home can only be experienced by yourself

Poor immunity to all diseases, persistent 3 things to do daily to improve immunity, health and peace of mind

In medicine, immunity refers to an individual's resistance to a disease, pathogen or toxic side effect antigen, immunity enhancement and reduction is not so good 增強免疫力方法 to distinguish, but at this stage the recognized way to improve immunity specifically a healthy diet, appropriate fitness exercise, adequate sleep, etc. Immunity is poor in all diseases, perseverance 3 things to do daily, improve immunity, health and peace of mind

1、Walk 30 minutes a day

Fitness exercise to enhance the immunity is very helpful. Daily walking for 30 minutes can reasonably improve immunity, but here refers to is not up and down the stairs to go to the bathroom so simple, but rather a continuous breath of walking 30 minutes, maintain a certain frequency, walking two steps per second, daily walking 6000 steps is more suitable, but also need to be in accordance with their own physical condition, especially the elderly. Tune up the body or to do more exercise, so that the body movement, can be more energetic. Just forging will burn fat, only when digestion and absorption exceed consumption, in other words, consumption is lower than digestion and absorption, it is not possible to lose weight effectively. Effective weight loss, must carry out a certain period of time and a certain resistance strength of aerobic exercise exercise; brisk walking, running, swimming, cycling, etc. are classified as aerobic exercise exercise, only long-term persistence, will do weight loss and slimming. Although walking also burn fat, but for weight loss and slimming, the actual effect is not significant.

2, a cup of coarse grain porridge daily

In the grain with sufficient dietary fiber, B vitamins and minerals can be faster to assist everyone to improve immunity, a wide variety of grains, and refined food contrast, can achieve 增強免疫力方法 all aspects of the human physiological needs. For example: rice is known as the world's “key crop”, in addition to fiber than rice, refined flour 4 to 10 times higher, a variety of essential amino acids and vitamin K1, etc. is also very rich and colorful; umami with other cereals do not have rutin, for coronary heart disease and uremic patients are very beneficial. Studies have shown that a low intake of dietary fiber can increase the risk of chronic diseases such as intestinal cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes, and the more refined the diet, the higher the disease rate.

3, the daily persistent rubbing fingertips

Can prevent and treat cervical spine, arthritis, headache, insomnia, lumbar disc protrusion, back pain, numbness of the limbs, malignant tumors, panic and shortness of breath, high blood pressure, erectile dysfunction, loss of vitality, endometriosis, fibroids, female menopausal disorder, severe constipation, depression, brain degeneration, neurological disorder, anxiety and depression, eyesight failure, obesity, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and Urinary frequency and urgency, closed urine, prostate hypertrophy, hepatitis, gray hair and 28 other conditions, which is not possible with health care massage other than a number of thumbs. Chinese medicine feels that “the kidneys, its Hua in the hair.” Although the nutrients of hair from the blood, but the vitality of hair, the root cause of the kidney essence. The most immediate manifestation of the vitality of the kidneys is the hair. The hair is good, indicating that the kidneys are very good, the kidneys are good hair is dark and dense, so often health massage pinky can remove gray hair.

In addition to a healthy diet, we will find in everyday life, these people who blindly follow the trend of fasting diet, because they do not care about the body's basic nutrients must, very easy to get sick (such as the most common fever and cold). In general, it should be reasonable for the average adult to refer to the national household balanced diet pagoda of food types and the approximate total number, as much as possible to ensure a variety of ingredients to effectively match. Each meal should have a moderate amount of main meals, but also need to have more fish, meat, eggs and milk, but also a moderate amount of vegetables and fruits. In particular, it is important to ensure adequate intake of protein, vitamin D, vitamin C and vitamin D, nutrients that are closely related to immunity.

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3 ways to boost immunity quickly



Influenza vaccine not only prevents influenza, but also protects against cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

In recent years, the prevalence and incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in China have been increasing. It is estimated that the total number of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease patients in China reaches 290 million, of which 13 million suffer from stroke and 11 million from myocardial infarction. Cardiovascular diseases seriously endanger the lives and physical and mental health of everyone, causing 4 million deaths every year, accounting for more than 40% of total deaths, as well as being the key cause of disability and longevity damage.

Influenza may be the trigger for death of cardiovascular disease patients. Influenza is a subacute respiratory infection caused by the influenza virus, and if not prevented and treated immediately 疫苗注射, it can be relatively harmful to physical and mental health. Why does influenza increase the risk of death from cardiovascular disease?

1, the high quality inflammatory response caused by influenza will endanger the role of capillary endothelial cells, inhibit the left ventricle of capillaries, promote coagulation and reduce the reliability of the spots, which in turn causes cardiovascular disease things.

2、After the infection of influenza virus, there may be a variety of cardiovascular disease, such as chronic heart failure, heart disease, insufficient blood supply to the heart, stroke, which will also enhance the risk of cardiovascular disease death.

3、After the infection of influenza virus, the inflammation of the lung will endanger the respiratory system of the patient, causing the patient to suffer from poor breathing and other diseases, which will lead to the lowering of the body's O2 level, which will also aggravate the heart disease.

As we all know, the flu vaccine is a reasonable way to prevent influenza as it significantly reduces the risk of influenza and more serious morbidities in those who receive it. In recent years, many studies have shown that the flu vaccine can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death and ischemic events in heart attack patients and patients undergoing capillary repair during the flu season. As a result, the flu vaccine has been branded by some experts and scholars as a “cardiovascular vaccine”. So, how exactly does the flu vaccine produce maintenance for patients with cardiovascular disease?

1、Immediate efficacy

The antigen that occurs in the body after influenza vaccination can have an immediate effect on the oxidation of HDL in the air, which can block foam cells and reduce the generation of spots, reducing the risk of ischemic heart disease and stroke.

Some studies have shown that influenza vaccination reduces the risk of myocardial infarction in patients with a previous history of myocardial infarction. In addition, influenza is also effective in maintaining patients with heart failure.

2、Indirect effects

Influenza vaccination reduces the incidence of new coronary pneumonia, which in turn reduces the risk source of cardiovascular diseases such as ischemic heart disease and stroke, and thus this reduces the incidence of these conditions.

Some studies have shown that: patients who have been injected with influenza vaccine are less likely to have ischemic stroke than patients who have never received influenza vaccine to prevent it, and the more years of previous vaccination, the lower the risk of stroke generation.

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Do you have that kind of memory from your childhood? Traditional Chinese Walnut Puff Pastry

I firmly believe that in the childhood memories of many post-60s and post-70s, there is a Chinese traditional style beauty that can never be tired of eating – walnut crisp, which still exists and is held, loved and missed by everyone until today.

Walnut pancakes are produced in both northern and southern China, and the taste of walnut pancakes varies from country of origin to country of origin. Jiangxi. Guangdong. Yunnan. The walnut cakes from Beijing, Jiangxi, Guangdong Walnut Crisp(合桃酥), Yunnan and Taiwan are more famous. It is made from walnuts and jujubes, which are the key raw materials for its high nutritional content. It is a delicate, soft, glutinous, pure sweet and has a distinct aroma of almonds.

Walnut puff pastry is relatively simple to make, only in which there is an additive that is not often used in our homes, is the alias baking powder, alias ammonia bicarbonate. It can be purchased on Taobao. A mention of additives, most people are disgusted with the state of mind, feeling unhealthy, in fact, additives, as long as the amount used effectively, not exceeding the standard, are safe and reliable, can be taken without fear.

Food: a raw egg (moderate size) 120 grams of granulated sugar. Baking soda 3g. Ammonia bicarbonate 6g. Conversion syrup 10 grams. Butter 150g. Low gluten powder 340g. 1.5 grams of flour. Walnut meat appropriate

  1. Butter is softened at room temperature earlier. Prepare food ahead of time. Weighing.

  2. raw eggs. Sugar. Ammonia bicarbonate. Soda and transforming sugar paddle into a bowl.

  3. Mix well.

  4. Add the softened butter; 5. Add the butter and mix again until it is white in color.

  5. Mix the low gluten flour and hair filial powder well and sift them into the butter bowl.

  6. Synthesize the batter; no need to knead the batter to make it shiny and clean.

  7. Divide into small batters of 29 grams each, and knead them into rounds and put them into cake molds.

  8. Add the walnuts and press lightly.

  9. Bake in a home oven heated to 180 degrees for 15-18 min. remove from heat and let cool in the home oven for another 10 min.


Put the walnut crisp off the heat after baking and put it in the home oven again for 8-10min, it will make the product more crispy.

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Walnut crisp with walnuts in it? It's only after years of eatin

The crispy and refreshing old-fashioned dim sum, walnut crisp, accompanies you to recall the sweet and fond memories of childhood

Fever and flu, in addition to taking medicine and drip, we need to do what exactly

What do you mean by fever?

As with everything a person with a fever says, a fever is a condition in which the body temperature rises, medically speaking, the body's normal body temperature is 37.5 degrees, and once this temperature is exceeded, it is understood as a fever. 何濟公止痛退熱散

Fever is usually caused by a feverish cold, and when you are fighting a situation with pathogenic bacteria, the part of the mind that undertakes to negotiate the body's temperature, called the hypothalamus pituitary gland, runs the body's internal thermostat, which is itself a way to ward off fever. But not every round of the battle is won, and once the viral infection is declared victorious, the body becomes uncomfortable, such as with fever. Well, with the arrival of winter, fever colds and fevers are becoming more and more common, so what should we all do in addition to taking medication? 何濟公止痛退熱散

Drink up

Don't pay attention to the saying, “If you have a cold, you'll starve to death.” In fact, a fever and cold can cause a fever, and when you have a fever, fluids are your best friend. 何濟公止痛退熱散

Dr. Ferrer says: Fever drains the body and it is imperative that a person is immediately replenished with the items that are lacking. Water, tea, and old hen soup are all the best picks.

No appetite? No need to eat!

When the body has a fever due to some type of viral infection, you are also likely to have gastrointestinal discomfort or nausea and vomiting, not to mention eating. Dr. Ferrell said that it is difficult to maintain the taste of the ingredients, or simply no appetite, so “do not force everyone to eat.

But if you are a foodie want to eat, then a bowl of old hen soup is likely to be the best proposal for physicians. In a famous research report published nearly 20 years ago, scientific research staff emphasized that old hen soup does have efficacy and effects. It eases the fitness exercise of anti-infective medicine white blood cell counts and the reasonable nutritional content facilitates the alleviation of respiratory discomfort of the disease.

Maintaining coolness

Dr. Ferrer said that the fever that people grasp is more sweating is very abnormal.

On the contrary, if you maintain freshness, it is likely to be better for your body. Maintain the body at a comfortable temperature, to the head and neck, under the armpits or forehead to increase the cold shrinkage can also be based on the evaporation to cool the skin, do not cover the thick mattress to sweat, to take a shower, lying on the edge of a comfortable bed, it can also help you alleviate some discomfort.

Take more rest

When you have a fever, you will feel that your body's ability is also much lower, which symbolizes that your human immune system has been diligently working overtime to break through the viral infection, at this moment there is no need to force yourself, follow your heart, climb into a comfortable bed and get a good night's sleep, sufficient sleep quality is beneficial to enhance the body's human immune system.

Seek immediate medical attention

When a fever is accompanied by difficulty in breathing or a cold and cough, please seek medical attention at the first opportunity. Difficulty in breathing is the first sign of heart failure and does not take a second to confirm the diagnosis. If you have a small child with a continuous circulatory fever, call 120 or go to the hospital as soon as possible.

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چگونه كاهش تب چهار نقطه براي كاهش نقطه‌هاي سخت تب بالا

Beauty and skin care tips, master the five, become beautiful, become beautiful without worry

Do you want your skin to get better? Today I'll share a few skin care tips, as long as these are done in daily life, the skin does not worry about not changing well, do not have to spend a lot of money specifically to have the effect of skin care, so do it right!

1, eat less photosensitive food

Want to make the skin less black, eat less or do not eat photosensitive food, especially in the morning, which will aggravate your absorption of sunlight during the day, causing the skin to darken, daily photosensitive food are: capers, rape, red beans, snails, black beans, spinach, etc.

2, keep a happy mood

Have a good mood, not only good mental state, but also to reduce emotional stress, so that the body and skin can reach a good internal circulation, keep the spirit, which is a very important step for beauty and skin care.

3, learn to do facial massage

Facial massage can promote blood circulation, accelerate metabolism, help the face to achieve the effect of drainage to du.

4, care of the skin

Skin care is very critical, moisturizing is the basis of skin care, remember to put on a Zebra mask at night to hydrate the skin, put on the mask can skin a whole night of refreshing hydration.

5, pay attention to diet, maintain a reasonable weight

In the beauty care at the same time, should pay attention to is to maintain a reasonable weight, if the weight began to appear significantly increased, will cause the skin to become edematous or muscle becomes loose, if the weight of excessive decline, will also cause the skin to appear wrinkles, spots and so on.