May update, aka confinement report

Not so much stuff happening now, right? Still, some things do change: – There is a new astonishing Inkscape release! I haven’t been in touch with my inner vector savage but this seems like a good reason for reunion. – I’ve broken my Manjaro installation and after some attempts to fix it gave it up and switched to Fedora 32. Overall it’s the best fedora release I’ve used but: – rpmfusion is still a thing (if you want any media in your Firefox) – no full-disk encryption, hello old-fashion boot partition – at the same time, LUKS2 support in Anaconda installer – both dnscrypt-proxy and systemd-resolved are broken for me – system updates require you to reboot and decrypt disks twice – I’m puzzled to as why. – default japanese IME is Ibus-kkc and apparently it hates non-english layouts. Miss additional dictionaries for fcitx and mozc – Gnome-software doesn’t make me want to uninstall it – I couldn’t even imagine it would be so nice to use! Installing multiple apps is still a torture though. – flatpakked qt apps are in a weird shape, some unusable – I’ve embraced Adwaita. I loved Manjaro’s Maia compact more than anything… but by some reason Adwaita’s neutral color beats it. Also, most of the unofficial Gnome themes’ have the same issue – weak color contrast makes window titles unreadable for me.

Took me much longer to write it, as expected. Staying confined is hard – especially for those with a lot of work on their hands and neurotical or depressed people. Wishing you all the best, folks!