2019 Goals (Pt. 1)

Part 1 | Part 2

This might be hard, I'll admit that. From the time I begun thinking about writing this to actually writing it some 13 hours must have passed, more or less. I was close to starting two hours ago but chats, checking email, going to find books online, and other things got in the way. It's as if one part of my brain is trying to get something done and another part is throwing things in front of me to distract me. It's been like this for a while with everything and it's time to stop. It's time to set goals.

What do I want to do during this 2019 then?

  1. Painting and Drawing This is vague, I know, and the issue is that I'm still trying to figure it all out. There are many projects that I want to tackle and many things I'd like to learn. Light and shadow, composition, inking and watercolors, human portraits, and the list goes on. This is something I have to sit down and organize because I know there is enough time to do a lot in a year if I'm able to focus.

  2. Reading There are so many books out there to be read, so many books already in my library that I have to read, in addition to all the books I have in my wish-lists. All of those don't matter if I don't sit down and read any of them, so this is a must! So much that can be learned through them, too…

  3. Writing Writing is something I've always loved dearly. Before I attempted drawing and painting I had tried my hand at writing and I fell in love with the craft. Weaving a story through words is something everyone does every day and it doesn't stop being magical. I have so many stories to tell, too, with so many characters and worlds that I've imagined writing about that I just have to. Keeping this blog comes in this goal as well.

  4. Calligraphy and Handwriting Simply put this is something that brings me joy. The act of handwriting is the most intimate between way of marrying the imagination with reality. Typing might be faster (and more efficient at editing) but you can't beat the tactile feeling of pen on a paper. I want my words to be beautiful too.

  5. Timely Uploads This one is perhaps the easiest: I make art and so I should upload the art. What good is it working if no one is going to enjoy it?

  6. Commissions I've been meaning and making false starts for uncountable days for this and not starting sooner is one of my biggest regrets. This'll be the year to start.

Not that many goals and most of them are intertwined, they sound simple, right? We'll have to wait and see. The next journal will focus on expanding on each one to make them measurable in a way that I can track my progress.

Oh. Also hello to everyone here in the void, this is my first transmission, to whomever hears this may you have safe travels!

___ January 12, 2019 #Goals #Goals2019 #Writing #Reading