Harithsa Notes

Journey of a person to the end of his life

Projects and Expertise

When I started my reading journey, I listed out a few articles that changed my level of thinking

Photo by Tobias on Unsplash

When I have encountered Medium, I was nothing but a normal person and just wanted to read a few important articles related to my coding experiences to resolve my doubts on How-tos. But, now things have changed ever since I decided to reinvent myself. I was working in an IT job and I love the job as well. The same job still I am working. Life was nothing less than a boring journey with continuous knockdowns and persisting emotional moments which I felt I don’t deserve to be like this in life and this is not the life I’ve always wanted for me.



Life has been difficult when unexpected happened but still, hope got me back up.

Photo by Saira on Unsplash

We are all at the end of this beautiful year. Also, the interesting fact about this year in Google is, the most searched term is, “India vs South Africa” in 2019. My most searched term is my name itself. 2019 has been the badass year of my life. It taught me a lot of things. It helped me to understand life. All it started with a bang of happiness with the most loved person of my life. I never thought that the person will not be with me while I am writing this article. We are separated for good. It has been the most painful moment of my life. Losing the person who I cared and loved the most in my life more than my parents, family members and devoted my complete self to the purest form of relationship called friendship. Few days before I sent that emotion to orbit out of my reach.


Photo by Susan Yin on Unsplash

Here is the list of books that I read this year and the best takeaways from them.

2019 has been a year of change for me and yet the most painful one emotionally. I learned a lot in this journey and I grew from zero to something at least 10% in knowing and learning. I call this year as the start of my reinvention. I started to read and write in the middle of the year that made me spend most of my time exploring and learning new things.


Remember the habits that we need to cultivate to break the barrier between learning and thinking. We can only learn when we think.

Photo by T Steele on Unsplash

As we all know how effective our life will be when we become essentialists and apply the 80/20 principle. Now, I am about to write about the 5 elements that are responsible for effective thinking. This article is the summary and my thoughts about the book, “The 5 Elements of Effective Thinking” written by Edward B. Burger and Michael Starbird.


How we can answer some of the biggest questions of mankind — by Stephen Hawking.

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

If we look at what we did to the growth of humanity, we go as mysterious as it gets. The achievements that mankind has been doing for centuries are worth something and we always find a way to discover mysteries.


The purpose of our life can only be discovered when you start from nothing even after getting everything

Illustration by Spoorthi Usha

It is quite common these days about how we work in our daily life. Obsession, Greed, Envy and Wishes to be rich or for the power. There are only two things that matter for many of us around here, i.e. Power and Money.


From Defining mankind to the end of cosmos where we all govern by scientific knowledge.

Illustration by Spoorthi Usha

For my science and learning obsession, I mentioned about Science and Religion in my previous topic. This time I want to write about Physics that related to our universe in fact how we are looking at, in our daily lives.

As far as history goes, mankind has started to look at the cosmos ever since the day of the beginning. I am not going to talk about the people who changed our understanding of the Universe as time passes. Listing out our achievements as one is the best way we can march with our humanity forward.


Non-fulfillment leads to losing faith in everything. So, expect less and live free.

Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

I write whenever I need something to cheer about. Having done several unforgivable mistakes in my past, still, I try to rediscover my potential and happiness in my journey. In our life, situations always go wrong and no matter how hard you try to convince yourself that things will be alright, you bow to disappointment in one way or the other. This has made its point in our lives. We work hard for something we love and we give ourselves completely to achieve our dreams, few people dedicate their whole life to something they can’t earn.


When we are on power, we like to kiss death.

Photo by Lopez Robin on Unsplash

We talk about the power all day we want but it is gonna teach us only 2 things, one is to be fearless in doing anything we want of the power and another is to take control of everything who/which has less power than us.