Harithsa Notes

Journey of a person to the end of his life

Science is practical and needs proof, religion is the experience to be experienced with faith.

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

We all face a war between science and religion every day. Thousands of saints talk against science for being the law asking proof to accept the teachings. Few more saints support science over religious beliefs. Science is all about knowing that is accepted with proofs and discussions over religion which is accepted worldwide by the beliefs that are followed by our ancestors.


Think who you are and you’re extreme before moving into different phases of life

Photo by Daniel Eledut on Unsplash

When I was a child, I use to stay in the phase of life where everything mattered for me. All my thoughts were controlled by my Grandfather, Mom, and my family members. I was all about myself in thinking about new things and dreaming about fantasies. I never feared for keeping myself bigger dreams and visions to achieve when I grow up. At a certain point, I knew I will achieve great things and change the world I got to know those fearless feelings about my future is still keeping me alive with all the hopes to achieve my dream.

If I look back now, the decision I took to dream about my future regardless of the outcomes and challenges I face. I am not being self-centric here. This is just an instance to tell, “Quality of being fearless to dream about what you want for your life, makes you strong and fundamentally curated to achieve.” This thought process helps to think before we give up on something that we are struggling with.


Summary that adds up to our life when we add these little changes to it.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Previously I wrote my thoughts about the book, “Essentialism” by Greg McKeown and now it is the time for us to understand and dive deeper. Being an essentialist is an art and we need to make this as a routine and this is possible when we tie our hobby to our cue. I did read another book called, “The 80/20 Principle” written by Richard Koch.


What I have learned from being essentialist after reading this book written by Greg McKeown

When we start to be mindful of all the situations in our life, we start to see some small changes that affect life unconditionally. We will be presented with the choices that we can’t afford to lose. And if we commit to everything, we are going to lose everything as well. This is where essentialism comes in our life and we need to make the right choices at the right time.


Always focus on the things which take you to the person who you want to be in the future.

Illustration by Spoorthi Usha

With the long gap to catch up, I am writing this article as a reminder of what is to come in my life. In recent years, I have lost the focus I had toward my goal and vision which is now making me pay a hefty fee.


Hoping for better things to happen is the relentless pursuit toward achieving success

Illustration by Spoorthi Usha

Every day we seamlessly do someone’s job or ours without having any second thought. In the process, if a small disturbance happens or the routine gets disturbed with losses in business or from personal problems, we tend to break emotionally as well as physically. The reason being for it is, we don’t take sadness in the same way we welcome happiness in our life. We must understand the fact that both happiness and sadness are equals in life. Happiness is always canceled by sadness and vice versa.


Love can be your weakness or your strength

Illustration by Spoorthi Usha

When we search for love, we can find every individual of any age will talk about what it is. In this expression, I just want to share my thoughts about what love is and how I always dreamt of it to be in my life.


When love breaks trust, you need to trust again

Illustration by Spoorthi Usha

I can say it is pretty hard to think and trust while we have something to believe in blindly. We can trust someone blindly or we can walk away from the person we trust the most in a matter of seconds. Earning trust is like a pain in the ass. Consistency is required to go on with it. A continuous endeavor is required to build such a smooth flow.


It is always better to stay one step ahead to reach goals

Illustration by Spoorthi Usha

On this day let’s talk about pushing our limits and how to conquer our internal commitment toward something that generates our will power.


What a machine can learn from us and how it is helping to get things done

Illustration by Spoorthi Usha

We all know what is programming and how it works. To brief ourselves about is, programming is a way of teaching the computer to talk our language in the way we understand. In this writing, I just want to consider a different approach to how it is influencing our lives and what we need to do about it. Whenever it comes to programming, we think that as nerd stuff. Only people who have skills can learn to code.