Harithsa Notes

Journey of a person to the end of his life

Life and death depend on it. Power of Survival and Destruction.

Illustration by Spoorthi Usha

Today I am going to write about the most important part of living creatures. The basic element for life to sustain and continue to live. Oxygen is an element in chemistry that has the Atomic number of 8 and having its chemical formula O2.


Small article based on the most important aspect of being human

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

We all know how we manage our tasks every day. It is obvious for every human to be driven by emotion. All of the living creatures have emotions from fearing for death to self-defense impulse.


Friendship is about influencing what's good in you and how much you care for the person from an unknown origin.

Photo by Felix Rostig on Unsplash

In our world we have a lot of people to hang out with, we gaze hundreds of people in a day at work but still, we hardly know them and who they are. Overall there are 7.7 Billion minds on this planet to connect with.


Watched The Originals' final episode followed by Vampire Diaries, watching these both series, I just understood quite well that family is power and that family comes from the people who we love and are near to our hearts. Dedicated to Vampire Diaries and The Originals.


Session 1: Transforming Anger, Day 10

When we feel the anger flooding through, it is important to feel objective toward it. When we are objecting the feelings of anger, there is no worry to repress it. This is because our mind already knows to control the anger when you feel to resist it but the key to control the anger is to neglect it instead of resisting it.


Session 1: Transforming Anger, Day 8

In this session, it was instructed to stay away from anger by not involving in it. It is quite common to get angry about something easily but to control ourselves before getting angry is important. At that time what we can do it, just to take a pause for 5 seconds to take any actions. Letting yourself to calm down and not carried away by it. Involve in something different process than anger because our mind likes to be involved in something better. If anger gets better of ourselves, it gets involved in it rather than being proactive.


Session 1: Transforming Anger, Day 9

Anger is a part of everyone and it lets us get control over our emotions. The same thing happens to others who are in the same mode as well. So, we have to understand that we need to react to the things that make sense by understanding their situation. This process helps us to learn how to get it under our control.


Find my meditation journal in the list which is sorted by date:

* January 5, 2020 * January 4, 2020 * January 3, 2020 * January 2, 2020

Thank you for visiting my blog. Before you subscribe to my blog, let me tell you about me and what I do. There are some wonderful times to talk about myself and what I am working for. I am a technologist who wishes to code the innovation by dreaming into the depth of passion. I build websites, mobile apps for the people who need it – for free. Professionally, I work in Dynatrace as an APM Consultant. Also, I am a blogger and Astrophysics enthusiast thus, I became a member of The Planetary Society a few months back.


The Year 220 Decade AD:

The Year 2K19: