Harithsa Notes

Journey of a person to the end of his life

Everybody has it. It matters only when we learn to bargain with it consciously

Illustration by Spoorthi Usha

It happens every day in our life to be efficient and friendly with the people we meet. Communicating with others and helping them to be with us freely as they can be is a challenging task for us. We can feel empathy easily but to make others feel a rapport, is a challenging task.


What it means to capture something wonderful that says it is yours

Illustration by Spoorthi Usha

I have been waiting long enough to write about photography and what this means to me. This article is more of my mindset about what I think of photography. I am a kind of my own when it comes to photography and principles of it.


2 characters that our life depends on the pursuit of happiness

Illustration by Spoorthi Usha

Among all the way we grow and we spend our time in life, we should have the conscience to pursue the thoughts and to accept life more like it is. As long as we persist in resisting sadness or being remorse, our life gets to choose difficult paths.


The art of choosing an interesting life over normal boredom life

Consider the life you look back at some point in your old age to remember the journey you traveled all the way through. To lead life there are several ways that we pursue. An adventure is an exciting experience that is typically a bold, sometimes risky, undertaking. Adventures may be activities with some potential for physical danger such as traveling, exploring, skydiving, mountain climbing, scuba diving, river rafting or participating in extreme sports. When we add this to our life, our life becomes exciting.


Divide the infinity to know the possibilities of your inner self.

Illustration by Spoorthi Usha

Day 7 of PWG is not complete without discussing our limits and what is the true potential. In this attempt, I wish to discuss the ambiguity of life by comparing it to the sky. Being humans we always compare something limitless to the beautiful sky as it is vast, wide and unlimited.


An article based on human emotions and the basic requirement to sustain every day

Illustration by Spoorthi Usha

Today is the 6th day of PWG and the topic we are going to uncover is about sleep. I have been thinking all day about sleep and how our human body approaches it. In this article, I would like to convey some serious thoughts about sleep. In between, we may need to go on for a virtual journey of sleep.


Soulless inspiration to live life with a soul

Today I am going to write about music that drives us every day in our work, travel, joy, happiness, and admiration. When we feel about music it grows in our hearts and mind. It gives us a kind of pleasure that no fun can deliver. It has specifics to it, vibrations to it and message to it. Building a template inside our head about different sounds we like, arrange our emotions to be in control. Imagine yourself with a violin in your hand standing in front of the sunrise at 6 A.M above the mountain which is 5000 meters high above the ground. How do you feel? you don’t know how to play music with it but still, you will try and create some tune which makes you feel happy at that moment.


Chocolaty scumbag emotion defined by light-hearted pleasure

Today I am going to write about fun and which is a difficult part for me to write as I am always intended to write about self-help emotions. I hope to navigate you toward fun in this article. On the way, I want to remember a few personalities when we think about fun, Charlie Chaplin, Mr. Bean, and others. I want to dedicate this article to those who like to give their life purpose by making others happy around them.

The fun has been speculated that it may be derived from fonne (fool) and fonnen (the one fooling the other). Whenever we derive fun, we think of having a better life with it.

It is certain to make ourselves comfortable in the way we communicate to be friendly to express the fun we pursue. Let me tell you a story about fun to keep you engaged.


Yad Bhavam Tad Bhavati — “You become what you believe” and “Whatever you think, you will manifest it in your life”.

Photo by Kristina V on Unsplash

Today let’s talk about Freedom and know about it. This brilliant read helps you to see what you have in a different perspective. Freedom is the opposite of boredom life where we get to spend most of the time as we wish to be.


Persistent, Observable & Immersive attribute that mankind has ever known to respect

Illustration by Spoorthi Usha

Deep with our life, we survive, thrive and gain a lot of experiences that come from the moment we spend. In today’s PWG, I am going to take you on a small journey by talking about knowledge and its power. Every living creature possesses knowledge of its being humans, we explore the wider possibilities to gain it.