
Physical Therapy Schools in Michigan

Physical therapy focuses on the prevention and treatment of both acute and chronic diseases that result in mobility abnormalities.

Physical therapists assess the musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, cardiopulmonary, and related systems in order to deliver effective care. In interpreting this examination, they draw on the fundamental sciences and behavioral sciences.

Also, physical therapists work in a wide range of places, such as hospitals, nursing homes, public schools, private offices, rehabilitation facilities, community health centers, research centers, industry, home health care, sporting programs, and physical therapy training programs. Physical Therapy Schools in Michigan

Central Michigan University

Physical therapists who practice with good clinical reasoning to improve the health, function, and well-being of their patients, partners, and society are prepared by the doctoral program in physical therapy.

The Doctor of Physical Therapy program at Central Michigan University uses a case-oriented educational style that centers instruction on the many facets of patient care.

There are two places where the physical therapy program is housed.

The primary facility is at CMU’s Mt. Pleasant campus, and the secondary location is at Michigan Technological University in Houghton, Michigan.

Students at both locations are Central Michigan University students and will graduate with the same Doctoral degree from CMU.

The Doctoral Program in Physical Therapy at Central Michigan University is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE).

Address: 1220 Health Professions Building Mt Pleasant, MI 48859-0001 United States

Phone: (989) 774-2347

Grand Valley State University (GVSU)

Through the College of Health Professions at Grand Valley State University, a doctorate in physical therapy is available.

Twelve of the 15 full-time faculty members who teach in their program are certified in advanced clinical practice.

Their program is conveniently located on Grand Rapids’ Medical Mile and has a stellar reputation both among its students and the local community.

The Doctor of Physical Therapy Program at Grand Valley State University is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE).

Address: 301 Michigan Street NE, CHS 200 Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503

Phone: (616) 331-5700

Oakland University

The Department of Human Movement Science offers a professional graduate program called the Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) that trains students to become licensed physical therapists and to work in the field.

Additionally, the Doctor of Physical Therapy program at Oakland University is made to give doctors the evaluation and testing abilities required to differentiate between movement-related problems affecting the neuromusculoskeletal system and treat them using physical therapy.

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