How to deal with a women-loving husband?

Some husbands have a bad habit, which is looking at other women. Even if the wife stands beside him, he cannot stop looking at other women and even overlooks them sometimes, and what men do not know is that this habit hurts the woman's feelings and makes her feel insulted. Because she is with him when he performs this bad habit, and therefore this matter is a clear offense to their marital relationship and the woman's femininity, as long as the man is satisfied with looking, this means that the problem is still confined and can be controlled! But that depends on the man's view, motives, and how much he loves and respects you.

Tips for dealing with a loving husband for women

Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

Have self-confidence

You have to be aware of your husband's thinking, and what drives him to look at women and ask yourself if the reason is yours? Or the way and appearance of the woman that your husband looks at?

It is a man's habit to look at what is beautiful and interesting, and this is his nature, and the reason for that is not his lack of love and admiration for you.

*Photo by Mukesh Mohanty from Pexels*

If your husband looks at women for a fraction of a second, then this is normal when people look at each other, whether they are men or women, to others they pass by in public places. Still, these gazes do not accompany some behavior that draws attention, injures you, and makes you feel insulted, then here there must be a pause And directing a serious warning to him.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

You should discuss with your husband calmly, do not be fanatic, and do not shout, be firm and serious and tell him that this behavior hurts your feelings and makes you feel insulted, and then he may return to his senses and work hard to get rid of this bad habit.

It is wonderful to have confidence in yourself, strong and beautiful. With a great deal of elegance and interest in your appearance, and do not make anything lose that confidence, this will make him appreciate you and feel that he has a hidden jewel in his hands.

Change your reaction when looking at others

Photo by ira dulger from Pexels

Invite him to one of the beautiful places and then look at other women in the same way he looks at them, and show your admiration for them instead of jealousy consuming your heart, and this will make him feel your strength and that you are confident in yourself. You will never show your jealousy in front of him, which makes him preoccupied with thinking and the change that has occurred You and whether or not he owns your heart?

You have to tell him that the married man who looks at women is a rude person who has a mental illness, and that you have compassion on his wife and that you are not in her place because your husband is a respectable man, that will make him feel ashamed and stop these actions.

Be firm and strict if he persists in these behaviors and looks at women, so you should know that the issue has become serious, and leave the decision to him.

Thanks for reading


Header photo by Anastasiya Lobanovskaya from Pexels


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