Steps to teach your child..take responsibility

Holding the child responsible. A self-reliant process; It is the first step in training to take responsibility, and the child must learn it from a young age; and the problem is that this educational thought is not found in most homes, and it is a responsibility that rests with parents alone ...

Self-reliance is the first step in taking responsibility

Taking responsibility..needs educational skills

Helping the son become a caring, independent, and responsible, mature person; It is not easy. It requires educational skills, knowledge, and read or audible experience from those with experience.

The child's self-reliance and independence from others meet his needs; It is considered one of the important educational pillars that pushes him to understand the meaning of responsibility and how to bear it in old age.

If you want your son to fend for himself; So try – you – to rely on him for something small first, it grows gradually, and watch how it accomplishes it, relying on himself and his potential

Please raise your hand and your guardianship from him, open the door for him to spend his affairs by himself, be with him as a friend, let him do his homework, and be with him the mentor and mentor.

And do not forget to tell his mother what she is planning and intend to do, and ask her in the same way; To distance herself from interfering in her child's affairs and leaving him to take care of his affairs.

Educational mistakes .. stay away from them

Love is harmful, and overprotection is harmful

Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

Parental excessive love for the son and the desire to protect him are the biggest obstacles that deny the child the opportunity to rely on himself. Love becomes harmful, and excessive protection is harmful.

The role of the father .. Reinforcing every behavior that the son performs to rely on himself by praising him and praising him for performing the right behavior on his own boastfully tell guests and relatives about your child, in a voice that he hears; This increases his sense of confidence and the ability – and with love – to take responsibility.

Your son has succeeded in relying on himself and assuming its responsibility so that your role will come again to expand your son's responsibility for others.

Let your child serve his younger siblings

Photo by Jessica West from Pexels

Such as: serving his younger siblings, assisting the neighbors, then entering the circle of relatives; the street is the neighborhood, which makes the son feel that he is an active and responsible member always.

Did you know that training your son to take responsibility for himself and his brothers pushes him to participate in the parents' concerns in general...

He emerges from his negative selfishness into the world of high-end human dealings and abandons his narrow, limited desires to see the vast world in service to others.

Firmness, pampering, and punishment..they have conditions.

Let your child have enough experience

Firmness is required in some situations, while violence and rigor complicate the problem and exacerbate it. The educator's emotion makes him crazy, his dream, and his chest wide.

For information: A child's emotional punishment makes him lose his sense of security and self-confidence and makes him afraid. But it is a temporary fear that does not prevent him from recurring the problem in the future.

Watch what your kid is doing from afar, but don't push him further into perfection; So that he does not hate what he does, and the achievements that he does alone will cease.

Standing for the son on the lookout comes backlash; Makes him hate studying, abstains from any responsibility, and becomes dull.

Teach your child how to face events

Photo by Tuấn Kiệt Jr. from Pexels

The child will absorb the father's cruelty, nervousness, and intense observation of him ... and he will store it to appear in the future in the form of repression, disrespectful or aggressive behavior towards others.

Indulgence in treatment and tolerance are no less dangerous than cruelty. Where the child loses the ability to form successful social relationships

He does not take responsibility for himself and face life; He did not have enough experience learning how to face events.

For love, concern, and sharing ... an effect on the child

Do not increase your expectations of your son

Show your positive love and concern for your son; To let him know that you care about him, listen to him when he talks, respect his feelings, and do not assume that he knows how much you love him ... and do not despair of trying.

Make sure to eat with him to create communication, and ask him to prepare the meal if you find it difficult.

Praise the effort, not the result, if your son fails at something, and do not increase your expectations towards him and make them reasonable.

Meaning, do not expect your son to fulfill all of his responsibilities that you trained him to do; it is sufficient for him to do what considers your feelings, respecting them, and trusting them.

Be flexible..and be logical

Be flexible and give it more freedom

*Photo by cottonbro from Pexels*

Be flexible and give him more freedom, avoid intimidation when waiting for the result, be clear and specific, and explain your decisions that dictate their purpose.

Be reasonable, and do not ask your son to be responsible for himself independently overnight.

Do not use sarcastic, insulting, or offensive language in your speech when punishing. To not cause your son embarrassment or a sense of failure, distracting him from thinking about what he did wrong. Applications to teach your child to take responsibility

For the child in the early childhood stage (3-6) years, the sentences that direct him should be simple; Because if you ask him to arrange the room indefinitely, he will not understand what is being asked of him.

Praise and compliment your child

Praise your child and offer him a treat

Whenever the child adheres to the tasks assigned to him, reinforce that by praising him or praising him and offering him a reward for his commitment, and if he neglects one day, you should ask him about the reason and ask him to perform the task again.

Don't make punishment the first solution, and don't punish your child by giving him extra tasks. There is no backlash; the goal is to teach the child to rely on himself and help the family feel belonging and love.

Help your child with love

Photo by Yan from Pexels

Children usually learn by imitation and imitation, so what you do will do your child. You are his mirror to the world. It is not enough to direct the child to the instructions but explains it to him.

Share with him and help him with love and tenderness. Take the time to teach him how to initiate, help, and spread love to those around him.

Distribute the tasks to your children..and see the results

Please help your child discover his abilities

Photo by Caio from Pexels

Allocate to everyone in the family has tasks, and this is what the child should know, grow up and raise, and your task as a mother is to clarify these tasks and responsibilities.

For example, what are your responsibilities as a mother, his father's responsibilities, and his siblings? He must learn that life requires help and participation.

If you want your child to rely on himself, you must first rely on him to trust himself and his abilities, as he will definitely make mistakes once and fail again.

Your role as a mother is to provide directions and help him discover himself and his abilities, and every time he accomplishes and does the task assigned to him, he will feel more confident in himself.

Thanks for reading


Header photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels


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