
Autumn had arrived with a crisp bite to the air. Jun and Aise decided to spend a day in the park, surrounded by the vibrant colors of falling leaves, announcing the end of the summer. They walked beneath the golden canopy of the trees, through the chilly breeze, talking about whatever they had missed in each other’s life during the week.

“And then guess what happened?” Ize laughed, excitedly waiting for Jun’s response.

“Did Ibara really trip like that?” Jun looked at her, slightly in disbelief. His mind was half hooked on the conversation as her sweet smile, and the adorable blush on her cheeks was really the only thing that mattered.

Then he felt a sudden tingle on his nose. Aise noticed the odd shift in his expression,

“Jun, are you alrig— oh”

She blinked in surprise, when she heard his sudden sneeze.

“Sorry..” Jun rubbed his nose, clearly annoyed at the sudden disturbance.

“I’m fine— achoo!” Just as he was about to turn to her again, another sneeze came. Aise looked at him with concern, frowning when she sees the way he was trying to hide his discomfort.

She rummages through her bag, having brought along her favorite scarf, a soft and warm one she knew would help. She hesitated for a moment, then decided to offer it to Jun. “Here, it'll keep you warm.”

Jun blushes when he sees the red scarf. He felt both bad and embarrassed having his girlfriend tend to him like this. He was more used to being the caretaker after all. “I’m fine, Ize.” Jun tries to pull off the scarf and wrap it around her instead. “We don’t want you catching a cold—“ he wanted to add, but another sneeze cut him off.

“Oh, stop being stubborn, Jun.” Aise frowns again.

“I’ll be fine~ I really don’t want to take your scarf” His brows furrow, visibly annoyed at the way his body won’t listen to him.

Aise wasn't convinced. “Jun.”

Jun groans as he met her determined gaze and finally gives in, “Fine..” he mumbles, the red blush spreading from his cheeks to the tips of his ears. It was a rather cute sight.

Aise couldn’t help but giggle again as she puts the scarf around him. Jun could only sigh,

“Sorry for making you do this..”

“A thank you would suffice.”

She gives him another smile,

“Though if you really feel bad, you know what I’d prefer.” Aise playfully hinted, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. Jun’s blush deepened. He’d known her for far too long to not know what she’s implying. He sighs, then leans in to plant a soft kiss on her forehead. It was Aise’s turn to blush, she wasn’t expecting him to actually act on it.

“Can I have another one, Jun? I don’t think I felt that last one”

She grins, deciding to be a little greedy just this once. She laughs when she feels him kiss the area near her eyelid this time, despite his initial grumbling and scarlet cheeks.

“Thanks, Ize.”

He mumbled, not having the courage to look at her in the eye. Aise leaned in and kissed his cheek, her heart warmed by his gratitude.

“That's what I'm here for, Jun. We take care of each other.”

Aise menghela nafas pelan, hari itu ia baru menyelesaikan jadwalnya, kali ini bersama Crazy:B, salah satu unit dibawah naungan cospro, dan sepertinya untuk tiga bulan ke depan ia akan bekerja dengan orang-orang yang sama. “Aahhhh… capek.” Gerutu Aise pelan, unit yang satu ini sangat amat menguras energinya, terutama ketua mereka yang sering melakukan sesuka hatinya. Dalam hati, ia mengutuk Ibara yang terus menerus menugaskannya untuk ikut jadwal mereka.

“Serius banget, mikirin apa?” Suara yang tiba-tiba muncul itu membuat Aise berdebar, sebagian karena kaget, sebagian lagi karena ia sudah lebih dari seminggu ia tidak mendengar suara itu secara langsung. Seketika langkahnya berhenti,

“Jun?” Ujarnya pelan, sekuat tenaga menahan diri untuk tidak jingkrak-jingkrak kegirangan lalu pingsan di tempat saking rindunya.

“Aku pulang~” jawab Jun sedikit tersenyum melihat tingkah kekasihnya itu. Tumpukkan kertas yang dibawa Aise hampir jatuh saat pandangan mereka bertemu.

“Loh, kok ga ngabarin dulu?”

“Ngabarin tadi cuman kamu ga baca, ya?”

Mendengar jawaban pria bersurai biru itu, Aise langsung merongoh kantong untuk mengambil telepon genggamnya, tampak nama Jun di barisan paling atas notifikasi pesan. Sepertinya sedari tadi is terlalu fokus dengan pekerjaannya. Dengan rasa bersalah ia bergumam, “Oh iya.. maaf..”

“Anu, aku harus kumpul laporan ke Ibara.” Cepat-cepat sang dara mengubah topik percakapan mereka. Seakan ingin kabur dari situasi tersebut. Peraturan tidak tertulis dalam hubungan mereka adalah, nomor satu, jangan bermesraan di kantor. “Kalo mau kamu boleh ikut. Tapi apa kamu ga capek baru pulang?”

“…Ya, kamu masih kerja juga. Ada waktu nanti?”

“Hmm.. sebentar, aku cek.” Fokus gadis itu langsung terarah pada tablet yang ia keluarkan dari tas bawannya.

Diam seraya Aise memeriksa jadwalnya, sejenak dahi Jun mengkerut, seakan tidak senang melihat gadis yang sepertinya sama sekali tidak merindukannya itu. Mengumpulkan semua keberanian di benaknya, Jun mendekat untuk mencium pipi Aise, mengejutkannya dan membuatnya fokusnya pecah. Gadis itu merasakan jantungnya berdetak tiga kali lebih cepat, kaget dan panik ia tergagap,

“!?!??? Jun, kalo ada yang liat gimana?”

“Ga ada orang, kok.” Ujar Jun, nadanya santai namun rona merah di wajahnya mengumbar gugupnya.

“Ihhh, tetep aja… apaan sih tiba-tiba…”

“Biasanya minta duluan.” Goda Jun, terhibur melihat kasihnya salah tingkah, wajahnya, telinganya ikut memerah.

“INI KAN BEDAAA. Udah ah, mau ngumpul laporan ke Ibara” Aise langsung berberes, memasukkan tablet dan tumpukkan kertas kedalam tasnya, berusaha untuk menutupnya rapat.

“Jadi lebih seneng ketemu Ibara dibanding aku?”

“Ih, ga gitu maksudnya…” Ucapan Jun membuatnya berhenti, bukannya bersemangat untuk bertemu atasannya, namun kalau berlama-lama disini bisa-bisa dia gila saking rindunya.

“Iya, iya, bercanda. Jangan cemberut gitu dong.”


“Jadi nanti mau ketemu ga?” Aise tersenyum tipis seraya mengangguk, menjawab pertanyaan kekasihnya.

“Boleh nanti…” Bisiknya, kali ini Aise yang mengecup pelan pipi Jun, tidak lebih dari sedetik. Lagi-lagi keduanya sadar bahwa selagi mereka masih di kantor, lebih baik untuk menjaga hubungan profesional. Ya, meski sebenarnya mereka sudah sedikit melanggar itu sih.

“Kabarin, ya.” Gumam Jun, keduanya sama-sama tersipu. Rasanya sekarang mereka lebih mirip sepasang tomat daripada sepasang kekasih.

“Dadah” ujar Aise pelan sebelum berbalik dan sedikit berlari menuju ruangan Ibara, hanya satu hal dalam benaknya, lebih baik ia menyelesaikan semua pekerjaannya lebih cepat hari ini.

“Jun-kun, stop main hp!”

Suara Hiyori, mengagetkan pria bersurai biru itu. Jemarinya refleks mematikan ponsel di genggamannya, layarnya ia balik dan letakkan disebelah tempat duduknya, seakan takut teman se-unitnya itu melihat layar ponselnya.

“Bukannya tadi sepakat buat istirahat?” gerutu Jun kesal, Hiyorilah yang menyarankan mereka untuk mengambil waktu istirahat, kenapa sekarang seniornya itu malah menggangunya?

“…Jun daritadi senyum-senyum” Komentar Nagisa hampir membuat Jun salah tingkah.

Berusaha untuk tidak banyak pikir, Jun hanya menjawab singkat, “Hah..? ga kok”

“Wah, ramai sekali. Jun, berita baik bukannya lebih baik dibicarakan bersama?” Ibara yang sedari tadi diam menghampiri mereka. Senyum lebar terpampang di wajahnya seakan ia sendiri yang punya berita bahagia.

Pria bersurai biru itu menggerutu kesal. Pertanyaan kedua seniornya mungkin bisa ia alihkan. Tapi bila Ibara yang bertanya, ia sendiri tahu bahwa pria bersurai merah itu sangat pandai bermain kata. Memilih ingik berpaling dari tatapan ketiga, Jun menjawab “Ga ada berita, kok. Mending kita lanjut latihan.”

“Jun-kun, kamu tuh gabisa bohong.” Hiyori meletakkan tangannya di pinggang. Meski tidak menatapnya secara langsung, Jun bisa merasakan amatan tajam seniornya itu.

Ibara terdiam sejenak, menimbang-nimbang sebelum akhirnya bersuara, “Sepertinya kamu akhir-akhir ini dekat sekali dengan Aise”

Jun membeku sesaat, bisa-bisanya perkataan Ibara tepat sasaran. Aneh, aneh sekali, mendengar nama gadis itu seakan membuat jantungnya berdetak dua kali lebih cepat. “Ngomong apa sih?” Lagi-lagi Jun berusaha untuk menepis perasaannya. Perasaan aneh yang bahkan tidak dimengerti oleh dirinya sendiri.

Perkatannya tidak mendapat balasan, hanya tatapan tajam ketiga anggota Eden lainnya. ‘Agh! Goddamn, ini menyebalkan sekali!’ Rasanya ia ingin mengutuk dirinya sendiri. Kenapa ia sangat buruk dalam menyembunyikan perasaannya. Sadar bahwa tidak ada jalan keluar, Jun berujar,

“Ya, habisnya.., dia bawel banget. Kalo aku ajak ngobrol senyum terus, ketawa terus, matanya sampe berbentuk bulan sabit.” Ia menyipitkan matanya seakan berusaha memeragakan ekspresi gadis yang ada dalam pikirannya, “Padahal biasanya orangnya pemalu. Keliatan banget kalo…” ia terdiam sejenak, tangannya mengusap bagian belakang lehernya. Sebuah kebiasaan yang ia lakukan ketika tersipu.

‘kalo dia suka denganku’

Jun menggelengkan kepalanya. Tidak mungkin ia bisa mengatakan sesuatu seperti itu. Lagipula, bagaimana bisa ia memiliki pikiran serupa?

“y-ya, keliatan banget kalo orangnya aneh.”

lanjutnya, nadanya seakan ragu untuk menyelesaikan kalimatnya sendiri.

Ketiga anggota Eden lainnya hanya menatapnya dengan ekspresi datar, mereka sudah terlalu mengenal Jun untuk mengambil arti perkataannya mentah-mentah. Ibara yang pertama berkomentar, sepertinya tidak bisa melewatkan kesempatan untuk menggangu pria bersurai biru itu “Jun, ternyata kamu bisa juga berekspresi seperti itu”

“Hah?” Wajah datar yang sedari tadi berusaha dipertahankan Jun langsung runtuh. Pipinya yang memerah sudah seperti pengakuan tersendiri.

“…Jun seperti karakter utama dalam cerita romansa…” Komentar Nagisa semakin membuatnya gagap. Namun bukan bermaksud menggodanya, perkataan Jun memang benar-benar mengingatkan Nagisa akan sebuah dialog dari buku yang pernah dibacanya.

“Nagi-senpai, jangan ngarang dong”

Belum selesai percakapannya dengan Nagisa, suara Hiyori lagi-lagi ia dengar “Jun-kun, kok kamu ga cerita dulu ke aku!” celetuk Hiyori, lengannya ia lipat seraya menatap Jun dengan raut wajah kesal.

“Emangnya aku harus cerita ke ohii-san?“


“Buat apa?”


“O-oh? Maaf aku dateng di waktu yang salah, ya?” Terlalu sibuk bercekcok, tidak ada yang menyadari kehadiran gadis yang sedari tadi menjadi topik pembicaraan mereka.

“Ai-chan! Kamu tau ga sih Jun-kun bilang apa!?”

“Bilang apa..? Emang Jun ada bilang apa?” Aise hanya menatap situasi di depannya bingung, Ia menatap Hiyori, lalu Jun, lalu Hiyori, lalu kembali ke Jun. Netranya bertemu dengan tatapan sang surai biru, mendadak nafasnya tersengkal dan jalan pikirnya seakan berhenti.

“Uhh, aku cuman mau kasih ini ke Ibara.” Ujar gadis itu menyerahkan beberapa lembar dokumen kepada sang pria bersurai merah. “Iya.. itu aja aku pergi dulu ya.” Ia membungkuk sedikit sebelum berjalan —berlari— meninggalkan ruang latihan mereka.

“Jun, can I ask something I ask?” Aise said as she leaned against her lover's back. The fingers that were busy typing their latest proposal stopped, as if waiting for his answer.

“What? If you ask like that it becomes weird, y’know. You usually just ask anyway.” Jun chirped, eyes focused on the screen in front of him.

Without thinking, Aise threw the question that had been lingering her mind, “Have you ever kissed someone?”

“H-huh? Where did that come from?” Her words caught the boy off guard. His focus immediately shifted to her.

“Just curious.” Aise muttered, as if her question was the most natural thing in the world.

The man was silent for a moment, contemplating the question before finally answering “...not yet”

“Oh, you haven’t?”

“Not that I remember.”

This time the girl was silent. She thought about how to speak her mind without sounding like satire. Well, it’s not like Jun cares either way. Words was just never something she’d think about when she’s around him. “Just a thought. You kissing Hiyo-senpai seemed really natural.”

The comment made Jun widen in surprise. “Hah? Don't start speaking nonsense. That's different! It's a show for the fans. It's not a kiss anyway. It’s the goddamn choreography.”

“Hm, really?”

“That’s not important. How about you? Have you ever kissed?” He threw the question back at the girl.

“Yeah” answered Aise briefly. If given the choice, she’d choose to throw the memory away and never talk about it again. But facts are facts. It happened so she can’t exactly lie about it. “Once, a long time ago” she added



“Ize” Jun was the first to break their silence.

“Yes..?” Doubt filled the girl's heart. ‘Is he disappointed?’ That question appeared in her mind. She always thought that such things weren’t important. First time or not, she never cared, but perhaps Jun is different.

“...do you want to kiss?”

“With you?”

“Uh, yeah..? I mean unless you want someone else.”

Aise had to stop herself from laughing. She felt guilty knowing Jun must be nervous. She still couldn't help but tease him “Would you let me kiss someone else?”

“No.” His answer was short and simple in comparison to the previous questions he asked with hesitation.

“Then why ask?” Aise replied, eyes focusing back on her proposal at hand. She thought the conversation was over but once again she heard Jun ask, “…do you want to or not?” This time he was hoping for a direct answer.

“Hmm” she —pretended to think— thought for a while before answering “I do.”


“Yes, really.”

If he’s asking whether she wants to kiss him —which he is— the answer is obvious. During even the six months they were in a relationship, Jun tends to be passive. The occasional gifts were nice but anything physical, she has to initiate first. It was probably his way of respecting her boundaries. She never thought he’d actually go through kissing her. Alas, she was wrong.

“Jun, what are you doing?” The girl froze when he lifts and drops her onto the bed. Her laptop left forgotten on the ground as her mind short circuited, trying to not let her thoughts fly too far.

“Don't talk.” His tone was stern but the bright scarlet dusting his cheeks weren’t hiding anything.

“Jun, w-what it’s just a kiss, right? Right? What— why the bed?” He had caught her so off guard she was struggling to form words. The blush creeping onto her face rivaling his.

“I thought you said you did it already?”

“I said I kissed someone before! This— What is this????”

“I’ll do it properly. Only if you want to.”

“Huh? Huh— isn’t this too fast?” Her eyes widened at his words, staring right at his golden ones. For a moment, stark silence filled the room, as if time itself had frozen. She watched his endearing lips quiver, giving away his nervousness.

“Fine.” She coughs, trying to not make a fool of herself. She couldn’t possibly, she could never resist him. “You can.” She closes her eyes, hesitantly wrapping her arms around his neck, expecting him to take the lead.

Jun took a deep breath, eyes fluttering close as he leaned in to close the distance. The short wait felt like hours to her, heart threatening to burst from her chest. Their lips pressed together in a soft kiss, it was short but sweet. Jun pulled away, seemingly still a little nervous about the whole ordeal.

“That’s it?” Aise opened her eyes, his face was still inches from hers as she keeps him in place. Her heart sunk down as she mentally beat herself up for expecting anything more.

“That’s it? What were you thinking?”

“Aaghhh you know what I was thinking!”

“It’s not good to keep thinking about things like that, Ize”

“Just shut up and kiss me. You suck.” She pulls him in to catch his lips again, making a mental note to give him lessons later, or perhaps she can do that now.

“Jun, no, I said n—oof” Aize’s words were cut off by a pillow landing face first on her. She fell back, “Ow.. that hurt” she hisses rubbing her nose as if that hit had been extremely painful. Jun who was previously caught up with their pillow fight ran towards her, concern showing all over his face. “God, I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” He squats down, intending to check on her.

She grins, a small shriek followed by a giggle left her lips as she tackles him down, intending on giving him a taste of his own medicine. Yet he manages to grab her by the waist making them both fall onto the stacks of pillow. Her laughs continue as they fell. She feels the soft pillows hit her back and him hovering above her. “Oi, playing like that is dirty, Ize” Jun traps her between his hands.

“It kinda worked though.” She manages to say before wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him down, body pressing against hers. He sighs and nuzzles against the crook of her neck arms sneaking their way around her back. Her eyes flutter close, enjoying the warmth of her lover as she runs her fingers through his locks.

“Jun.” Aize whispers, wrapping her arms around him. She sighs, giving him a slight squeeze similar to how her heart clenches, heavy with her feelings for this man. “Jun, you’re heavy.” She laughs, trying to avoid being overwhelmed by her own feelings.

She pushes him back, trying to switch their positions. Jun groans, displeased with her ruining his comfortable position. He flips over, pulling her to lay on top of him. “Much better.” She looks at him, fingertips grazing against his skin as she brushes away the locks of hair resting on his forehead. Purple eyes taking in his handsome features from his sharp eyes down to his perfectly shaped jawline.

“Stop staring.” Jun complains, a faint tint of red starting to creep up his cheeks. She let out a small laugh and murmurs “Sorry, can’t help it.”

Her fingers trails down face, resting on his cheek while she leans down to kiss his forehead. She feels him lean into her touch as she leaves a kiss on his nose, then his cheeks, then she lets her lips wonder to the tip of his reddened ears.

“Ize.” She hears him sigh, barely able to look at her properly. He doesn’t admit it but he can’t exactly says he hates being spoiled. In fact, one might say he enjoys it. It’s just he was never used to receiving so much, anymore and he feels like he could explode.

Aize only replies with a hum, leaving a last kiss on the corner of his lips, earning a groan of dissatisfaction from her lover. “Did you want a proper kiss?” She couldn’t miss how his lips quievered as she asks. His brows furrowed, upset with her question and he could no longer hide the red hue on his cheeks. ‘So cute’ she laughs to herself. With his build, he could very easily flip her over and have his way with her but there he was, frozen in place.

“You’re way too much sometimes, y’know?” He mumbles, looking everywhere but at her. “Mhm” she leans in again, this time properly pressing her lips against his. She feels him sigh before placing a hand on the back of her head, treading her dark locks, pushing her deeper. She pulls back to lay on his chest, listening to the heartbeat he swore is going to burst soon.

“You love me though.” She looks up at him, eyes filled with anticipation as if expecting him to give an answer. His reply came as soft whisper, accompanied by a kiss on the crown of her head.

“Yeah, I do”

Her eyes widened, staring right at his golden ones. Stark silence filled the room, as if time itself had frozen. They had been dating for a while now but she wondered if she had ever looked at him from so close. Even in the dim light, his handsome features seemed so much more visible, from the blue locks that fall above his sharp eyes down to his perfectly shaped jawline. She watched his endearing lips quiver, giving away his nervousness.

His eyes, however, were locked on elsewhere. He could hear his own heartbeat as he couldn’t help but gaze on her rosy lips. Ize knew him well enough to know what was on his mind. Gulping down whatever shyness she had, her hand reaches to rest on his face. She pulls him closer and stops just halfway, as if urging him to make the first move.

Jun took a deep breath, eyes fluttering close as he leaned in to close the distance. The short wait felt like hours to her, heart threatening to burst from her chest. Their lips pressed together in a soft kiss, it was short but sweet and Jun pulled away, seemingly timid about the whole ordeal.

“I...” he mumbled, a thousand words seem to pass through his mind but none he managed to word out. Instead he keeps his stance, face still inches away from her, eyes looking everywhere but hers, contemplating if he should draw back.

“Yeah…” She smiled lightly, his nervousness seem to have masked her own. Tucking away her initial shyness she whispered, barely audible even for her own ears “Jun.” she mustered the courage “again.”

His eyes widened slightly. He was lucky the dim light made it difficult to see the shade of red dusting his cheeks. Jun let out a shaky breath before leaning in and capturing her lips once more.

This time she rests a hand on his shoulder and the other still cupping the side of his face. Ize tilts her head to the side as her lover clumsily tries to move his lips against hers.

A sudden hiss of pain left her when she feels his canines graze her bottom lip. Jun pulls away reflectively, panic hinted at his voice, “Sorry— are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” Ize gulps down, nervousness immediately replaced with guilt. She cursed herself for ruining the mood. Jun tries to gather himself, hi anxiety making it too difficult for him to even form words, “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to hurt you.” He pulls away, frustration filling his chest, how the hell did he mess that up?

“Jun.” She calls out, brows furrowing, unsatisfied with his reaction. She sits up, placing her hands on his “Jun, look at me.” He faced her, the darkness not doing much to hide the scarlet hue on his cheeks.

‘I love you’ the words bubbled in her chest, she couldn’t bring herself to say it out loud. A part of herself wanting to shove her face into the pillow out of embarrassment. Instead, she gave him something that was barely a peck, before burying herself on his chest.

“This isn’t good for my heart, y’know?” She finally heard his familiar voice, albeit a little shy.

“Well, how do you think I feel?” Hearing his words, a slight relief washed over her. She coughed out the only words she could think of “do you… want to get something to eat?”

“Maybe later, yeah?” He mumbles, wrapping his arms around her as he rested against her. Ize could only sigh as they fall back to the bed, the darkness eventually lulling them to sleep.

“Good morning.”

It was barely 7 am in the morning when Iseult —Ize— woke, her previously sleepy eyes widened at the sudden greeting. Head turning towards the source of the voice she finds no other than the man she had grown so familiar with, leaning against one side of the window as if he wasn’t 30 feet off ground.

“Jun—“ She ran towards him, almost tangling herself in sheets. Any mask of sleep she had felt immediately disappeared.

“Careful, wouldn’t want an earful first thing in the morning, now~” he chuckled. The morning breeze blowing lightly ruffling his blue locks.

She climbed a chair leaning by the wall, trying to level their heights “Did you sneak through the garden again?”

“Not like there’s any other way in.” Jun replied, motioning to take her hand. She complied, expecting it to be an invite for a short walk.

Contrary to her assumption, he brought the back of her hand to his lips, planting a light kiss on it. “Good morning, my lady.” She couldn’t have missed the tinge of sarcasm in his voice.

She stoned, slightly flustered, slightly surprised by the sudden contact, “oh..? Looks like the palace life really got to you, huh? Since when did you start calling me that?”

“Just greeting you as your parents —the count— would’ve liked, Ize.” He shrugged. Although he had learned about noble etiquette, it was still odd to actually do them.

She could only laugh bitterly, getting the hint that he was referring to her parent’s disapproval “I’m sure they won’t mind about that…”

“Of course, which is why I got sent to the palace in the first place.” A sigh was heard. The count had sent him to the palace in order to ‘train’ to be a proper knight. However, it isn’t hard to see that he only wanted Jun as far away as possible from his daughter, at least for the time being.

“Is it difficult?” Only after the words left her lips had she realized how thoughtless she sounded. After all, she was the initial reason he was tangled in all this mess.

“Ouch—“ a light hit on her head brought her back to her senses.

“You’re thinking about things again.” She felt his gaze bore into her as she looks up at him, lips turning into a pout, intending to complain.

“It’s nothing I can’t handle.” He answered, shrugging off the question like it’s no big deal. “I gotta get back before they realize.”

She hadn’t realized the sun had risen much higher. He’d be in big trouble if he was caught sneaking out —and in—, she guessed. And there’s a limit to how much help she could lend him. She nodded,

“Okay, but Jun?”


“Lean down, please.”

Although confused by the unusual request, he complied. She held his shoulders in place, standing on her tip toes to reach him and ever so slightly pressed her lips against the corner of his. She could feel his breath hitch, and his body tense. The light of the morning sun couldn’t match the heat surfacing on her face.

“I’ll see you after summer?” She pulled back, nervously fiddling with her fingers, purple eyes refusing to meet his golden ones.

“…Or I can break through the garden again tonight.” She noticed the ears he had usually kept hidden appear, slightly bended to the front. Perhaps due to embarrassment.

“That can do.” She giggled, watching as they lit up in content. Jun was always so subtle about his feelings, sometimes his not so human features are a delight to watch.

“Then, I’ll catch you later.” He smiled, cheeks slightly dusted red. She sees him jump off the three story mansion

“Your ears are showing, by the way. Be sure to recast that spell.”

“Goddamn, I gotta work on that.”

A Lifetime

“Shii-chan!” Kaoru could barely help barging into Shii’s room the moment they let him in. The past four days passed in slow anguish for him as the thought of losing her continues to haunt him. He almost cries when he sees her figure lying on the bed, several infusion tubes stands on her side. Her eyes slightly widens when she sees him, and she manages to pull herself up to sit.

“Shii-chan, don’t move, you don’t have to.” Anyone could notice the look of extreme concern on his features with a single glance as he practically sprints to help her. He arrives by her side only to be greeted by silence and he notices her trying to speak,

“Haka— Kaoru, I’m sorry...” her breath hitched, voice barely coming out. That usual fierce look in her scarlet eyes vanished and instead replaced by the teardrops streaming down her delicate features. For once she seemed... fragile. Kaoru froze, he was surprised, perplexed by her sudden apology, and even more by her change in demeanor.

“N-no, Shii-chan don’t cry. If you don’t like me here I’ll go. Just please... don’t.” He desperately tries to comfort her only for his efforts to be in vain.

“Shii-chan if you really don’t like it—“

“You... you said— you like long haired girls.” In addition to her sore voice, she had a hard time forming a sentence in between sobs. Every word just feels more and more painful to say out loud.

Only then he notices the change in her hair, the usual black locks that fell to her waist were no more. Instead they now hang just above her shoulders. Kaoru was even more dumb-founded by this fact.

‘Was she crying because she thought I didn’t like her anymore?’

He couldn’t help but grow flustered at the thought. “Shii-chan..” he trails off, “were you worried about that? Is that why?” He adds, wanting to confirm his thoughts.

“W-well, what do you expect? It’s not like I care much about it, don’t be ridiculous... I-I mean, I know shouldn’t think about that.” Her voice was barely audible. She attempts to wipe her tears, but the infusions in her hand, it proved to be difficult. So she has no choice than to let the tears fall, staining the the covers of the hospital bed.

Kaoru was amazed, but even more confused at the fact that she was still trying to seem indifferent, trying to lock her feelings back into the depths of her heart.

“Shii-chan.” Kaoru calls out to her, his voice as gentle as the sea breeze. A hand makes its way to her cheeks, wiping away the wet drops from her skin.

The girl flinched at the touch, but she did not move away, nor did she have to courage to face him. It’s like in the last 4 days of sleep sucked all the energy —and denials— she’d usually have.

He brings his other hand to her face and turned her to face him. Puffy eyes, and lips slightly swollen probably from biting them out of frustration. Kaoru only chuckles, smiling softly at the girl in front of him. “I think shii-chan is beautiful like this too.”

Shii only squinted her eyes at him in disbelief. Although embarrassed at her initial outburst, she wasn’t going to let him woo her so easily.

“I’ll love you even if you’re bald.” He adds, seemingly trying to lift the mood.

“Pick-up lines huh... you’re lucky I’m sick...” she mumbles, not having the strength to pounce at him.

“It actually hurts when you keep questioning me.” He says teasingly, pretending to be hurt. “But I have a whole lifetime to show you. Don’t worry, shii-chan~ I’ll be by your side until you accept my feelings.”

“...so don’t you worry.” It’s as if he was trying to hide his own grief. He leans in, giving her short kiss. Brushing his lips against hers lightly before pulling away, smiling.

The girl stones, her cheeks slightly flush. She hadn’t expected that. In fact, she probably expected anything but that.

“Ah— I probably shouldn’t do that.” He laughs nervously in realization.

“I’m going to sleep.” He hears her mumble, bringing herself back inside her three layers of covers in lightning speed.

“And I came all the way here too~” he pouts but makes no objections. Deep chocolate eyes gazing at the bump under the covers, he smiles to himself. He has an entire lifetime —a long one—. He’ll make sure of it.

Nasi Bungkus

“Shii-chan~” the door slides open, revealing the dark brown haired male as he steps inside, greeting none other than his favorite lady. The latter was surprised —but certainly not displeased— by his sudden appearance. Her skin was pale, and skinnier than what he’d assume healthy, jet black hair reflecting the afternoon sun, and fierce red eyes burning into him despite being hospitalized for the past 3 days. It pains him having to see her so weak, but he should’ve known she was much stronger than she looks.

“Kaoru, what are you doing?” She asks, her tone annoyed, trying to hide the feeling building in her chest. Kaoru’s smile never left his face as he approached her, a plastic bag in one hand.

“Taking care of my Shii-chan. What else?” He laughs, pulling the seat next to her bed.

“Who’s what???” She glares at him, heat making its way to her cheeks. Of course she was beyond happy to see him but she’s not exactly used to displaying her affection openly.

“I brought that food you wanted.” Kaoru pays no mind to her hostility, instead he takes out a triangle-like shaped meal wrapped in susty white paper and puts it on the table. “No ice cream though, you have to heal first before you can eat that.”

He notices the shine in her eyes and the way she gulps when she sees what he brought. “Shii-chan~” he pouts, lightly flicking her forehead “You seem happier seeing the rice box rather than me.”

“Ouch—“ Shii hisses, surprised by the sudden contact. “Ka-o-ru” she mumbles, trying to hold herself back from strangling him.

“Now, now, Shii-chan, let’s not get angry.” Kaoru says, pulling the strings off the wrapped meal. “I brought this in secret, so let’s not get the both of us in trouble.” He lowers his voice, bringing a finger to his lips to whisper a ‘shush’

Her brows knitted, frustrated that she wasn’t able to lash out her anger, but the smell and the sight of the mouth watering dish tempts her more.

“Say aahh~” She didn’t notice kaoru’s hand moving to scoop a spoonful of rice, bringing it to her.

“W-what? I don’t need you to spoon feed me.” Her face gets redder at the thought as she leans back, averting her eyes from the spoon in front of her.

“You’re sick, I can’t have you feed yourself.” Kaoru’s playful tone turned serious. He keeps still, waiting for her to give in. “Shii-chan.”

“Ugh— fine.” She gives up, the smell of food overwhelming her senses. “Just this once.” She mumbles, her hand slipping a strand of black hair behind her ear as she leans in, savoring the spoonful of rice.

“Good girl.” He smiles, satisfied with her compliance. She chews slowly, hyper-aware of the man sitting beside her. A light blush dusted her features.

‘Cute’ he thinks, warmth fills his chest, just the sight of her, makes him the happiest man alive. And he’d do anything to keep the light in her eyes, and the comfort of her presence. Perhaps it’s alright to be selfish —if it comes to her—.

Unable to hold back, he takes the chance to brush his lips against his cheek. Her heart skipped a beat as he pulls back, just far enough for her to feel his breath against his skin as he whispers

“I love you, Shii-chan.”


Shii leaned againts the balcony, the gentle night breeze felt oddly soothing against her skin. The view from Kaoru’s apartment is nothing she could’ve gotten from her usual home. Perhaps it’s because the sky seems a bit closer, the stars shined brighter than she has ever seen. That day, they had planned to do a little stargazing. “Shii-chan” the door clicked shut and Kaoru appeared, his usual smile present. 

“I leave you for a moment and you have your attention somewhere else.” He teased. 

“It’s not my fault you’re a slowpoke.” Shii replied, a tone of annoyance laced her words.  

“Hey, I was getting things ready for our dinner.” He said, walking towards her. He followed her line of view, radiant stars decorated the night sky, but that only lasted for a mere second.

Kaoru found himself staring at his beloved. Ruby eyes reflecting the sparkling lights and the genuine look of awe on her face. This side of her is certainly cute. He scoots closer, not bothering to hide his stare.

“Why are you so close?” The girls exclaims, surprised by the sudden warmth on her side.

“That’s mean Shii-chan. Even though I brought you here.” He pouts, leaning against the railings with one arm. “If you like it, I could bring you here more often.”

“I’ll forgive you this time” she sighs, cheeks puffing slightly. “Since it’s a good view, I’ll allow you to invite me here again.” She adds, eyes refusing to meet his. A tint of blush lightly spreading on her cheeks. Luckily, it was dark aside from the glimmering sky. Though after being with her for so long, Kaoru could notice the slight change in her demeanor.

At that moment a streak of light crossed the sky. Shii gasped at the view, ruby eyes reflecting the shooting star. Again, it was beautiful, but not —never— more beautiful than her.

“Shii-chan~” the male whispers. This time shii was too captivated to notice him scooting closer and closer.

“Wh—“ before she could react she found herself pulled into a kiss. The taste of Kaoru’s lips lingered on her own. A little laugh left his lips as he pulled back, her stunned expression was too cute.

“KAO—mmph” another kiss. This time more aggresive than the last. The gasp that left her mouth had left her wide open. Kaoru’s hand moved from her wrist to her upper arms. The tounge that entered her mouth was meant to tease at first, but it seems like things were getting overboard.

Only pulling away when they both were out of breath, a light string of saliva connecting their lips. The blonde took another look at his lover. Up close he could see that her face was bright red, either from anger or from embarrassment, their breaths mixing in between pants.

Kaoru shifted his attention, leaning closer until he could whisper “I think we should go inside, Shii-chan.” He blowed, the feeling of his hot breath on her ear surprised her.

“W-what are you doing?” She stuttered , trying to get her brain to start working again but the way her heart was beating was telling otherwise.

He kissed her again, this time harder, tongues dancing in unison. The girl wrapped her arms around his neck trying to pull him in deeper. He trailed his hands to her ass giving it a light squeeze. Shii choked a moan in response. Kaoru brought a hand below her knees gesturing her to wrap it around his waist and that she did.

After much difficulty trying to find the door they finally made it back inside the apartment.

My, Curious of what happens next are we?