Web-Development Career: Why Planning Is Important.

A lot of things have happened since I started learning to become a web developer. I have been excited, disappointed, distracted, frustrated, honestly, it has been a roller coaster of emotions but, I'm not giving up until I achieve my goal. In all of these happenings, I realized that I didn't have a plan for a while, I was stuck in a learning loop; in other words, I was trying to do more studying than practicing and I ended up going over the same thing multiple times with very little improvement. I'll get to a point, forget all that I have learned to go back to relearn, believe me, it was a mess! I was struggling to get past certain stages in my course which in turn caused me to become so frustrated I wanted to hit my head on a wall ( don't try to imagine that). During this process, I spoke to a friend who told me to focus more on practicing, and that advice was very much needed. At the same time, I realized that I was working without a proper plan and we all know the saying that goes if you fail to plan you plan to fail.

What did I do? I drew up a plan. How? walk with me a second I've got jokes. On a serious note, I opened a google sheet to track my progress, opened several sheets, and wrote down what exactly I want to focus on learning, in other words, the learning path I wanted to take. As a newbie, you can be overwhelmed by the amounts of things you need to learn, the language, the Tools | Framework, etc. So having a well-structured learning path, and the tools you'll be learning from the beginning will be very helpful. You'll learn other things along the way, but from the beginning do not be carried away by too many things unless you'll end up being confused and overwhelmingly frustrated. Are there other words to describe overwhelmingly frustrated? kindly throw that in too. To sum it all up, having a timeline is good, it'll give you the push you didn't think you needed. Also, take a few minutes to look at your plans every day so you don't slack. It's something I'm also practicing at the moment there's just something it does to your mind “Very Important!”. At the end of the day having a plan will help you believe me. Remember we're in this together, don't lose focus!