By Molly McCluskey-Shipman

I wish for you to be free of…

The ties that still bind Of assumptions and false narratives Of guilty until proven innocent

Beginning where you’ve started Way behind Any starting line Where it’s not safe to imagine

Imagining a future because you may not survive Freedom from assumptions based on Your skin Your hair Hoodies Zip code

Freedom to visualize a future Beyond the ifs Not IF you’ll go to college but where Freedom from only lip service of a better tomorrow

Actions of worth for our kids Most deserving Underserved Constantly emotionally battered By history and present day

Attempting to withdraw From a bankruptcy of broken promises Freedom from labels “Poor kids” “Those kids” “Them” “The black kids”

Freedom to walk down the street Without scorn Fear Assumptions

A promise to be a kid Recognized As having promise

Freedom to BE To shine Soar Impact Shouldn’t that be Attainable For all of us?!?

(For my students, past and present)