By Emily Amstutz

“No push-ups in the bathtub!” my mom yelled at my 4-year-old brother, Spencer. Why he was doing push-ups in the bathtub was a mystery to the rest of us children. My brother, Chap, age 9, ran into the bathroom to get a closer look at Spencer's antics and hurriedly joined the workout routine from the tub sidelines. Elouise, my younger sister by two years, caught my eye and we burst out laughing. Our pre-teen selves simply couldn't comprehend the absolute absurdity of the situation, and we fell to the floor in a fit of giggles.

My mother, a kind-hearted yet often overworked woman, cracked a smile, and we watched as her decorum shattered and laughter spilled out in glorious peals. The volume of our laughter rose to an ear-shattering pitch when Spencer attempted a handstand, lost his balance, and fell into the bathtub with a 'plop' that splashed the four non-bathing members of the family with bathwater.

Damp and out of breath, we slowly wiped the tears from our eyes and helped little Spencer out of the tub. Our hair wet, our hearts full, and our family a little bit closer than before.

To this day, we still yell, “No push-ups in the bathtub!” at family events, and it never ceases to cause hearty laughter and a few happy tears.