By Anna

Spring is never silent. It may seem quiet at first as soft breezes rustle through new and tender leaves. It extends like a good morning stretch, reaching out as shooting stalks. Then come the geese. Then comes the thunder.

Spring is the rude awakening of sunlight streaming in through the windows. Accompanying those harsh rays is, of course, the chirp of a cheeky bird right outside said windows. Just as good bread needs to rest for a glorious rise, so too do you. Though the world outside seems to think you’re over-proofed.

Spring is well-loved; she brings many gifts. She courts away the chill of Winter until even the ground itself softens. Spring’s hourglass ends the icy stasis that holds the world still. She invites all colors to court through various fleeting, fragrant flowers. Spring puts all manner of magic into the air: motes, pollen, seeds, and spores.

Spring is fickle and cruel. She’ll never tell you her plans, instead coming and going as she pleases. She’ll play all manner of jokes on you, from tickling your nose to painting your car yellow and green.

Spring comes unannounced. When Spring is in the air, she wears many faces. When she glides down the mountainside, you may recognize her as Landslide or Flash Flood. Across the plains she is known by Derecho or Tornado. More common are her other aliases like Hail and Snap Freeze.

When Spring introduces you to Summer, she is all but forgotten. Summer is brighter and bolder – but don’t tell Spring that you said she is better. Summer is ample without anger, hotter without hubris, plentiful without pouting, sumptuous without spite. Summer enjoys a long reign, but for now Spring is the May Queen.