By Charles

Things that mean “I love you”

A kiss from my wife.

My daughter clinging to my leg like it is a tree.

My dad making sure I checked my oil and tire pressure before a road trip.

My son asking me if I want to play Minecraft with him.

My joking exchanges with my younger brother that we both know line for line but that still make us smile.

My mom giving me an out-of-print board game that I mentioned in passing and she tracked down at a thrift store across town.

My phone buzzing with text from my mother-in-law on a random Wednesday morning that reads “I hope you’re having a good day!”

My sister dropping off a care package on my doorstep when I am sick with my favorite snacks and activities for the kids.

My older brother dropping 72 new memes into our group chat at 2:12 am.

My father-in-law slapping a palm against my shoulder as we get ready to leave the farm and grumbling, “You take care of ‘em.”

Holiday cards in the mail with little vignettes of life from the year.

“See ya later” instead of “Goodbye.”
