By Maggie Mosher

Writing gave me a treasured family and helped me reach an age I was told I'd never reach. Countless doctors' appointments, hospital stays, and surgeries later- I’m still here. Through this journey, writing brought me to Turning Point, the Center for Hope and Healing, where I met people who knew what it was like to never know what tomorrow would bring. At Turning Point, I met friends that became family and changed my life.

We are all going through something difficult, something that is hard to express, and even harder to live. Going through it with someone and sharing this journey through poetry, plays, and children's books has given me a hope to hold onto that I didn't even know I needed. Hearing the writings of others helped me feel less alone in the struggle.

I started writing before I started talking. I was shy, so, until I was 6, my sister spoke for me. The first poem I wrote was in Kindergarten. I remember my teacher reading my poetry and crying, and I still remember thinking I couldn't tell her how she made me feel, but I could show her in my writing. It was a fantastic feeling to know you could speak to someone else's heart. I had forgotten about the power writing had until it led me to my Turning Point family. They helped me see I had something important to say and that my words could carry on a conversation with the world- allow my heart to embrace another's. I am forever grateful to writing for this blessing.