
I was thinking about how to use this blog and finally came to a decision. It is going to be a journal of the things I think about.

Yes, that sounds just like what a journal is, I know. I'm looking for words here. I don't want to limit myself to “academic” thinking because what is that anyway? And is it something I just want to adopt, put my mind in a cage so it produces suitable thoughts for academic production? I sure do not.

So just a thinking journal. Somewhere to keep track of my process, lines and patterns of thought. What I read and what I was thinking and learning and also what I was feeling about it. That's important.

So it's not just a thinking journal. It's a journal.

But I don't want to go completely wild here. I do want to focus on certain things. Following me, you will probably read about (among other things):

I am a learner, a researcher, a scholar, a community organizer, a builder of bridges, a facilitator and educator, an enabler. think elevated music here

I am not an activist. I did once call myself one, but I am no longer comfortable with it. I am involved in activist communities and discourses. I am actively working on changing things. But I'm doing it differently now. I'm focusing more on empowering communities, being there for each other, helping us survive together and if there is some energy left after that, I might go to a protest once in a while or shout into the internet void together with my people or someone else. But I'm not expecting to change anything that way. Not really. It's more a thing I do to feel connected, to feel the rage and love together so I can keep doing what I do. I don't identify with that word anymore. It became something more resembling a job description in a neoliberal world than a necessity for survival. It actually is a job sometimes, right? (I'm not judging.) I am doing “activism” by fighting to stay alive every day in a world that would rather let me die because they see me as a burden or worse. I'm not. And I'm not an activist. So please don't call me that.

I do have lots of love and respect for every one of you and the paths you are on. We need all of us in all the ways possible. So I'm only talking about myself here, that's important.

Now see? A thinking journal. It has a mind of its own. That wasn't where I planned on going here...

One thing and then I'm done for today. You can find me on mastodon as I recently found my love for posting interesting quotes and random bits of thoughts and comments while reading a book. And I do enjoy some interaction about it. So if you are interested in that but also want to connect on a human level, come say hi. It's a personal rather small account, so I'm usually not accepting random follow requests without some interactions first.