A place for my thoughts, most of them in Swedish

Yeah, that’s right. I write stuff in Swedish because that’s the language I know best. Another thing good to know is that most of the stuff published here will be drafts. Some of it will be rewritten and finished but not all of it. Sometimes I just write and when my energy or urge to write ends, I stop.

Why Kaosofia? Because I like the sound of it and it represents the urge to understand and act wisely in a world that’s in chaos. It also has to do with the fact that I used to call myself a Chaos Magician but I got fed up with the conflicts and power tripping within that anti-tradition. I asked myself, “when you have all that power, what will you do with it? Will you use it as a responsible person, someone always trying to see the bigger picture before wielding your powers?”. I saw the potential power but no wisdom. So Kaosofia was my reply, my way of distilling into a concept a way of thought that I think, at least for me, is the way to go.