
WireBrains is a Digital Marketing Company based in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. The company focuses on 360-degree digital marketing techniques to generate the desi

4 Ways to promote your business online

Creating a product or service to sustain a business is just half the battle. Launching and promoting is another battle on its own. You could have created the most visionary product of all the times but if you don’t promote it properly then it just becomes a lost opportunity. 

Now there are endless ways to promote your business. Most prominent of them is Digital Marketing.

While ways to market your business on digital platforms are endless, they can be incredibly overwhelming indeed. But as one of the best Digital Marketing Companies in Jaipur, we can tell you some of the most basic ways which everyone should follow to promote their business. 

4 ways to promote your business online-

Google- It is fair to say now that the majority of people use Google as their search engine. Google has a lot of tools to help you reach out to your customers. Use it to your advantage to grow your business. List your business on Google My Business and fill out all the necessary details. This is part of doing local SEO and would help you to gain visibility in your city. 

Build a Website- It is a digital age and every business must have a website now. Doesn’t matter what you are selling or to whom you are selling. Your customers are online and if you are not then you are losing out to your customers. 

Our Digital Marketing consultancy service in Jaipur highly recommends that you get a website. No matter the size of your business or what you are trading in. 

Doing Search Engine Optimisation- Once your website is ready and your business is listed on google, the next step is to ensure organic traffic on your website. This is where SEO comes in. SEO is a way of making search engines know about your website so that it can crawl and index them. It is a method of letting google know that you are providing something valuable to its users. Our SEO service in Jaipur has ensured till date that many of our clients rank on top of Google just by using whitehat SEO tactics. 

Go Social- Social Media is another free and great way to let your audience know about your business. In fact, today it is considered as a channel to connect with your audience, solve their grievances, and study their buying patterns too. If done right, you can achieve anything just from social media. Whether you want to increase traffic, or conversion, or brand awareness, all can be done through social media platforms. 

There are endless ways to promote yourself online. But the above mentioned is just a start. Begin with them and find your way in this labyrinth called Digital Marketing. It is highly possible that you may not be able to handle yourself everything. Hence, we always recommend hiring a digital marketing consultancy. You concentrate on your product/services and let us focus on your marketing.

5 Reasons Why SEO is Important for your Website

Do you know there are billions of queries searched on Google every day? 

Do you know that 85% of people research online before buying any products?

The way the world shops has changed dramatically over the years and even more so as COVID-19 hit. Now more than a brick-mortar-store, a website is needed to conduct business. That means, no matter what you are dealing in, your potential customers are searching for it online. 

Everyone is certainly catching up and moving online while employing the best marketing tactics to gain an edge. It is no surprise that almost every notable marketer would swear by SEO as it is the most prominent marketing tool to drive organic traffic. 

Any high-quality SEO services can tell you why it is important. Here is our take on it. 


5 Reasons Why SEO is Important for your Website-


  1. Long Term Results- You might have heard that SEO is a long term process and take months to work its magic. That is true! But, your fruits of labour will also be long term. 
  2. As a top digital marketing service, we understand that it may take 6-12 months to show any results, but if done correctly, it will yield you profits for years to come. 


             Key is, to not stop working on it even if it feels like it isn’t giving any results. 

  3. Cheaper than Paid Advertising-  It is established that organic traffic stays longer. If you rank highly on Google for your relevant keywords, traffic will be consistent even if you stop the process for a while. In contrast to paid advertising, if your funds dry out, your traffic will also drop. 

  5. Primary Source of Traffic is Organic Search- According to BrightEdge, 53% of all website traffic constitutes organic traffic. Meaning, you can do paid advertising but, it still won’t bring you as much traffic as SEO does. 
  6. Your website will get more traffic from SEO than Social Media too. Therefore, if you properly optimise your website and perform off-page SEO regularly, then you will receive a better ROI than any other paid form of marketing. 


  7. SEO Increases Sales- With thorough and consistent SEO strategies, our high-quality SEO service will put your website on the map, which will impact the buying cycle. When your website organically ranks high, it also gains trust and credibility automatically. 

             Therefore, SEO will lead to an increase in lead conversion too.


  9. SEO Increases Brand Awareness- Every potential visitor has a long way before he converts into a customer. On average, it takes seven website visits before the conversion takes place. It’s a long process. But the very fact that he visited your website is a good sign. He may not buy it but, he will remember it.


Being one of the top results on Google will bring you a lot of visitors and build your brand awareness which is beneficial for the long term


SEO has several benefits for a website. It will produce great results and will push your business to phenomenal heights only if done methodically. When it comes to marketing strategies, SEO has a long lifespan and is the best investment you can make today. 

Are you still confused? Ask our experts providing top digital marketing services.

What exactly is digital marketing?

Digital Marketing is an advertisement of your business done online. It includes various channels such as Websites, search engines, social media channels, and mobile applications. Businesses leveraging these channels to reach out to their current and prospective audience is known as Digital Marketing. 

While the traditional form of marketing is still very much in play, using Digital Marketing to increase your business is no longer an option. Considering the sheer number of people using the internet today, if you are not using digital marketing then your competition is definitely using it to reach out to your audience. 


Long Story short, if you want to stay in business, then you must employ Digital Marketing channels to expand your business. 


As one of the best Digital Marketing company in Jaipur, we understand how important digital marketing is. We are also aware of how important it is to be familiar with its components before practically diving into it. Therefore, we have given a short summary of it below. 


Components of Digital Marketing-


There is a massive network of channels where you can connect with your potential customers. To utilise them to the best of your ability, you need to understand each of the following-



  • Paid Search– Pay-Per-Click or Paid Search refers to the paid ads to get your website/landing page on the top or side of the search engine result page. They appear when searched for certain keywords. Hence, you need to carefully conduct keyword research before going for PPC. Also, you are charged for every click. Hence, be careful while customising such ads to ensure optimum ROI. 




  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)– This is the process of optimising your website so that it can rank higher on Google. The whole goal of doing SEO is to increase your organic traffic on your website. SEO includes 3 main components- 
  • On-Page SEO– This is done by optimising elements ON your website page. For instance, your title, content, meta description etc. 
  • Off-Page SEO– Any activity done off your website to increase its rank on the search engine is part of Off-Page SEO. Such as link building. 
  • Technical SEO– This is a more technical component. It involves backend coding. CSS File Optimisation, Image Compression, Structured Data are all part of technical SEO. 


It is crucial you don’t follow any blackhat SEO tricks that may lead Google to penalise your website. At WireBrains, we only follow Whitehat SEO practices. Hence, we are regarded as the most reliable company to provide best SEO Company in Jaipur



  • Social Media Marketing (SMM)– SMM is using Social Media platforms to promote your brand online. It is one of the most effective ways to promote brand awareness and loyalty. It goes way beyond to just being active now. Today you have to formulate an effective social media strategy that goes for all the platforms. 




  • Content Marketing– Good marketers understand that content is the king today. It is the basic foundation of your website. It is the reason why your audience will spend time on it. Hence, for any other methods to effectively work, it is imperative that your content is strong and optimised. Give them the content that is in demand, educational, and authentic. 



While there are other channels, the above mentioned are the most important of the lot. For a great ROI, you need to ensure a good marketing strategy that involves all these channels. 


WireBrains- Best Digital Marketing Company in Jaipur 


Through our years of experience, we can tell you with confidence that if you want to stay ahead of the competition, you need an effective online marketing strategy. We have been regarded as Best Digital Marketing Company in Jaipur year after year only because of our innovative marketing strategies that have worked for countless businesses around the globe. 


We offer the Best SEO Services in Jaipur 


Repeatedly, we have managed to rank several websites on top of Google by using SEO practices. We are masters at increasing your online visibility and quality traffic by following only Whitehat SEO practices.



What is SEO and How does it work?


We are regarded as one of the best Digital Marketing Company in Jaipur because of our stronghold on our SEO Services. We believe that our clients should also know what SEO is so that can also clearly communicate their goals. Hence, we have written this small article to explain just the basics of SEO for the uninitiated. 


What is SEO?


SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. It means the process of making your website rank higher on a search engine in organic listings. 


Here is what we an SEO Marketing Agency mean by it. It is an art of optimising your website’s content in a way that a search engine would like to show it on top when searched for a relevant keyword. 


Even if you are going for a Digital Marketing agency, it is imperative you understand the basics of SEO. If you understand SEO, then it is easier to form SEO strategies for your website so that they can rank higher.


How does SEO work?


At first, it may seem complicated but it is easier than it appears to be. 


Search Engines like Google, Bing aims to provide high quality and most relevant content to its users. 


In order to do this, Google has robots which will crawl/scan your web pages to determine whether your content is high quality and relevant. If it is, then they add those highly optimised pages to Google index and catalogue them. This enables them to produce better results for those searching for particular keywords/topics. 


For example, you own a bakery. Now you need to make sure that your website is highly optimised so when people search with relevant keywords like “buy chocolate cake” or “birthday cakes”, your website should show up on the first page of the search engine. 


Main Factors Affecting SEO


Now that you know how it works, you should know how the factors affecting your ranking. The requirements for SEO keeps changing every year due to Google continuously working on its algorithms to make a better experience for its users. But these are the main factors which affect your rank on Google-


  • An Accessible and Secure Website
  • Mobile Friendliness
  • Page Speed
  • Technical SEO
  • Optimised Content
  • Domain Age, Authority, and URL
  • User Experience
  • Links
  • Real Business Information


By actively working on the above factors, you are making sure that your website is highly visible leading to more traffic and engagement from your potential customers. 


Final Takeaway


Your ranking on a Search Engine depends on a number of factors which keep updating year after year. But the most prominent and relevant factor is your content. You can do everything but if your content isn’t useful to your audience, then you won’t rank high on Google.


Remember, SEO is not an overnight process. It takes time for it to work its magic. It will take months for you to see any definite results. However, the key is to never ever lose hope and keep working on it day after day.

If you are struggling to work on it or not seeing any results, then it is time for you to contact a professional SEO Services. Contact Us and our Digital Marketing Company in Jaipur, WireBrains will be happy to assist you.