Cinnamon Amps Up the Coil Gratitude Challenge



The Coil Gratitude Challenge is off to a great start. Coilers from across the land are sharing compelling stories from the past that they can be grateful for in the present. If you haven't read about what the challenge is for this month, go here.

Cinnamon and I have an exciting announcement to those who complete the challenge all the way through the month of June. In the original post, one of the prizes was set at 20 XRP. Cinnamon has partnered with the challenge and now is adding their own 20 XRP.

In other words, challenge winners will receive a total of 40 XRP, in addition to being placed into a recognition post written by myself. Nothing sweeter than being rewarded for something you love doing anyways...blogging!

Thank you all for deciding to play a role in this challenge. Hard times are upon us, but when we take some time to focus our thoughts and emotions on gratitude, amazing things can and do happen. Keep up the great work, everyone!

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