Grant for the Web – A Paradigm Shift


What is Grant for the Web all about?

Grant for the Web is a $100M initiative put forth by Coil, Mozilla Foundation, and CreativeCommons, three leading organizations in the world of web development. The mission behind the fund is to enable open standards and innovation in Web Monetization through creators such as bloggers, podcasters, filmmakers, and game-developers. The fund is expected to roll out starting this year and run through 2025.

Grant for the Web uses open technology and direct funding to promote alternative online business models for content β€” and a healthier internet. Awards will promote open-source content and content monetization infrastructure, placing $100 million in the hands of developers and independent creators.Source

If you have been following my coverage on this topic, then you are beginning to understand the magnitude of what is about to take place here in 2020 and beyond. If you haven't gotten up to speed yet, feel free to take a look at previous articles on Coil such as the Grant for the Web Operations Team and What Does the Future Hold for Creators?

A Paradigm Shift

We are about to experience one of the biggest paradigm shifts in the history of the web. The web re-imagined in a revolutionary way that has never been done before. A paradigm shift is known in the dictionary as:

a fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions.

The tides 🌊 are turning and the fundamental change in approach is happening before our eyes for the following reasons among many:

πŸ‘‘ The technology didn't exist prior to this moment

Web developers, for a long time now, have known that there was a place for monetization performed in an open and native fashion, built into the core infrastructure of the web. The technology that didn't exist prior to now is a neutral protocol to transfer money. With the invention and continual development of Interledger, small streaming payments are now a reality which opens up the door to a number of options for true Web Monetization efforts.

πŸ‘‘ The current model is broken

Today's monetization model is brOkEn due to intrusive ads, unwarranted data collection, and annoying paywalls by the dozen. The fact is, there wasn't a problem to solve in the past because that was just β€œthe way things were”. People put up with ads and data collection because it wasn't a point of contention like it is today. Amidst the past half decade, users are becoming more aware by setting up ad blockers and desiring to use sites and apps with more privacy options.


πŸ‘‘ The fund is hefty

$100 million is not a number to sneeze at. If you sit back in your chair and think about it, that's A LOT of money. Consider your average Lamborghini priced at around $200,000 without all the upgrade packages. You would need to purchase 500 Lamborghini's to reach the amount of money that Grant for the Web holds. Recognizing this fact is important in understanding the sheer magnitude of this initiative and the power it holds to change not only the entire web monetization model, but also individual's lives across the world.

πŸ‘‘ The collaboration is solid

When you put Coil, Mozilla Foundation, and CreativeCommons in one room together, you get one heck of a powerhouse team. Each one of these organizations are extreme proponents of creating open, fair, and inclusive standards across the web with a strong push towards privacy-centric use-cases. The vision that Coil proposed to Mozilla is in direct alignment with the vision they have possessed for years and serves as a win-win for all parties involved, including content creators.

Whatever you think this grant means for you as a creator, think bigger than that. This initiative is going to take off really fast, therefore, being positioned on the ground floor is the perfect place to contribute the most to it's success. It's important for creators to work together in collaboration with Grant for the Web to ensure a healthy, vibrant ecosystem is created as a result of the work put into building out the infrastructure.

A paradigm shift is happening right now for the above reasons plus many more. A fundamental change is brewing beneath the surface, preparing to spread it's wings and fly. Don't get left standing on the sidelines while the revolution is barreling forward without you. The time has come to plant your feet in a movement that is built not on sand, but on solid ground. Grant for the Web serves as the firm foundation to stand on and to build your empire upon.✦

Thank you for reading.

Related articles:

βœͺ 2020 Will Yield the Highest ROI

βœͺ The State of Web Monetization

βœͺ Grant for the Web – What Does the Future Hold for Creators?

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