Operation Swell 2020 – Up In the Air

Swell by Ripple is an annual, high-level event aimed to take place in London later this year. Countless executives from varying finance companies join together and discuss information regarding Ripple's products, customers, and plans for the future. It has been a pursuit of mine to be invited to the event by the official Ripple account on Twitter just like a few other XRP community members were last year. I knew that the journey towards receiving an invite would take many months of work and dedication which I was and still am fully prepared for.

Now, with the pandemic sweeping the nations and businesses closing down left and right, it is currently up in the air whether or not Ripple will end up hosting Swell in London this year. Even though that is the unfortunate case, I am still quite eager to continue my journey by working towards the goal and sticking to the plan. We are living in uncertain times when anything could happen, good or bad. It is important to focus on the actions that CAN be done right now instead of all the things that can't be done during this crisis.

For example, Ripple employees are still working from home to continue building the Internet of Value. It's amazing that people in general have the ability to work from home, an option that wasn't available 20 years ago. Today we see it as a normal occurrence, but back in the late 90's and early 2000's it did not exist. The recent crisis is a big wake-up call, telling people that many events in life are simply out of our control. No one would have thought a year ago that we would all be under quarantine, not even able to go out for dinner with loved ones.

Operation Swell 2020 is up in the air at the moment, who knows what the future will hold. Hopefully the quarantine is lifted soon and life can return to some level or normalcy. If all else fails, I can always work towards Swell 2021 and be even more prepared than I already am. Thank you for supporting me in this journey. I remain optimistic about the entire situation and am confident that we will come out of this stronger than when we entered in.

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