Stay Fit – Mind and Body

Yep, that's me. XRP HODL T-shirt courtesy of Jim Hyatt. One of the best feelings I've experienced is taking care of my body by working out. In fact, I used to be a personal trainer for a few years at a couple different gyms near our home. It was rewarding to see people achieving the results they were after, whether that be losing weight, gaining muscle, or just general fitness.

I've always been a big believer in taking care of the physical first because everything else in life stems from that area. When you feel good physically, then naturally you have more energy while also maintaining a clear mental state. In fact, many of you might not know this, but I was a BollyX instructor last year before I started participating in the XRP community. See bonus content below for the commercial I had professionally made.

Fitness has been a big part of my life since I was 18 years old. I don't talk about it much now because my focus has been primarily on finances. Lifting weights helped to pull me out of my depressed state of mind and into a more confident person. I wasn't happy with how my life was going because I didn't have a girlfriend, I had acne all over my face, I had braces, and I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life as far as a career path goes.

I decided that I didn't want to feel like that anymore, so I said screw it, and I went to the store and purchased a Crossbow machine to set up in my bedroom. A Crossbow is sort of like a Bowflex but with a slightly different design.

Crossbow commercial:

Not only did I have a CrossBow, but I also ordered a Body by Jake Ab Scissor to put in my bedroom. I saw it on a late night infomercial after watching them demonstrate it for at least an hour. I used these 2 machines religiously for months until I decided to buy a 3-year membership at World Gym.

Ab Scissor demo:

Needless to say, I enjoy working out and staying in shape. Now that I have 3 sons under 6 years old, staying in shape is absolutely essential to keeping up with those little monsters. Lately I have been going to Planet Fitness, the gym where I began my training career. Staying in shape is important because it affects every other area of your life. You only have one body, take care of it and it will take care of you.


In addition to your body, it is also crucial to develop your mind in a way that is congruent with your core values and the vision you have for your life. I started learning about personal growth and self development when I became active with a direct marketing company called ACN. It was a personal growth program with a compensation plan attached. Leadership and business training was something I truly enjoyed and still enjoy learning about.

An example of training your mind would look something like this... If you want to become a millionaire and dedicate your life to supplying clean water to people in Africa, then it would be wise to submerse yourself in books, videos, podcasts, and conferences that talk about becoming wealthy. You would also want to surround yourself with other people who are currently providing clean water to people in Africa to best prepare yourself for the future you envision.

Be mindful

The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. Matthew 6:22-23

Be mindful what you allow enter your eyes and ears on a daily basis because it shapes who you become over time. If you are constantly exposing yourself to horror films and 24/7 news, the result will be a mind and body full of fear and doubt. On the other hand, if you expose yourself to things that involve love, kindness, and generosity, then your life will reflect those aspects.

Bottom line is, what you focus on, expands. Whatever you want to attract into your life, focus will bring it to you whether your desire is positive or negative. Do you want more peace in your life? Focus on the type of peace you want and also find ways to demonstrate that peace to others. Do you want more money? Focus on why you want it and on what you will do with it once you have more.

For me, my focus is on providing an incredible life for my family, as well as pouring into others financially, giving them options and opportunities to live a purpose-driven life. I want to be abundant in resources so that I can give whenever I want, as much as I want, to whomever I want in the moment. What is your focus area or areas at this point in your life? Perhaps it's getting through school, running a marathon, or giving to your favorite charity. Whatever it is, give it your all, you won't regret it.

Stay Fit – Mind and Body

Thank you for reading.

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