20.14 AEST The Park Hyatt Sydney, Australia



Ah, Sydney. The so-called Emerald City

Pasca percakapannya dengan ayah Hyuck 2 hari lalu melalui telfon, dengan Heechul yang bersikukuh untuk membayar tiket pesawat Mark, dan Mark yang memilih untuk tidak menerima sifat dermawan dari ekhm calon mertua, karena takut takut akan di cap 'matre', they end up settling with Mark paying for his own plane tickets, while Heechul insists on paying for his accomodation.

Jadi, sekarang.. Mark found himself in one of the best hotel in Sydney, with the best view.

Nikmatnya dunia bila punya papi gula. Bercanda.

Tapi tampaknya ketakutan Mark tidak bercanda, karena kini ia sedang menatap layar ponsel miliknya, belum berani untuk memencet tombol send untuk mengabarkan Hyuck bahwa ia ada di Sydney.

So what did Mark do? He chickened out. And choose to take a walk around the area.

Tenggelam dalam pikirannya sepanjang perjalanan lift dari floor kamarnya hingga lobi hotel, membuat Mark berulang kali memutar pertanyaan yang sama di otaknya.

'What if Hyuck got upset?', batin Mark.

Jujur, ketakutannya yang utama bukanlah bilamana ia membuat Hyuck marah dan memaki dirinya sebagai tidak tahu diri, After all, He has been called worse by the man anyway.

Mark lebih takut akan fakta bahwa 'healing time' Hyuck akan terganggu, and he'll end up feeling worse than he did, before he came to Sydney.

Lamunan Mark terhenti ketika ponselnya bergetar menandakan terdapat sebuah panggilan masuk.


Fuck fuck fuck what should i do, kutuk Mark dalam hati. Tapi mengingat fakta bahwa ia pun rindu mendengar suara sang penelfon. Mark memilih untuk mengangkat panggilan.

H: Dimana?

M; Dimana apa?

H: Lo dimana?

Mark dilema harus menjawab apa, Should he lie? or should he not? But it's Hyuck we're talking about.

Mark terdiam selama berapa sekian detik, memikirkan respon selanjutnya.

M: Dimana dirimu berada, disitu aku ada

Jawab Mark dengan nada sedikit gugup.

Fak. Dangdut banget. Saya gak sanggup.

H: Fuck, How do you know that i'm here?

M: Pardon?

H: Harusnya surprise soalnya gue kira lo gatau but now that you already know, i suppose... liat kiri?

And there it is, the man that he loves. Sitting on a couch in the lobby, waving at him. Looking gorgeous, as always.


Hyuck bangkit dari duduknya dan berjalan ke arah Mark yang masih membatu dengan tampang cengo.

“Udah makan? Jalan yuk. Welcome to Sydney” sapa Hyuck sembari tersenyum lebar.

Mark hanya berkedip, nyaris tidak percaya bahwa Hyuck ada di hadapannya.

Mark hadn't realize how much better Hyuck looks in real life compared to his pictures, until now.

Ya, biasa. Selama Hyuck hilang entah kemana, kerjaan Mark hanya menyetel If you let me oleh Sinead Harnett sambil menatap profil foto twitter pengabdiburjo.

Jangan dibilang sadboy, because the lyrics are somewhat true though.

I'll love you like i never ever love somebody. I'll give you things you didn't even know you wanted. Don't tell me that it's not enough, my time is up, you're over us.

But that's where you're wrong Mark, Hyuck was not leaving to get over what you and him have.

He left because he want to start something new with you, and in order for him to do that.... he has to close the chapter before, correct?

So Hyuck did close the chapter, in the place where it all started. Sydney.

Because i think i might do, anything for you. If you just let me.

Begitu liriknya, Akan tetapi bagi Mark dan Hyuck, tampaknya lirik tersebut tidak akan berlaku.

Kenapa? Karena, dengan dibuka nya chapter baru.

Pun kalian berharap keduanya tidak melakukan segala sesuatu untuk satu sama lain bukan?

That's pure slavery.

Meskipun, Budak Cinta secara harafiah memang artinya Love Slave.

What we want them to do, is to start anew. To do the stuff they never get to do.

Not for each other. But for themselves.

I never like the idea of a relationship, where both people complete each other.

Your relationship is not meant to complete you. The only person responsible for your quest for wholeness is yourself.

As soon as you realize that it’s ultimately your responsibility to achieve wholeness, then things will be far far less complicated.

Melihat Mark dan Donghyuck, dimana keduanya sudah paham akan hal itu. Aku rasa, ini sudah cukup aman untuk berkata bahwa saat ini,

Terdapat 2 sejoli di Sydney, yang hobi mencari validasi, dan sering membuat asumsi sendiri. Hingga menimbulkan miskonsepsi.

Meskipun kisah mereka diawali saling membenci, Untuk kali ini, Biarlah mereka menikmati Sydney pada malam hari.

2 complete beings, That is full of feelings.

Perfectly imperfect, Yet perfect for each other.

“Dear God, how have i missed you” said Mark.

