πŸ—ΊοΈ Situationist 🌞 Summer 🌞 Mega-Game β™ŸοΈ Report 11: Triple Turn Report!

Welcome back to the report on the game of war. This is where I chronicle the happenings each week of the Situationist Summer Mega-Game, the game of war.

We're getting into Autumn soon, so maybe the game will need to change names. But for this week, we're still feeling the heat! And quite a lot of heat to get through..

This week we are digesting turns 9, 10 and 11 together! Extremely eventful, we have 3 arsenal destructions and a lot of fighting.

And as ever you can check out the board here to see the current state of the war!

Turn 9

The order of play for turn 9 was

  1. Rabble
  2. Umbrella Corps
  3. Ragnar
  4. House of Haltwhistle
  5. Eyeballs
  6. Michiel de Ruyter
  7. Southern Snowcones
  8. Count Guibert

The Eyeballs destroyed one of the Southern Snowcones arsenals.

brown soldiers The Eyeball soldiers on the attack

The Snowcones didn't submit a move, as their leader committed piss-icide. An honourable tradition amongst the Southern Snowcones. His bladder exploded and took out the rest of the leaders of the Southern Snowcones.

piss-icide Horrifying yellow explosion was seen and heard for miles

But who knows if it's the last we'll see of His Pissfulness? They say that which pisses eternal may not forever lie...a haunting odour lingers in the nose for quite some time...

Turn 10

The order of play was:

House of Haltwhistle Southern Snowcones Michiel de Ruyter Umbrellas Rabble Count guibert Eyeballs Ragnar

House of Haltwhistle continued their mopping up operation, killing another unlucky Eyeball infantryman.

The rest of the factions used the turn to get into position for a very dramatic next turn...

Turn 11

The order of play was:

Michiel de Ruyter House of Haltwhistle Rabble Southern Snowcones Eyeballs Count guibert Umbrellas Ragnar

Count Guibert lost an arsenal to Ragnar's lonely solider, who'd been making his way over to the undefended zone for most of the game thus far. And now that he's made it, what next? He has time to ponder for sure. Is a goal achieved a purpose undone?

green viking tent A solitary viking arrives at the arsenal tent

The Southern Snowcones lost their second arsenal to the ruthless efficiency of the Umbrella Corps, meaning their troops are going to start drifting away from next turn. Luckily they are still supplied by the House of Haltwhistle so if the Piss Lord ever returns, he still has a chance to wreak his smelly revenge.

umbrella corps A member of the Umbrella Corps executive team concludes the disassembly of the arsenal

House of Haltwhistle won the dice roll and attacked the Eyeballs cavalry before it could attack them.

Michiel de Ruyter continues his harrying of the Rabble.

This is the first week that EVERY PLAYER was involved in some form of combat! As warmaster I couldn't be more pleased! So I'm giving every player the following medal:

good job killing each other Nice job on killing each other guys

Next turn as normal, then a short break

Turn 12 deadline is this Sunday, 10th September.

After the end of the turn this week there'll be a week off. The war master is going to Marrakesh to learn of new techniques of combat. So you have a week to contemplate your strategies, maybe rethink which alliances have been most fruitful so far, and which you can dispense with for good. Communiques will still be forwarded during the break.

Turn 13 deadline is 24th September.

Good luck!