🗺️ Situationist 🌞 Summer 🌞 Mega-Game ♟️ Report 6: Full House

Welcome back to the report on the game of war. This is where I chronicle the happenings each week of the Situationist Summer Mega-Game, the game of war.

As ever you can check out the board here to see the current state of play.

It's been a banner week, with 2 new players, an arsenal destruction and some very exciting TECHNICAL UPDATES!!!

Board Not Bored

I've made some updates to the board so that it runs more quickly when switching player and moving units. This should make it easier to run through scenarios and just generally more pleasant to devise strategies on and interact with.

I've also added attack and move records to the map when it loads, so you can see where the pieces this turn have moved from. You may notice that you can't see Count Guibert's move and attack though, because the board starts with it as his turn and the turn erases the move records.

I have an idea for how to rectify this but it probably won't happen before the end of this turn.

Leaderless No Longer!

In the top half of the board, the Umbrella Corps has finalised a hostile takeover of what was once the orange faction. Rebranded using the official red corporate identity, an Umbrella Corps spokesperson commented that the company is “excited about the opportunities available on the board at this time and are satisfied that our upcoming operations fully exploit the aforementioned opportunities”.

Meanwhile in the bottom half of the board, Dutch naval hero Michiel de Ruyter has been anointed the champion of the leaderless faction, and adopted his national colours as better to rally the troops at his command. Michiel says that he is “honoured to accept the responsibility of command, and looks forward to meeting the other esteemed players, whether in friendship or in combat”. Very classy.

Gotta put the turn order somewhere

Here's what the turn order was:

Michiel de Ruyter Ragnar the Fearless The Rabble The Eyeballs Southern Snowcones House of Haltwhistle Umbrella Corps Count Guibert

Action Action Action

The Guibert-Snowcone alliance clashes with the Ragnar-Umbrella axis. Ragnar gets his revenge on the Snowcones by killing a swift artillery unit in exchange for his infantry last turn.

Count Guibert has taken the first arsenal of the game and therefore it is with great pride I award the good Count the Shareholders Cross, as I imagine a lot of the Umbrella Corps shareholders are now pretty cross indeed. Congratulations Guibert!

cross image

Even in a war of Manoeuvre, you eventually have to attack

The bottom half of the board continues to move troops around, making a very nice picture but not a great deal of action is forthcoming. It looks like the Rabble and House of Haltwhistle are coordinating...something, but it's hard to really see what the idea is.

I mean the eyeballs have even gotten so bored they're going north, probably to get something better to look at.

Please kill each other more!

Next turn: Turn 5 deadline is 23rd July

I am on the edge of my seat about what's going on in the top right of the board. I know what my next move would be if I was the Southern Snowcones. But will the gods of war favour us with another arsenal destruction? Only time will tell.

See you next week!