πŸ—ΊοΈ Situationist 🌞 Summer 🌞 Mega-Game β™ŸοΈ Report 8: Blood in the South

Welcome back to the report on the game of war. This is where I chronicle the happenings each week of the Situationist Summer Mega-Game, the game of war.

This week was ruled by the die! And oh how people died...

And as ever you can check out the board here to see the current state of play.

Technical update

The supply line checkboxes are now saved across refreshes of the map. This should save a bit of time if you have a favourite state of checking. This was a request that came from a player, proving the benevolence and wisdom of the moderator.

Feel free to make your own such requests!

From the die to the dying

The turn order was:

Michiel de Ruyter The Rabble Southern Snowcones Umbrella Corps Count Guibert The Eyeballs House of Haltwhistle Ragnar the Fearless

This turned out to favour Michiel de Ruyter, in the orange, and the Southern Snowcones in the yellow. The battle favoured them in their attacks.

De Ruyter thrust into the Rabble's flank as they turned to take a more defensive position, killing one of the Rabble's cavalry.

Michiel attacking The disciplined cavalry of the Orange take advantage of their initiative to strike at the Rabble

Michiel de Ruyter had this to say β€œI want the board to know that there were multiple moves the Rabble could have done to not only counter my attack, but to kill one of my units instead.

Instead they chose retreat, and that is what will lose them their arsenal.”

The Rabble have been approached for comment.

Meanwhile, the Southern Snowcones's valiant knights of piss took another opportunity to charge at Ragnar's infantry, sending another brave soul to the halls of the fathers.

Southern snowcones attacking The Knights of Piss drench another day

The Southern Snowcones said β€œpiece of piss”.

Ragnar the Fearless has been approached for comment.

The rest of the board

The Eyeballs are closing in on the Southern Snowcones easterly frontier. We could have another arsenal lost from the board very soon. The Eyeballs see all!

Count Guibert and the Umbrella Corps are jostling for position in the narrow pass between mountains. I'm sure their troops are making careful note of the relative positions.

Next turn deadline: 8pm Sunday 6th August

Get those moves in!