🗺️ Situationist ❄️Winter ❄️Mega-Game ♟️ Report 19: Rise of the Optimistic Nihilists

Welcome back to the Situationist Winter Mega-Game of War!

As ever, check out the board here then enjoy the rest of the report.

Turn Order, Turn Order, Turn Order, it's all you people care about

First up, the turn order. For the winter season (i.e. the next 12 turns), i'll be randomly generating a turn order, and then the next week we'll play the reverse of that. So here's the turn that we just played:

Turn Order for Turn 25

Eyeballs House of Haltwhistle Umbrella Corps Ragnar Southern Snowcones Michiel Rabble Guibert

And here's the turn you're about to play:

Turn Order for Turn 26

Guibert Rabble Michiel Optimistic Nihilists Ragnar Umbrella Corps House of Haltwhistle Eyeballs

Now, you might notice a new faction name in that turn order, which brings me to the next piece of news.

The Return Of The Yellows

The yellow army, once scattered by the loss of its base, has risen again under a new leader, with a new outlook on life that most befits a world at war.

rising from dirt The Optimistic Nihilists Rising From The Dirt

The ONs have built a makeshift city atop a mountain in the South and put out a call to all ex-yellow troops that previously melted away in the absence of their leader and arsenals.

They will start marching from their city next turn. Some say they have already started marching and could be 4 squares from their city by now...

Watch out for General Winter

And a general warning that a winter campaign comes with its own set of hardships. Who can say where the cold North wind doth blow, leaving an icy trail impassable to any army, no matter their iron will?

Next turn deadline is 11th February!

See you there!