
Facebook Lead Generation Tactics That Actually Work

Being an online retailer, you probably rely on paid channels for advertising such as Facebook more than other channels such as organic search. With customer acquisition costs getting more and more expensive, you need to be able to get the highest quality leads at the lowest possible cost as quickly as possible. Facebook lead generation is a great tool to achieve just that with the caveat that you use it in the right way. Let us look at a few ways that it will benefit you.

Limited Time Offers

Facebook lead ads will help prospective customers enter your sales funnel from a further stage. To make it easier to understand, you can use lead ads to trigger a purchase form, just as well as a newsletter opt-in form. By adding a special offer and a persuasion trigger to your Facebook lead generation ads, you can greatly improve its effectiveness. Limited time offers to create a sense of urgency and nudges your customers to act fast before the offer expires. Instead of just collecting user data, you will be able to take the direct approach of lead generation and invite users to fill the instant form to become a customer.

Grow Your Newsletter List

Facebook lead ads are a great tool to grow your email list with highly relevant leads. The advantage of this tool is that it presents pre-populated instant forms which make it very easy for users to opt-in for your newsletter. Users can easily sign up for your newsletter with just a few clicks without having to leave the platform, and Facebook automatically sends you the new leads. While using Facebook lead generation to collect targeted leads, it is important that your ads have to be optimised for high conversions. These achieve the best results; you will have to create ads that resonate with your target audience and offer an incentive such as a discount code or host a competition with a giveaway.

Increase Event Registrations

You could conduct webinars, demos or online training sessions to address your customers’ potential pain points. Your Facebook lead generation ad should be designed to display a teaser with a practical solution so that the customer knows what he is signing up for. The contact form should be simple so that users can fill in forms with a few clicks. You could also incentivise early bird registrations to drive more users to register quickly.

Facebook lead ads are a great tool for you to capture high-quality leads using targeted messages. Use this properly, and you can grow your email list and acquire new customers regularly.

Harnessing the Power of Social Media for Generating Leads

Social media is fast becoming the top resource for many businesses who are seeking qualified leads. Many of us live online these days and post updates of what we do, what we plan to purchase and seek recommendations online for our daily lives. This has led to a concentrated effort by social media enterprises to zero in on and target sales by matching the customer requirements with the business offerings with extremely high accuracy. In this context, Facebook lead generation is the pioneer and perhaps the most powerful tool recommended for any business house.

Need for Lead Generation

In the early days, advertising could never be focused and was more of a hit and miss. You could publish an advertisement in a newspaper or on a TV channel, but there was no guarantee to understand its impact on potential customers. With the advent of social media, it has become much easier to target advertisements to reach potential customers who are actually searching for a particular product. With Facebook lead generation, business owners have complete control on reaching potential buyers and can grow their email list and reach more customers using the power of social media.

What is Facebook Lead Ads?

Facebook lead ads are the advertisements that appear in between posts in the news feed of Facebook. They contain an advertisement for a product or a service and a button you can click on. Depending on the usage, the button can either take you to a landing page or it triggers a pop up where the name and contact details are already filled out. The user only has to confirm that the information is right, and this gives Facebook permission to share the information with the company.

What Does Facebook Have to Offer?

Facebook has over 2.45 billion monthly active users and businesses have the opportunity to target all of these potential leads with targeted messages. Using Facebook lead generation, you can target specific kinds of the audience with more personalised messages. Since most users are signed into Facebook automatically through phones, tabs, laptops or desktops, Facebook can track their online behaviour and determine which ads should be presented in their news feed. To attract more customers, the content presented on Facebook ads should be unique and attractive, yet fun and engaging. Images can also be inserted into Facebook ads to draw customers to your business. In this era, Facebook lead generation is the wisest investment any business can make to be a cut above the rest.